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SUGGESTION: SQUAD pls stop releasing buggy builds!

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  On 4/24/2016 at 2:51 PM, Brainlord Mesomorph said:


@Kerbart What page is that?? The one I find has guys asking for a 1.1 upgrade,


The issue is that the method for placing buttons has changed (I think). Somebody forked an updated version that fixed it and posted a link in the release thread. Once TriggerAu has recovered from the gruesome release grind I'm sure he'll post the official update but for now this one will do. (Protip: "follow" the release thread of your essential mods. I don't think it gets more essential than KAC).

As for the buggy release: I'm pretty sure most of the community was dying for it (given the fact that Unity 5 offers a 64 bit Windows client) so the pressure to release ASAP (especially since the original unofficial aim, if I'm correct, was around Christmas) was there. There are annoying bugs, but no release is ever bug-free and releasing it early has the advantage that it will uncover more bugs very quickly (as opposed to the structured QA testing that doesn't test "weird stuff" we do in the game)

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I kind of agree with this.  I would have waited for 1.1, but the constant crash to desktop just from clicking things in the editor is simply inexcusable for a released product.

I definitely see a performance improvement, when it works, but the game is unplayable when you can't finish building a ship without it crashing at least twice.

Edited by Alshain
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I agree. The mantra 'It's ready when it's ready' makes you sound like a petulant child when you just get caught up in the hype yourself. v1.1.0 is a disaster. Take the time to do it properly.

Edited by surge
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Ill be honest and i do agree with teh OP, but im just never touching 1.0.5 since the performance boosts are so high (at least for me and my fleet scale battles) that i cannot touch any older version bugs or not.

Luckily most of the really nasty bugs relate to suspensions, so if you stick to space its not too bad.  Luckily im currently working on capital ships, so i guess the really nasty bugs dont affect me (just a few minor broken shaders like transparent flags ect which i cant really complain abotu as they dont affect gameplay).


That said, i dont quite understand why out of teh blue they released 1.1?  There must have been some sort of internal deadline because there are too many unsolved bugs still in the game, and waiting ages to get them fixed isnt my idea of fun.  I think at least 1 more week of prerelease testing would have been a better choice as then at least a few more of the really annoying things would have been fixed...

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1.0.5 was when they started this silly endeavour. It has so many gamebreaking bugs that I continued my career on 1.0.4 until 1.1.

No, I don't care about new fancy parts. And now this...

Can you imagine how many newcomers from the consoles who are going to just look at this release and decide 'well, that was a waste of money', and go buy the latest version of halo 12 or whatever?!

Edited by surge
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Angry ranting threads like this are not helpful. Every release is going to have some problems, and for each person complaining that it was released too soon, there's another person complaining that it was delayed too long. Please give specific feedback which can help fix the bugs, but insulting the devs and each other doesn't help anyone. 

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