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Demum Perveniemus - A stock career report webcomic (Chapter 15!)


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Demum Perveniemus - "We'll get there eventually!"


A KSP mission report webcomic

While I'm currently writing and enjoying another fanfic comic called Plan Kappa, that project has grown beyond it's original scope, gradually becoming more story than gameplay report. This comic is an atempt to go back to basics, by doing a career report in webcomic format. Plan Kappa will continue in parallel on its own thread, and here I'll report on an entirely new savegame.

Demus Parveniemus will be a completely stock career game, played on normal difficulty, but with crew respan disabled and entry purchase required on research.



1. Week 1: The Space Report

2. Week 2: Jebediah's Rival

3. Week 3: Six days in space

4. Week 4: Frontier Station

5. Week 5-6: A Shuttle Setback

6. Week 7-11: Minmus Orbit

7. Weeks 12-13: Two steps forward, one step back

8. Week 14: The Mun Landing

9. Weeks 15-17: The Alpha Planes

10. Weeks 18-26: The Great Failure

11. Weeks 27-34: Unkerballed

12. Weeks 35-40: A home away from home

13. Week 41: Surveying Minmus

14: Week 42-45: The Collector

15. Week 46-56: The Science Must Flow


Read the first chapter here:












Edited by Parkaboy
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G'job man! I got a suggestion for the story.

Why don't you take snippets of the launches and stuff and turn it into GIFs for quick highlight viewing?

Maybe I can make a payload for you, and include it as a commercial payload? Like a tiny cube sat or something with a couple experiments and an antenna? I can just go make it a bit later and call it Neutrino.

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On 4/20/2016 at 1:10 AM, max_creative said:

Will you do a Dres mission? Pleeeeeeeeease? For all the Dres lovers out there? Maybe? You should have seen this coming 138 km away (equatorial radius of Dres)

Perhaps you should do the Dres mission you seem to want everyone else to do.

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On 20/04/2016 at 0:14 AM, Kerbiter said:

G'job man! I got a suggestion for the story.

Why don't you take snippets of the launches and stuff and turn it into GIFs for quick highlight viewing?

Maybe I can make a payload for you, and include it as a commercial payload? Like a tiny cube sat or something with a couple experiments and an antenna? I can just go make it a bit later and call it Neutrino.

The Gif idea is nice, maybe I'll give it a try. As for the cubesat, I'd rather not. I want this savegame to feel like a pure stock career play, so I'm sticking with doing the contracts offered!

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16 hours ago, max_creative said:

I am, I only have to get 15 more ships in orbit! And replace the other 5 with new ones!

i don't want to get off topic, but currently as of now, I haven't seen any proof or documentation of your mission. Your statement is null. sorry.

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17 hours ago, Parkaboy said:

The Gif idea is nice, maybe I'll give it a try. As for the cubesat, I'd rather not. I want this savegame to feel like a pure stock career play, so I'm sticking with doing the contracts offered!

At least you like the gif idea. I saw @CatastrophicFailure do it.

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On April 20, 2016 at 8:14 PM, Kerbiter said:

Maybe I can make a payload for you, and include it as a commercial payload? Like a tiny cube sat or something with a couple experiments and an antenna? I can just go make it a bit later and call it Neutrino.

I could make a small STOCK payload too. I never play mods. Something? Pleeeeeeeeease?

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