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[1.12.3] KISS - Kerbal Improved Save System


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Hello @Seik,

Well to check if KISS was installed properly, look into the GameData directory inside your KSP directory. There should be a "KerbalImprovedSaveSystem" directory.

Inside are an "icons" and a "Plugins" directory. The "icons" directoryonly contains a small png file for the settings button image.
The Plugins directory contains the main .dll file (should be Version

Once KISS has run for the first time, there should be a "PluginData" directory next to the .dll, which contains another "KerbalImprovedSaveSystem" directory with the "config.xml". (reminds me to figure out how to fix that unnecessary nested directory...)

Here is how this should look like:

│       settings.png
    │   KerbalImprovedSaveSystem.dll

If there is no "PluginData" directory and no config.xml, then KISS has never been able to run and possibly wasn't installed correctly.

Edited by Aerospike
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Thanks for the informations.

│       settings.png
    │   KerbalImprovedSaveSystem.dll

Installing KISS with ckan I've get this two directories, but (after playing the game) there is NO "PluginData" directory.

Edited by Seik
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Hmm, that is strange, you are the first to report such a problem. What operating system are you using?

Unfortunately the current version does not write anything into the Log until you first open the main window - which is what isn't working for you.

I have to create a Version that does more logging to find out if there is some issue that I can address.

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OS: Win10, 64bit

Okay, it's getting weird:
Launched KSP in 32bit mode and now I've the missed directories


but there is no config.xml file.

I'll will do a KSP-fresh installation after my current game is "finished", do not put too much work into my issue. Maybe it's a problem with some other mods.

Edited by Seik
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  • 1 month later...

Hello, @justjr

I have not had time to play KSP in the last few weeks, yet alone to work on the plug-in.


However since there is now more than one person with that issue I'll try to find some time to locate the cause and fix it.

First I'll create a new version of KISS that does more logging so we can locate the problem.

I hope to have that done within a week.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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  On 2/28/2017 at 11:51 AM, Aerospike said:

Hello, @justjr

I have not had time to play KSP in the last few weeks, yet alone to work on the plug-in.


However since there is now more than one person with that issue I'll try to find some time to locate the cause and fix it.

First I'll create a new version of KISS that does more logging so we can locate the problem.

I hope to have that done within a week.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hey man, I think the mod windows only pop-up when you press F8 in flight, is that intended?
Take your time, and many thanks.

edit:  Only now pay'd attention on that part of the description... appears to work as intended, but the name of the mod got me thinking it would replace entire save system.

Edited by justjr
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I'm glad that your problem solved itself so easily :)

Making KISS also available while at the KSC is on the top of my TODO list for the plugin (See planned features :wink:).

Squad made it actually easier to have a mod that is active while in flight AND at the KSC with one of the last updates (I think it was 1.2.2.), but I just haven't had the time to make the necessary changes.

I guess it is time to make sure that the next version of KISS will be available while at the KSC!

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow while i appreciate every effort for this mod... i'm trying to load my save with the system which i've used for over a month and it says (filename blabla) does not exist... wow that's <screwed> me over.

a way to kick me when i'm down is to attempt to load the previous save, before i even started my mission to have that file also say the file does not esist! so i'm left way back! to a point where i was trying to land a ship on tylo which took over 10-12 attempts to get right! i don't wanna have to do that <frustrating stuff> again! can you not understand my frustration? i'm screwed. is there a fix for this?


Edited by Red Iron Crown
Keep the language in check here, please.
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I understand your frustration, but I do not know how KISS is supposed to cause your problem?

  • What version of KISS are you using?
  • What version of KSP are you using?
  • What operating system do you use?
  • Does the KISS dialog show your savegame?
  • Does the KSP load game dialog show your savegame?
  • Does the file exist physically on your harddrive?
  • Can you open the file with a text editor?


I have never had KISS corrupt any savegame in all my testing so far and nobody else has reported such a thing yet.

I use KISS myself in my own career game (which is terribly neglected :( btw ) and never had any issues.

Edited by Aerospike
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  • 5 months later...


I really like this mod but for about the 4th out of the past 6 game sessions I have played I set a good save point then a good save point 2 then  I forget to save for an hour and mess up.  When I go back to load my good save 2 I get an error and it says the saved game file does not exist.  I then go back to my known good start and find that file also does not exist.  I had to go back to a save a few times now which was saved through using the "ESC" key.

I am not sure if it is this mod or not.  For saving mods, I am using the Dated Quick Saves mod and this mod.  Updated through CKAN.  I like the mod but I have lost hours of play time.

If I can see the games saved I am not sure why the game can't see the saved game.

Edit, I looked to see if I could answer your questions from the last person:

  • What version of KISS are you using? - Answer V 2.2.0
  • What version of KSP are you using? - Answer I think the latest version.  V1.3.0
  • What operating system do you use? - Answer Win 10 64bit
  • Does the KISS dialog show your savegame? - Answer Yes
  • Does the KSP load game dialog show your savegame? - Answer Yes
  • Does the file exist physically on your harddrive? - Answer Yes
  • Can you open the file with a text editor? - Yes, I opened it with Notepad ++


Just an fyi.  

Thank you,

- Craig

Edited by Craig D
Answer some questions from earlier post he had for a different person.
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@Craig D

I'm sorry to hear about your issues and want to apologize for my late response. Life has kept me too busy lately.

I hope to have time to look at the issue next week. However I guess this will be a tough one one to replicate/fix.

What you have to know is that KISS does not create or modify any savegames by itself. If you remove all the code for the user interface, KISS simply does 2 things:

1)pause the game .

2)call the stock save function.

For that reason, I have currently no clue what might cause the problem some of you guys are experiencing. :(

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Hello Aerospike,

Not a problem.  It has been over 15 years since I have done any coding but yeah, I agree with you.

One thing I did notice was I did a couple of hundred saves with your mod and had no problem.  I only recently added a mod called TooManyOrbits.  I removed that mod because it also removed the orbit I needed for Sat missions.  When I was looking into that one I noticed it also uses the F8 key to perform its function.  I think I only started having issues after this mod but honestly I can't be for sure.  I don't know if both mods use the same F* key, if that will cause issues.  Just an observation I had. 

I really like your mod and appreciate everyone who spends their free time to try to enhance a great game!

Thank you,


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  • 3 weeks later...

I did some testing today to check KISS against KSP 1.3.1 and found no issues.

I could create saves in situations like in flight and while rolling on the ground and load them in KSP without issues. I could also load saves in my test game back from march, which have been created in KSP 1.2.2.

So I'm still in the dark regarding the "missing save file" problem some of you are experiencing... :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aaahhhhh... This was ALMOST what I was looking for. Can you please add the following feature:

Programmable timed savings (with sequential naming) I want to leave my PC all night rover autopiloting for 540Km to reach Martian polar cap... :wink: And I am pretty sure MJ will crash the damn thing, lol :)


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  • 4 months later...

I just did a quick check in KSP 1.4.0 and it seems that KISS is just working fine, with the exception of the Settings Icon (little green cog) that doesn't want to show up... :confused:
I'll have to do some research to figure out what was changed.

I also noticed, that I do not handle the ".loadmeta" files correctly when deleting saves, that has apparently been an issue for some time now.

So I'll try to find some time during the next days to create an updated version of KISS.


Sorry for the late reply: I never intended to have automated saves integrated in KISS. When I started development, there used to be at least 2 mods, that did exactly that. One was "Dated QuickSaves" by magico13 - not sure if that still exists.


EDIT 30.03.2018:
I have been able to identify and fix the texture issue and tested my solution/workaround.
I also have a fix for the "<savegame>.loadmeta" issue, but I did not have time to test it and release a new version.

Expect an update sometime during the easter weekend.

Edited by Aerospike
didn't want to push the thread to the top with a "no-update-yet" post
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  On 4/16/2018 at 2:57 AM, 1990eam said:

Did you ever get to try it?


Oh, sorry yes!

At the time of me writing the previous post, the thread title still said 1.4.1. When I edited the original post to reflect the updated compatibility, I did not realise that this change might get "lost" for people that only read my previous post after the update of the OP.

That and me incorrectly assuming everyone would get the notification through spacedock anyway :wink:

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  On 4/16/2018 at 10:07 PM, Aerospike said:

Oh, sorry yes!

At the time of me writing the previous post, the thread title still said 1.4.1. When I edited the original post to reflect the updated compatibility, I did not realise that this change might get "lost" for people that only read my previous post after the update of the OP.

That and me incorrectly assuming everyone would get the notification through spacedock anyway :wink:


Awesome thanks!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey I've been using it for a while now and it's working great.

Two things I've noticed:

- When pressing save or load game, it doesn't override the stock menu (I guess that's intented?)

- It could use more sorting options. Perhaps you could add sorting on game time, real time etc?

Thanks for the mod!

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm really happy to hear that my tiny little mod provides some value to you, thank you for your feedback! :)

Regarding replacing the stock menu: I originally wanted to do exactly this (replace the stock save UI completely), but I could not figure out how to do it (I suspect it is currently not possible).

Regarding your suggestion: That is not a bad idea, but to make those options meaningful if someone has named their save using different patterns (real time, game time, no time, etc.) It would be required to somehow get the necessary information. I see 2 possible solutions:

  1. looking directly into the save file to get things like the game time and the current vessel, even if those are not in the file name.
  2. or to put for example both game time AND real time into the file name and make it possible to select which one should be displayed.

I have avoided 1. so far to keep things as simple as possible (the acronym for the plugin is no coincidence :D ), and 2. might result in really long file names...

I'll definitely keep it on my list of things that I'll try to add with the next version , but I can't promise any release dates. ;)


PS: just did some tests in KSP 1.4.3 and seems like everything is working fine without any need for changes, so I bumped the compatible KSP version up here on the thread as well as on spacedock :)

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