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[1.3.0] Kerbalism v1.2.9


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20 minutes ago, Andrea Galimberti said:

Is Kerbalism 1.2.7 bogus????

I just updated to version 1.2.7 and noticed the ISRU, treadmills and ECLSS controls disappeared from the context menu of the parts (the one you get by right-clicking on the part) both in flight and in the VAB.

Only the controls disappeared, because I noticed some ISRU processes are running. Other UI items, such as display of radiation belt, are perfectly working.

Do someone else have this problem? Or it's just my installation that isn't working?

Thank you for any help (*sigh*)

The update worked fine for me.  Are you using CKAN?  EDIT: Stop blaming CKAN, I used CKAN and it works.

Edited by lordcirth
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The problem is not CKAN nor Kerbalism: it's my customized profile (find it here, in folder "1.2.7"). I checked it with a new game using the default profile (working) and my profile (not working).

As you can see I'm updating my profile since version 1.2.0 and all versions was working well. From 1.2.6 to 1.2.7 the default profile changed only in some details, so I can't understand what went wrong :(.

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Which sections did you make changes to? I'll happily jump over it to see if I notice anything that could be causing your problem.


After looking at your profile, the only thing that sticks out to me is that you've used parentheses in your process titles. I'm not sure if that is the issue, but it may be worth looking into.

Edited by klugeh01
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So, I was expecting the radiation science part to give me a reading of the current radiation level like the stock barometer and temperature parts do. Is this just hidden or not implemented? having it as a value in the Part Access Window would be great

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Just now, klugeh01 said:

@Drew Kerman, can you clarify please? When I have the part on a craft the current radiation level is visible in the 'Environment' section of the GUI:

As I said, I was expecting a value like the stock temperature and barometer parts, as in a numerical one. If it is in the PAW I can use kOS to monitor my current rad levels and also graph it out in Graphotron

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1 hour ago, klugeh01 said:

@Drew Kerman, I don't know which version of Kerbalism that screenshot is from. Can you take a screenshot in LKO? Unfortunately I do not have access to my personal computer at the moment, or I would check myself.

Ok, so in LKO I get an actual reading. Took it down into the atmosphere a bit and got 0.001 rad/h so I guess when it gets below that it says "nominal" as in "inconsequential". Okay that makes sense.

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On 11/5/2017 at 11:49 PM, Andrea Galimberti said:

The problem is not CKAN nor Kerbalism: it's my customized profile (find it here, in folder "1.2.7"). I checked it with a new game using the default profile (working) and my profile (not working).

After loading the game using the default profile I restored back my customized profile and everything is fine.

EDIT: I managed to reproduce the problem. It happens that there are problems with the crew transfers: for unknown reason I'm not able to move a kerbonaut from one part of my space station to another and the transfer get stuck in the middle. When a transfer is in progress the Kerbalism items of the part context menu disappears. Usually the problem disappear when the transfer ends, but since the transfer is stuck I got the trouble.

Using ShipManifest I successfully moved people without problems. I don't have CLS installed.

Edited by Andrea Galimberti
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Quick note on some suggestions for the malfunctions system I saw earlier while scanning the thread:

I'm not a fan of adding more resources just so players have to remember something else before launching. If a "spare parts" resource could make unfixable failures fixable, that seems like a real feature!

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@Drew Kerman That is right, 'nominal' radiation just mean the value is below 0.001 rad/h.

@Andrea Galimberti I am not messing with crew transfer at all, it is unlikely to be caused by this mod. I would suggest to try reproduce the problem with a minimal set of mods.

@Deplaisant Yes RT is supported: the Signal system disable itself and the RT connected status is used instead. To show the radiation fields press 1-2-3-4 on the numeric keypad, or toggle the rendering in the window that pop out when you press B in map view or tracking station.

@MaxL_1023 Yes, the easiest way is to lower the field 'degeneration' inside the 'radiation' rule of the Default profile (or Classic, if you are using that one).

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A couple of questions radiation related.

1. Rather than making it it's own separate part, why not include the Geiger Counter as being built into command modules? Or at least into manned command modules, anything to help lower part count for manned vessels (Not to be dissing your job on the Geiger Counter model, it looks great, but sadly it ends up being larger than 2 Kerbals, and I've held a Geiger Counter before).

2. How come the Radiation Belts / Magnetospheres don't line up properly with the sun? Is it not possible to have them rotate to always face the sun? Or at least have them set to have a rotation counter-clockwise that matches the time it takes for the body to make one orbit around the sun so that their magnetosphere and radiation belts always face the correct way? It's a little silly seeing the tail of Kerbin's magnetosphere pointing straight at the sun at times lol.

Also @ShotgunNinja, I figured out what was the cause of my Solar Panel glitch, it wasn't incompatibility issues with MKS and Kerbalism, found out I had corrupt game files that failed Steam Verification, after reinstalling those files my solar panels went back to being normal (I remember seeing your posts in the MKS thread, figured you probably saw my messages in there asking about MKS and solar panels).

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@ShotgunNinja Try warping Kerbin 25% to 50% of its year, the Magnetosphere doesn't line up sometimes. I've had the magnetosphere point nearly 180° in the incorrect direction at times, and had the magnetosphere point at 90° off a few times.

Edit: I didn't think of it until now, but it might be more of an issue on my end with Kopernicus being installed, though I restarted my game with no planet or star system packs installed so I only have Stock KSP solar system right now whereas before I had Kerbal Star System installed before, I'll try messing with my game now that I don't have KSS installed and see if I'm getting the same magnetosphere alignment issue.


Also, my bad about the Geiger Counter, I thought it was bigger for some reason, I always placed it on sections of my craft not anywhere near command modules, for some reason it looked bigger to me than that, then again my judgement of size is horrible lol.

Edited by chaoseclipse01
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One thing I notice with the Geiger counter is that it clips too far into some parts - you end up not being able to see it at all in some positions. 

Besides that, I think I fixed my radiation issues - I increased the death threshold to 100 (with warnings at 25 and 50), plus I decreased degeneration and increased the efficiency of maximum shielding. I figure that if I am putting 2 or 3 tons of lead around my ships plus a magnetic field, my Kerbals shouldn't die of radiation poisoning.

Would it be possible to have different types of radiation, such as Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Solar Wind? Different types of shielding could then block different types of radiation, which have different abundances depending on where you are.

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43 minutes ago, MaxL_1023 said:

Would it be possible to have different types of radiation, such as Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Solar Wind? Different types of shielding could then block different types of radiation, which have different abundances depending on where you are.

It is planned. Radiative fluxes will be modeled quantized for electromagnetic bandwidth, and for plasma elements. There will be 2 or 3 types of shielding, each one with different effects on radiation. There may be secondaries or not, I haven't decided yet about that. The user will still see a simple metric for radiation level, but the underlying model will become a little more varied. The sun will emit plasma (aka: solar wind), and the emission will be anisotropic in space and time (aka: solar events). Emissions dangerous to living things are in italic.

  • electromagnetic emissions
    • radio (3Hz -> 3GHz)
    • microwave (3GHz -> 300GHz)
    • infrared (300GHz -> 430THz)
    • visible (30THz -> 750THz)
    • ultraviolet (750THz -> 30PHz)
    • xray (30PHz  -> 30EHz)
    • gamma (30EHz  -> 300EHz)
  • plasma emissions
    • electron (free electrons, aka: beta particles)
    • proton (hydrogen nuclei)
    • helium (helium nuclei, aka: alpha particles)
    • hze (high-z nuclei)
    • neutron (free neutrons)
  • shielding
    • low-z (eg: water)
    • high-z (eg: lead)
    • graded-z (see here)
52 minutes ago, chaoseclipse01 said:

Try warping Kerbin 25% to 50% of its year, the Magnetosphere doesn't line up sometimes. I've had the magnetosphere point nearly 180° in the incorrect direction at times, and had the magnetosphere point at 90° off a few times.

I just tried, there is nothing wrong.

Edited by ShotgunNinja
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That sounds good. Magnetic fields could then be optimized to block everything except neutrons, potentially even trapping plasma in a bubble to stop high-frequency photons (as plasma is somewhat opaque to these AFAIK). 

I would also like to see water and supplies potentially having some shielding effects, and possibly even a "storm shelter" part which mitigates the effects of radiation belts and solar storms (basically provides shielding over 90%) but is heavy and expensive. 

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2 hours ago, MaxL_1023 said:

One thing I notice with the Geiger counter is that it clips too far into some parts

that's what the part offset/orientation gizmos are for. Some parts have a collider mesh larger than the part geometry (the stock FL-T fuel tanks are an example) so you just have to accept there will be some positional tweaking needing on some occasions, it's not really anything wrong with the parts themselves

Edited by Drew Kerman
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27 minutes ago, MaxL_1023 said:

That sounds good. Magnetic fields could then be optimized to block everything except neutrons, potentially even trapping plasma in a bubble to stop high-frequency photons (as plasma is somewhat opaque to these AFAIK). 

Magnetospheres (and the active shield) will block plasma elements to various degrees, but will not block photons at all. Radiation belts will represent the trapped particles population, with values inspired by reality (after some semplification, and some serious assumptions for bodies others than earth/kerbin). In general, radiation fields act as a 'zones in which there is a certain flux', even a negative one. Similar to how it is now, except that it will be differentiated by the aforementioned EM bandwidths and plasma element types.

There is no implicit modeling of photon->plasma interactions, but you will be able to hard-code explicit ones in the flux values if you like.


51 minutes ago, MaxL_1023 said:

I would also like to see water and supplies potentially having some shielding effects, and possibly even a "storm shelter" part which mitigates the effects of radiation belts and solar storms (basically provides shielding over 90%) but is heavy and expensive.

You devise your own 'storm shelters', it is already possible. Just set shielding to an high amount in some part that you want to use as shelter. Better choose a cramped part to minimize shielding mass required. When the solar event start, transfer the crew inside your shelter and disable all other habitats. Then after the solar event re-enable the other habitats.

Right now it is impossible to shield completely (at least using the default settings). That was always meant to represent secondaries. The objective down the line is to implement these directly instead.

I considered having arbitrary resources (eg: fuel, water, the internal atmosphere, etc.) interact simply with radiation by shielding incoming flux (and emitting secondaries). Without regards to position in the vessel, just absorbing/generating radiation based on the amount of that resource. I think that's a nice idea, worth exploring, but right now this part of the design is still in flux.

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I installed this (1.2.2), and none of the new parts show up in my parts list. Am I doing it wrong? This is a clean install of 1.2.2.

They show up in the research window, when I research the tech that gives them, but then I can't put them on any ship. 

Edited by RocketBlam
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