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Mother Development Thread

Bonus Eventus

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Was having some trouble importing the animation initially, apparently this was do to the use of directional constraints on many of the mesh items. I learned that Unity's default keyframe reduction can reduce the accuracy of directional constraints causing the meshes to be out of alignment. Normally this isn't a big deal, because you can just turn keyframe reduction off. In my case this wasn't an option do to the fact that I have about 50 or so constraints animating many different animation channels. My solution was to lower the accuracy threshold to 0. The this keeps a lot of the keyframes but still removes a ton of needless keyframes that result from baking the animation in Modo. Thankfully the animation seems to play really well in ksp.

This actually took me quite a while to figure out, since I had been convinced the problems with the animation were do to the Modo FBX exporter. Anyways the hard part is over. 

I need to add some code to ModuleCentrifuge to add rotation to the counter torque rings. I also want to add a custom ksp field for deploy animation speed so I can fine-tune animation playback. 

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I started working on the IVA for the centrifuge today. Originally I had thought that the hull should be as compact as possible, because I wanted it to fit into a 6M formfactor when retracted. I also thought that a smaller form factor made sense since I imagined crew would mostly sleep and exercise here. However, I didn't consider the fact that the crew won't be flying around, they'll be walking. So, the width of the floor matters, and since the profile of the hull is circular that doesn't leave much room for a foot path. I tested scaling up the external model 150%. It seems to hold up pretty well. I'll have to make some additional texture adjustments for the hatches, because the scale is way off, but other than that it looks ok. The final is still compact enough to fit into a 10m fairing, which I was planning to make anyways. The diameter of the centrifuge is now almost 50M and just barely fits in the vab when deployed, haha.  In the end this will make for a much cooler IVA. The part is pretty expensive to render, being that the exterior is over 25000 tris and the animation is pretty complex having about 70 bones for the hull. Because it's so expensive, I want to pack in more utility than I was originally planning.  I'm thinking that I should have different facilities/modules for the hull, like an exercise room, sleeping quarters, bathrooms, storage, labs, a galley, a lounge, etc. Please let me know if you think I'm missing anything.

I like making IVAs, so I'm really looking forward to making an awesome interior the centrifuge.


Some references:





Edited by Bonus Eventus
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Mother is a mod I desperately want because it saves me a lot of mods and parts. Mother has the same great parts NFT has, but with the ability to tweak [I assume] it's also larger, I also see Mother will have parts similar to CxAerospace and SXT, SXT Duna habitat is similar to the habitat Mother has. Mother has centrifuge parts similar to SSTU labs and the Dragon in the space x packs. That means Mother alone has similar parts to all the parts in NFT, CxAerospace, and SXT and SSTU labs. Mother is one mod with the parts of 12 separate mods. That's why I get excited as I see the development of Mother and I check this forum everyday, I just press f and the link to this page appears. This mod will save me a lot of parts and mods and get the experience I want, so I'm looking forward to it and I'm excited for it and praise the mod maker who is developing this revolutionary mod

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