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[Old Thread] KRE - Kerbal Reusability Expansion


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3 hours ago, DeepSlayLP said:

I might be oblivious but somehow appear the grid fins to produce a problem for me. At a height of roughly 1400m they start to randomly spin my rocket violently and it even happens whenever I disable the "roll" function.

That usually happens when the fins are facing the wrong direction. When they then want to correct the roll they steer in the wrong direction and the rocket starts to spin. Let me know if that works or if the problem lies somewhere else.

1 hour ago, StevieC said:

Re: your current design for this part-pack's docking-port, does the opened nose-cap offset the center-of-mass to a point that would be a problem for the RCS thrusters? Also, it kind-of looks as if it would block the capsule's EVA hatch.

The CoM doesn't move. I don't know whether it is even possible to do that.
You can always rotate the docking port in the editor so that it doesn't block the hatch.

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38 minutes ago, svendii said:

That usually happens when the fins are facing the wrong direction. When they then want to correct the roll they steer in the wrong direction and the rocket starts to spin. Let me know if that works or if the problem lies somewhere else.


No, I tried that already. I thought that might be one, yet when I tried flipping them it still made the same thing.

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On 9/8/2016 at 6:20 PM, svendii said:

The CoM doesn't move. I don't know whether it is even possible to do that.
You can always rotate the docking port in the editor so that it doesn't block the hatch.

will the docking port be a separate part? Because I use another docking port for my stations

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9 hours ago, trooperMNG said:

will the docking port be a separate part? Because I use another docking port for my stations

The docking port does the exact same thing as the stock shielded docking port while looking differently.

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I think that the SuperDracos are underpowered. I built a Dragon 2-alike capsule with the Mk1-2 capsule, a shielded docking port, two radial chutes, four SuperDracos, the Dragon fuel tank and heatshield with legs and the trunk (total mass of the vehicle: exactly 10 tons) and they were unable to separate the capsule from a Falcon 9-alike rocket at max-Q (~32 kPa at 9000m according to FAR, rocket has a starting TWR of 1.45 and max TWR slightly over 3.0 on the first stage) I suggest increasing their vacuum thrust to 150 kN, I had good results with this value.

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On 8/21/2016 at 5:38 PM, PickledTripod said:

I think that the SuperDracos are underpowered. I built a Dragon 2-alike capsule with the Mk1-2 capsule, a shielded docking port, two radial chutes, four SuperDracos, the Dragon fuel tank and heatshield with legs and the trunk (total mass of the vehicle: exactly 10 tons) and they were unable to separate the capsule from a Falcon 9-alike rocket at max-Q (~32 kPa at 9000m according to FAR, rocket has a starting TWR of 1.45 and max TWR slightly over 3.0 on the first stage) I suggest increasing their vacuum thrust to 150 kN, I had good results with this value.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll see what I can do.

7 hours ago, Leagle_17@hotmail.com said:

Has anyone else had an issue where the mod won't activate?
It won't even show up in the module manager.

Did you copy the "Kerbal Reusability Expansion" folder to Kerbal Space Program\GameData? Wrong installation is the only cause I could think of..
I'll have some more spare time in the next couple of weeks so I'll finally be able to finish the docking port.

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Alright the docking port is almost done. Just needs some finishing touches and it will be ready to ship.


I've also added a tutorial section to the first post. So far it only contains a basic explanation how to build a reusable first stage.

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27 minutes ago, svendii said:

Alright the docking port is almost done. Just needs some finishing touches and it will be ready to ship.


I've also added a tutorial section to the first post. So far it only contains a basic explanation how to build a reusable first stage.

That's awesome!

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On 2016-08-29 at 4:14 PM, svendii said:

Alright the docking port is almost done. Just needs some finishing touches and it will be ready to ship.

I've also added a tutorial section to the first post. So far it only contains a basic explanation how to build a reusable first stage.

Thanks.  Tutorials are always a good idea and will certainly help weekend flyers like me.

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On 30/08/2016 at 11:14 AM, svendii said:

Alright the docking port is almost done. Just needs some finishing touches and it will be ready to ship.


I've also added a tutorial section to the first post. So far it only contains a basic explanation how to build a reusable first stage.

That docking port looks amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing!!!!!! Is there an option to leave it without the cap to use on space stations or can it work with other docking ports like stock or sstu?

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On 30/08/2016 at 0:14 AM, svendii said:

Alright the docking port is almost done. Just needs some finishing touches and it will be ready to ship.



It's no big deal, but would it be possible to make a cover that could be jettisoned, in much the same way as a stock fairing?

If there were version a without the cover I expect it could be used with a stock fairing anyway, or mounted in other places. One of the things I have done when assembling a station in orbit is have a crew-tube with a docking port on each end, docked to the capsule's docking port. When the capsule leaves, it undocks from the crew tube, leaving it as a spacer to dock more awkwardly shaped modules.


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I have a feature request: the Falcon 9 cold gas thrusters. The stock Vernor thrusters look really bad and can't be used for roll, and I can't find anything from other mods in the same thrust and size range. There could be monoprop and LF+O variants, or maybe mode switching between the two if it's possible with the RCS module.


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On 9/6/2016 at 4:49 AM, PickledTripod said:

I have a feature request: the Falcon 9 cold gas thrusters. The stock Vernor thrusters look really bad and can't be used for roll, and I can't find anything from other mods in the same thrust and size range. There could be monoprop and LF+O variants, or maybe mode switching between the two if it's possible with the RCS module.

Good idea, will possibly be added soon.

On 9/8/2016 at 6:29 AM, StevieC said:

Small request: Slip in a .cfg to detect if MechJeb is installed, and if it is, make the Dragon fuel-tank also capable of serving as a MechJeb autopilot control module?

I don't know MechJeb too well. Isn't that just a small part that would fit in the small space inside the fuel tank anyway? Correct me if I'm wrong.

The new Glenn rocket has just been announced:


I'm looking forward to adding those landing legs to the mod. That will probably be the next big thing and then the SpaceX Mars Infrastructure after that.

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Love this pack. Already started using it to build reusable stages in my KSP Dark Multiplayer career, where different players handle the various stages:

I'm only using parachutes in this instance as I don't have the grid fin or airbrake tech yet.  The only criticism I would have is that the landing legs are tremendously robust... I've yet to break them even with heavy powered landings.

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The New Glenn legs look like they wouldn't be able to handle as much slope as Falcon 9's. Still fine for RTLS, but I wouldn't try landing on the peninsula ease of KSC with those. In any case I hope you plan to make them both for multiple sizes like the SpaceX legs.

Other suggestions: add a MM patch to allow texture switching between the black and white leg variants instead of having separate parts if B9PartSwitch, InterstellarFuelSwitch or Firespitter is installed.

Also Senior Slaphead is right, both the legs and grid fins are stupidly sturdy. I landed my Falcon-alike very hard a few times and only the procedural interstage broke when it fell on its side.

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I've made a .cfg file that adds MechJeb functionality to the Dragon Fuel Tank

	%MODULE[MechJebCore] {
		MechJebLocalSettings {
			MechJebModuleCustomWindowEditor { unlockTechs = flightControl }
			MechJebModuleSmartASS { unlockTechs = flightControl }
			MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
			MechJebModuleNodeEditor { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
			MechJebModuleTranslatron { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
			MechJebModuleWarpHelper { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
			MechJebModuleAttitudeAdjustment { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
			MechJebModuleThrustWindow { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
			MechJebModuleRCSBalancerWindow { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
			MechJebModuleRoverWindow { unlockTechs = fieldScience }
			MechJebModuleAscentGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech }
			MechJebModuleLandingGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech }
			MechJebModuleSpaceplaneGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech }
			MechJebModuleDockingGuidance { unlockTechs = advUnmanned }
			MechJebModuleRendezvousAutopilotWindow { unlockTechs = advUnmanned }
			MechJebModuleRendezvousGuidance { unlockTechs = advUnmanned }

I admit I cribbed this from @sumghai's cfg files for his SDHI Service Module pack. Similarly I also cribbed his TAC Life Support patch to build a carbon extractor and a water purifier into the Dragon Fuel Tank (the Carbon Extractor and the Water Purifier parts in TAC itself each way 5 tons, while the ones built into the SDHI service module don't add any extra mass, so I like having them built into the Dragon Fuel Tank)

@PART[DragonFuelTank]:NEEDS[TacLifeSupport]:FINAL {

	// Standard TAC-LS Carbon Extractor using the Bosch process
		name = TacGenericConverter
		converterName = Carbon Extractor
		conversionRate = 8.16
		inputResources = CarbonDioxide, 0.001703210064733, ElectricCharge, 0.039783051310155
		outputResources = Oxygen, 0.001713537562385, false, Waste, 0.000001209166498, true
	// Standard TAC-LS Water Purifier
		name = TacGenericConverter
		converterName = Water Purifier
		conversionRate = 8.16
		inputResources = WasteWater, 0.000014247685185, ElectricCharge, 0.007123842592593
		outputResources = Water, 0.000012822916667, false, Waste, 0.000001994675926, true


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Some progress on the New Glenn legs:      (Animation)


Next I'll attempt to get them to work in the game. Not looking forward to meeting my nemesis the landing gear system.

Concerning 1.2 compatibility: All parts with a ModuleAnimateGeneric break the universe when loaded. Waiting for the new part tools.

On 9/12/2016 at 6:29 PM, Senior Slaphead said:

Love this pack. Already started using it to build reusable stages in my KSP Dark Multiplayer career, where different players handle the various stages:

I'm only using parachutes in this instance as I don't have the grid fin or airbrake tech yet.  The only criticism I would have is that the landing legs are tremendously robust... I've yet to break them even with heavy powered landings.

Here's a powered landing with 5m parts, a massive dummy payload, cycling engine modes and grid fins / airbreaks. Personally I've found the gridfins of limited use but maybe I'm doing it wrong... also, the Trajectories mod definitely helps... I added that after this vid was taken :wink:

Thanks for sharing! Your grind fins are pointing the wrong way which is why they might not work for you.

On 9/12/2016 at 6:42 PM, PickledTripod said:

The New Glenn legs look like they wouldn't be able to handle as much slope as Falcon 9's. Still fine for RTLS, but I wouldn't try landing on the peninsula ease of KSC with those. In any case I hope you plan to make them both for multiple sizes like the SpaceX legs.

It will definitely be harder to land with those. Makes for a nice challenge I think. They might also be quite helpful for 2nd stage reuse.
There will be multiple sizes as well.

On 9/12/2016 at 6:42 PM, PickledTripod said:

Other suggestions: add a MM patch to allow texture switching between the black and white leg variants instead of having separate parts if B9PartSwitch, InterstellarFuelSwitch or Firespitter is installed.

I've been thinking about this. I just didn't want to have any dependencies but a MM patch might work.

On 9/12/2016 at 6:42 PM, PickledTripod said:

Also Senior Slaphead is right, both the legs and grid fins are stupidly sturdy. I landed my Falcon-alike very hard a few times and only the procedural interstage broke when it fell on its side.

That's true and I don't know why that is. Crash tolerance, breaking force and breaking torque are already quite low. I can try reducing it even more but the problem might be somewhere else.

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38 minutes ago, svendii said:

I've been thinking about this. I just didn't want to have any dependencies but a MM patch might work.

If you're not sure how to do it take a look at NecroBone's mods, like SpaceY or FuelTanksPlus, he supports all three main module-switching mods and they work without them as well.

Also the concept sheet for Porkjet's redesigned rocket engines implies that mesh switching will become a stock feature in an upcomming update. Looking forward to that!

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