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[1.3.0] Kerbalism v1.2.9


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Hey @ShotgunNinja, could you make Kerbalsim also be a affected by special relativity , which causes significant amount of time dilation if you speed up a vessel to any significant percentage of the speed of light.

Achieving this, is realy easy, All you have to do is calculate time dilation with the following formula: 1 /  relatvty.gif

For KSPI-E when RSS is not installed, I also lower the speed of light to 1/10 of it's true speed. This effectivly allows you to speed up to 99.9999999% of the speed of light. when using an Daedalus engine with a large amount of Helium3-Deteurium fusion fuel

You would only need to multiply the time dilation factor with Kerbalsim consumption processes to get the correct amount of consumption.

This is relevant because one of the reason you want to travel this fast is that tihe time for the crew processes much slower, making any resource cost, much lower



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44 minutes ago, ShotgunNinja said:

@FreeThinker I can do it, assuming that 'v' is in the game reference frame (whatever that is, the one that count mission time as seen from KSC). The only problem is that stock modules on loaded vessels will not be time-dilated (eg: solar panels). Will that be an acceptable limitation?

yes, v would the KSP vessel orbital speed

Massless resources like electric charge or Megajoules  emilted by any power source, are not a issue, only resources with mass, like food  and water should be affected. Radiator accumulation should be affected as well, as it will appears less of them will enter the space scaft. I intend to do the same thing for reactors, where the appear to produce the exact same amount of power,  but they consume less fuel due to time dilation. Of cource if the power would be transmited, it would be affect by relativity again.


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@FreeThinker Man, these are the ratios of time elapsed on vessel, versus time elapsed  in the observer frame of reference, for a buch of vessels running at usual speeds. :0.0:



I'm going to add time dilation as an option in settings, disabled by default for performance reasons. Also, speed of light can be configured there. Cheers :)

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New release 1.0.6. Have fun

  - a better temperature model
  - vessel info window can show solar, albedo and body flux
  - planner consider all resources from all supported modules
  - improved planner calculations for scrubbers & recyclers    
  - relativistic time dilation on resource consumption and production (disabled by default)
  - optimized raytracing
  - atmospheric decay of unloaded vessels can be disabled in settings
  - RTG output decay over time can be disabled in settings
  - scrubber module: waste to resource ratio can be configured
  - sensor module: more environment readings available
  - fix: greenhouse waste bonus calculation
  - fix: antenna throwing exceptions on active debris
  - fix: greenhouse natural lighting now consider atmospheric absorption
  - fix: exception when re-entering a debris from eva with vessel info opened

Temperature model
The new one model radiative cooling from celestial bodies (also know as Ongoing Longwave Radiation by some climatology hippies).
In addition, many errors in the previous one have been fixed, and now it should be more physically correct.
Changes for existing vessels are not major, most of the differences are on the surface of atmosphere-less bodies.

Improved planner
The planner now consider every resource from all supported modules. This mean that if you are using one of the stock modules
to implement some process related to a life-support resource, the planner now know about it and evaluate it for the lifetime estimates.
Finally, the scrubber and recycler simulation in the planner is now just as bad ass (tm) as the new resource system recently introduced.

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Can the RTG Decay be auto-disabled if JDimineshingRTGs is found? Also what impact does time dilation have on performance?  


Also, suggestion!: Maybe if time dilation starts reaching noticable levels,, your ship starts getting some sort of FX. Maybe aerodynamic FX with a dark blue-ish color? (I know this is likely possible, KerbQuake actually detects reentry using the aerodynamic fx color)

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Would it be possible for Kerbals to fall in hibernation/sleep instead of dying when supplies run out? That way they would be unable to work but once fresh supplies arrive they could wake up, pop soda and go on with their tasks.

Kind of like Tardigrades!


Tardigrades are notable for being perhaps the most durable of known organisms: they can survive extreme conditions that would be rapidly fatal to nearly all other known life forms. They can withstand temperature ranges from 1 K (−458 °F; −272 °C) (close to absolute zero) to about 420 K (300 °F; 150 °C), pressures about six times greater than those found in the deepest ocean trenches, ionizing radiation at doses hundreds of times higher than the lethal dose for a human, and the vacuum of outer space. They can go without food or water for more than 30 years, drying out to the point where they are 3% or less water, only to rehydrate, forage, and reproduce.

I'd love to have life support included in the game to justify repeated flights to station(s) but having crews die is bit harsh IMO.

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8 hours ago, ShotgunNinja said:


 - RTG output decay over time can be disabled in settings


Excuse me, but how does this RTG output work? I searched this topic about it but couldn't find it...

Does it make JDimineshingRTG unnecessary? Does it affect any RTG or just stock's?

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@New Horizons The ManufacturingQuality is a a value that progress gradually with technology. Then every time you launch a vessel each part get the quality at time of launch. This in turn influence the malfunction rate. You can find more about this here.


@N70 Mmm it is an interesting idea (in the sense that could be possible). But really this time dilation business is more the realm of KSPI-E, I'm just providing the effect on resources.


@ImmaStegosaurus! Space is hard and death is just waiting, ready to strike at the next mistake. Or alternatively your mind break down, putting you on a path for a slower but richer pain. But tardigrades are cool I agree.


@jlcarneiro That option was meant to disable the background simulation of decaying RTG (the module is called "ModuleRadioisotopeGenerator", is provided by Near Future Solar if I remember correctly). Honestly, now that I think of this, it make absolutely no sense: if the user don't want decaying RTG it just don't install the decaying RTG mod in the first place. I'm going to remove it in next version.


@tjt Thanks :) This mod work with CTT (the greenhouse is moved to an appropriate tech but that's it for now, contributions in that regard are welcomed). Also, ETT provide some support itself by rearranging all the parts. Other tech tree mods I don't know, its possible some of them support this mod explicitly.



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37 minutes ago, ShotgunNinja said:


@tjt Thanks :) This mod work with CTT (the greenhouse is moved to an appropriate tech but that's it for now, contributions in that regard are welcomed). Also, ETT provide some support itself by rearranging all the parts. Other tech tree mods I don't know, its possible some of them support this mod explicitly.

cool. I believe that @Yemo is working on an update for SETICTT. It would be great if he could add Kerbalism support

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Looks like a game changer, gonna have to try this out on my career save!

Couple questions:

1. Are there any adverse effects to installing half way through a save (other than kerbals in existing craft dying from lack of life support)?

2. Does atmospheric oxygen drop off with regards to altitude? i use kerbinside contracts and I love flying kerbals between bases with passenger planes. Will my kerbals die if I fly high (yet still in atmo) without oxygen?

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@the_machemer 1) There is also the fact that probes you may have around weren't designed for background resource consumption/production in the first place, and that maybe have no antenna or are out of range. Other tham this, you should be good to go.

2) Yes, it does :) The atmosphere is considered breathable if it contain oxygen, and if the pressure is more than 25 kPA. On Kerbin this mean about 7km altitude if I remember correctly. So you need an oxygen supply if you flight above that height.

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9 hours ago, ShotgunNinja said:


@jlcarneiro That option was meant to disable the background simulation of decaying RTG (the module is called "ModuleRadioisotopeGenerator", is provided by Near Future Solar if I remember correctly). Honestly, now that I think of this, it make absolutely no sense: if the user don't want decaying RTG it just don't install the decaying RTG mod in the first place. I'm going to remove it in next version.


Sorry, let me see if now I got it: Kerbalism is NOT implementing RTG output decay rate, you just thought about disabling other mod's and after some thought conclude that you'd better stay out of it?

What a shame, I thought I would reduce one more mod in my count (I like JDiminishingRTG, but it seems forgotten)...

Edited by jlcarneiro
Better writing...
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@jlcarneiro I simulate the decaying RTG from NearFuture (that should be the same you mention) in background, because I need its output rate at all time. It was added in the early versions. Then, a week ago, a pull request was submitted that also included a flag in settings to disable the background simulation of this module. And I included it without much thinking, but now I'm removing that option from next version, because as mentioned before it doesn't make much sense. Sorry for the confusion.

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One question, Im having a problem with this mod, I just updated to 1.1.3 and got the newest version of this mod, and just opened it. it works fine except for one thing, it doesnt show anything about the signal, my probes have signal no matter where they are in the kerbal system even if out of range. The mods i have are Mechjeb, CRP, FMRS, and Stage Recovery.

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@astroadrian99 Please check this:

  • you have installed using CKAN, but you didn't install the Kerbalism-Profile package (and so the signal system was never enabled in the first place)
  • you have installed AntennaRange or RemoteTech (and so the signal system disabled itself automatically)
  • you have the Origami antenna part pack, that due to a mistake in its configuration files will trigger RemoteTech detection

If none of these apply in your case, please send me the log file (that is located in {your KSP folder}/KSP.txt), so that I can take a look.

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New release 1.0.7

  - improved planner and vessel info ui
  - removed the old parts that were disabled ages ago, can still be downloaded from here

The planner and vessel info ui got some love

Removed old parts that were disabled ages ago
If you have some old vessel around that was launched in the early versions, you can download the old parts here.

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3 hours ago, ShotgunNinja said:

@astroadrian99 Please check this:

  • you have installed using CKAN, but you didn't install the Kerbalism-Profile package (and so the signal system was never enabled in the first place)
  • you have installed AntennaRange or RemoteTech (and so the signal system disabled itself automatically)
  • you have the Origami antenna part pack, that due to a mistake in its configuration files will trigger RemoteTech detection

If none of these apply in your case, please send me the log file (that is located in {your KSP folder}/KSP.txt), so that I can take a look.

none of those apply to me. Ill dm it to you because im not sure how to send it as a link or something.

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There is keepfit mod, that makes kerbals die under heavy G load.

There is fitness meter, that decreases when kerbals are in low G environment making kerbals more vulnerable to G effects.

Can we actually have extra use of artificial gravity (centrifuge part, that provides entertainment)  by making this mod compatible with keepfit?

It would increase fitness level of kerbals.

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Help! Understand the issue of "real boring work", but I still have yet to resolve issues with oxygen/food - both seem to be missing completely Did a fresh KSP install with only mod being Kerbalism, Still no oxygen or food in sandbox. Latest Kerbalism and (I think) mod manager build. Other aspects appear to be working correctly (reliability, signal, environment, charge, quality and radiation do appear in the build tool). Parts show no food or oxygen (right click oxygen tank, food part or pod). What am I missing???



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