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[1.11] RemoteTech v1.9.9 [2020-12-19]

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OK, another question. Why do you target planets, from Kerbin, with dish antennas?

If I send a satellite to Eve and then pick a dish on that craft and activate it, choosing Kerbin, shouldn't it just communicate with anything in the cone that's enveloping Kerbin?

Edit: "To establish a link, a dish with sufficient range must be targeted at the other satellite, either directly or indirectly." So, me pointing an Eve satellite dish at Kerbin, with enough range, should work.

Unless, this has to be a two way street..... the Eve satellite can be looking at Kerbin, but if Kerbin isn't looking at Eve, then it doesn't matter? But this means you have to have a satellite network, or at least a network of 3+ dishes, for every planet or moon that you want to visit or put a base on. That could easily equal dozens of probes, if I end up fully colonizing the solar system, like I want to. Am I right here? 

Now, i'm kind of just thinking out loud, but I was already writing the post :D  I suppose someone can help me by confirming, or correct me.

Edited by ItsSeanBroleson
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1 hour ago, ItsSeanBroleson said:

Unless, this has to be a two way street..... the Eve satellite can be looking at Kerbin, but if Kerbin isn't looking at Eve, then it doesn't matter? But this means you have to have a satellite network, or at least a network of 3+ dishes, for every planet or moon that you want to visit or put a base on. That could easily equal dozens of probes, if I end up fully colonizing the solar system, like I want to. Am I right here?

Yes. You'll typically want a long-distance relay network to establish contact between Kerbin and each other planet, plus a local short-range network on each planet you're interested in to give your desired level of coverage.

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On 5/27/2017 at 10:09 PM, Sokar408 said:

Should I turn off KerbNet when I play with remoteTech?

As yours was the first post I found when asking myself the same question, I will quote the answer I found here.

Actually looking at the manual etc.. I can't find anything that says what you should do with CommNet (KerbNet) so here we are..

On 12/21/2016 at 8:32 AM, TaxiService said:

It doesn't matter whether this option is on or off as the RemoteTech will disable CommNet anyway at the start of a new game.

Edited by FizzerUK
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9 hours ago, Gordon Dry said:

Now on 1.3 ...

Why is RT writing this to the log every second?

RemoteTech: ModuleRTAntenna: OnDestroy
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)


It is a simple verbose of notification whenever an antenna is destroyed. But you said it wrote every second? What were you doing, resulting in antennas getting destroyed repeatedly?

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I was actually reentering with an unmanned probe that got 3 embedded antennas (deployable / retractable, retracted on reentry) at Earth, RSS but no RO, using SMURFF. Deadly Reentry with the prelease .dll for 1.3 ... No FAR ...


Just the say that with FAR (the unofficial 1.3 build) it's the same.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/1fgrvqt3mvtq4wa/2017-06-12-2 KSP.log.zip?dl=1

Edited by Gordon Dry
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I just installed Remote Tech on my 1.2.2 version of KSP and I am also using the MechJeb 2 mod. MechJeb control is lost when there is no signal, but it also prevents MechJeb from executing pre-loaded maneuver nodes.

I feel like I should be able to upload a maneuver sequence (when there is good signal) and the probe should be able to execute that sequence by itself when there is no signal. Is there any way to fix this? 

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I've noticed a bug where if you have multiple planned maneuver executions on successive orbits (for example, your first satellite constellation) then after the first satellite finishes it's maneuver, RemoteTech deletes the planned executions for all of them, instead of just the one.

Screenshots, here you see I have 3 satellites, the launcher that put them there has already de-orbited and now they just have to circularize at the proper time as you see in KAC.  The first one is just 2 minutes from it's burn.


After the burn, satellites 2 and 3 decided I didn't really want them to ever circularize, just hold the maneuver node forever.


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@Alshain I was literally about to ask this same question. The flight computer doesn't seem to allow me to create a sequence of  maneuvers. Like Execute 1st node, then execute 2nd node, then point retrograde and burn.  


I've noticed a bug where if you have multiple planned maneuver executions on successive orbits (for example, your first satellite constellation) then after the first satellite finishes it's maneuver, RemoteTech deletes the planned executions for all of them, instead of just the one.

Screenshots, here you see I have 3 satellites, the launcher that put them there has already de-orbited and now they just have to circularize at the proper time as you see in KAC.  The first one is just 2 minutes from it's burn.


After the burn, satellites 2 and 3 decided I didn't really want them to ever circularize, just hold the maneuver node forever.


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5 minutes ago, Voodoo8648 said:

@Alshain I was literally about to ask this same question. The flight computer doesn't seem to allow me to create a sequence of  maneuvers. Like Execute 1st node, then execute 2nd node, then point retrograde and burn.  

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I've noticed a bug where if you have multiple planned maneuver executions on successive orbits (for example, your first satellite constellation) then after the first satellite finishes it's maneuver, RemoteTech deletes the planned executions for all of them, instead of just the one.

Screenshots, here you see I have 3 satellites, the launcher that put them there has already de-orbited and now they just have to circularize at the proper time as you see in KAC.  The first one is just 2 minutes from it's burn.


After the burn, satellites 2 and 3 decided I didn't really want them to ever circularize, just hold the maneuver node forever.


That's a different issue.  My issue is a single node execution on 3 different craft in close proximity (at different times).  After the first craft is done, it deletes the execution on the other two craft that is supposed to occur 1 and 2 orbits later.

I've been playing with RT for a long time and as far back as I can remember RT has never allowed execution of successive nodes on a single craft. (I wish it did, that would be nice).

Edited by Alshain
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Just now, Alshain said:

That's a different issue.  My issue is a single node execution on 3 different craft in close proximity (at different times).

I've been playing with RT for a long time and as far back as I can remember RT has never allowed execution of successive nodes on a single craft. (I wish it did, that would be nice).

Darn :( I have been looking for a mod or something that allows a probe to automatically execute a series of maneuver nodes like the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecrafts. Mech Jeb's Scripting module accomplishes the task BUT MechJeb is unable to execute pre-planned maneuver nodes when there is no signal. 

I have looked extensively and nothing exists (except for KOS) and I don't have the time to sit down and learn scripting.

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17 hours ago, Voodoo8648 said:

Darn :( I have been looking for a mod or something that allows a probe to automatically execute a series of maneuver nodes like the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecrafts. Mech Jeb's Scripting module accomplishes the task BUT MechJeb is unable to execute pre-planned maneuver nodes when there is no signal. 

I have looked extensively and nothing exists (except for KOS) and I don't have the time to sit down and learn scripting.

if you are willing to use a ready made (kos)script i have been using this (adapted from Kevin Gisi source) as a boot script

// Kevin Gisi
// http://youtube.com/gisikw

function mnv_time {
  parameter dv.
  set ens to list().
  set ens_thrust to 0.
  set ens_isp to 0.
  list engines in myengines.

  for en in myengines {
    if en:ignition = true and en:flameout = false {

  for en in ens {
    set ens_thrust to ens_thrust + en:availablethrust.
    set ens_isp to ens_isp + en:isp.

  if ens_thrust = 0 or ens_isp = 0 {
    return 0.
  else {
    local f is ens_thrust * 1000.  // engine thrust (kg * m/s²)
    local m is ship:mass * 1000.        // starting mass (kg)
    local e is constant():e.            // base of natural log
    local p is ens_isp/ens:length.               // engine isp (s) support to average different isp values
    local g is ship:orbit:body:mu/ship:obt:body:radius^2.    // gravitational acceleration constant (m/s²)
    return g * m * p * (1 - e^(-dv/(g*p))) / f.

  PARAMETER autoWarp is true.



  IF autoWarp { WARPTO(startTime - 30). }

  remove n.

until 0
  wait 0.


Edited by danielboro
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On 6/11/2017 at 10:26 PM, Gordon Dry said:

I was actually reentering with an unmanned probe that got 3 embedded antennas (deployable / retractable, retracted on reentry) at Earth, RSS but no RO, using SMURFF. Deadly Reentry with the prelease .dll for 1.3 ... No FAR ...


Just the say that with FAR (the unofficial 1.3 build) it's the same.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/1fgrvqt3mvtq4wa/2017-06-12-2 KSP.log.zip?dl=1

Hmm, this OnDestroy() calls come from KSP's PartModule, which ModuleRTAntenna is based on. It seems nothing actionable on our side, other than turning off the verbose.


16 hours ago, Alshain said:

I've noticed a bug where if you have multiple planned maneuver executions on successive orbits (for example, your first satellite constellation) then after the first satellite finishes it's maneuver, RemoteTech deletes the planned executions for all of them, instead of just the one.

Screenshots, here you see I have 3 satellites, the launcher that put them there has already de-orbited and now they just have to circularize at the proper time as you see in KAC.  The first one is just 2 minutes from it's burn.

After the burn, satellites 2 and 3 decided I didn't really want them to ever circularize, just hold the maneuver node forever.

Thanks for your report on our RT Github. I verified this bug is only reproducible if there is another vessel within the physical range of active vessel. 


10 hours ago, Alshain said:

That's a different issue.  My issue is a single node execution on 3 different craft in close proximity (at different times).  After the first craft is done, it deletes the execution on the other two craft that is supposed to occur 1 and 2 orbits later.

I've been playing with RT for a long time and as far back as I can remember RT has never allowed execution of successive nodes on a single craft. (I wish it did, that would be nice).

You are correct. Flight Computer doesn't have any automatic action to switch to next node if available, after executing current node. A manual click is required to take up a next node but it is useless in presence of long delay or no connection. It looks doable to search for and take next node automatically in the codebase.

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btw neither RT nor MJ are aware of the "node-moving-away-on-maneuver-end" issue.


When the point is reached where the maneuver indicator right of the navball turns green (the last few percent), RT should automatically switch to "no rotation" (locally, no signalling) to avoid the wobble-away ...

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8 hours ago, danielboro said:

if you are willing to use a ready made script i have been using this (adapted from Kevin Gisi source) as a boot script

// Kevin Gisi
// http://youtube.com/gisikw

function mnv_time {
  parameter dv.
  set ens to list().
  set ens_thrust to 0.
  set ens_isp to 0.
  list engines in myengines.

  for en in myengines {
    if en:ignition = true and en:flameout = false {

  for en in ens {
    set ens_thrust to ens_thrust + en:availablethrust.
    set ens_isp to ens_isp + en:isp.

  if ens_thrust = 0 or ens_isp = 0 {
    return 0.
  else {
    local f is ens_thrust * 1000.  // engine thrust (kg * m/s²)
    local m is ship:mass * 1000.        // starting mass (kg)
    local e is constant():e.            // base of natural log
    local p is ens_isp/ens:length.               // engine isp (s) support to average different isp values
    local g is ship:orbit:body:mu/ship:obt:body:radius^2.    // gravitational acceleration constant (m/s²)
    return g * m * p * (1 - e^(-dv/(g*p))) / f.

  PARAMETER autoWarp is true.



  IF autoWarp { WARPTO(startTime - 30). }

  remove n.

until 0
  wait 0.


Thank you, I am absolutely willing to use a script! Where do I put that script and what does it do??

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3 hours ago, Voodoo8648 said:

Thank you, I am absolutely willing to use a script! Where do I put that script and what does it do??

install kos

copy the txt to a file anyname.ks

copy the file to KSPDIR\Ships\Script\boot

in the VAB/SPH install a kos computer in the ship and in the RMB menu chuos the file as the boot script

i have an MM script to add kos to all probes

		name = kOSProcessor
		diskSpace = 2048

and to install the file as a boot script in an old ship i use setnewbootscript.ks

parameter bootf is "proctagboot".
set core:bootfilename to "/boot/"+bootf+".ks".

to use it do

run setnewbootscript("anyname").  <-- see the dot, its important

it will copy anyname from the boot dir to the core and set it as the boot script for that core

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7 hours ago, danielboro said:

install kos

copy the txt to a file anyname.ks

copy the file to KSPDIR\Ships\Script\boot

in the VAB/SPH install a kos computer in the ship and in the RMB menu chuos the file as the boot script

i have an MM script to add kos to all probes

		name = kOSProcessor
		diskSpace = 2048

and to install the file as a boot script in an old ship i use setnewbootscript.ks

parameter bootf is "proctagboot".
set core:bootfilename to "/boot/"+bootf+".ks".

to use it do

run setnewbootscript("anyname").  <-- see the dot, its important

it will copy anyname from the boot dir to the core and set it as the boot script for that core


Thank you for the explanation. I ran thru the 1st "Hello World" tutorial so I could get familiar with the interface and how to save files and such. 

I created a notepad file and copied in the text that was provided and saved as EMN.ks within the Ships - Scripting folder.

I loaded the SCS onto a simple probe and selected the EMN.ks from the Right click menu

I hyper edited the probe into orbit and created a maneuver node. I switched to the Archive Volume and then performed: run EMN.

The probe turns to Node prograde but does not execute the burn when the node arrives. 

The engine is confirmed activate but no ignition at node. 

Further, After running that script, I am no longer able to edit within the KOS console. I click inside of the console, but there is not input when I type.

What am I doing wrong?

Edited by Voodoo8648
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1 hour ago, Voodoo8648 said:

Thank you for the explanation. I ran thru the 1st "Hello World" tutorial so I could get familiar with the interface and how to save files and such. 

I created a notepad file and copied in the text that was provided and saved as EMN.ks within the Ships - Scripting folder.

I loaded the SCS onto a simple probe and selected the EMN.ks from the Right click menu

I hyper edited the probe into orbit and created a maneuver node. I switched to the Archive Volume and then performed: run EMN.

The probe turns to Node prograde but does not execute the burn when the node arrives. 

The engine is confirmed activate but no ignition at node. 

Further, After running that script, I am no longer able to edit within the KOS console.     

I just got to work. I'll test the script wen I get home ~10h :(

The script will run until you ctr-c or the kos computer is turns off. 

Until then it gevs no output and no input


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Are there any options to make "Multiple Antenna Multiplier" non-linear?

By my understanding, the range is directly determined by the power density of a signal.  And the power density of a signal would follow an inverse square law?  (Double the distance requires four times the power?)

In reality there would be also be diminishing returns, but at present the Multiple Antenna Multiplier is vastly superior to what I would expect.  Even if I slide the calculation down to be more reasonable for a vessel with 2 omni-directional antennae, that wouldn't be sufficient for a vessel with 4 omni-directional antennae, would it?

What I'm thinking (for the Root model at least) would be something more like...

  • Effective combined range = SUM(individual antenna range ^ 2) ^ 0.5

That value could then be used in the normal Range calculations?


P.S. Thanks for this mod, you (like so many other modders) are freaking awesome, thank you :)



Ignore this, I realise that it is effectively taken care of in the Root calculation anyway.  Now I'm trying to understanding why the MIN(a1,a2) is in there.  Feel free to educate me, but otherwise please ignore this post :wink:

Edited by MatBailie
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  • 2 weeks later...

This is difficult to explain and I do not have anything to make a good bug report - if it even is a bug - , but has anyone else had the problem that the RT computer, instead of steadily burning towards a set man-node, somehow started rotating the ship, swirling around chasing the node and burning all its fuel?

Can this happen when the time to the node only allows for the actual burn order to automatically be logged in but not the "point to node" one it usually logs in first?

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Just now, KerbMav said:

This is difficult to explain and I do not have anything to make a good bug report - if it even is a bug - , but has anyone else had the problem that the RT computer, instead of steadily burning towards a set man-node, somehow started rotating the ship, swirling around chasing the node and burning all its fuel?

Can this happen when the time to the node only allows for the actual burn order to automatically be logged in but not the "point to node" one it usually logs in first?

This is a known problem. The answer is to limit the thrust on the engine so you've got a very low TWR. That usually solves it. It still tries to chase the node a little, but not enough to screw things up.

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7 hours ago, cyberpunkdreams said:

This is a known problem. The answer is to limit the thrust on the engine so you've got a very low TWR. That usually solves it. It still tries to chase the node a little, but not enough to screw things up.

However, when this does happens, you can't stop it.  Cancelling the execution, even with signal delay off, doesn't work.  Is that a known problem? 

The best you can do is shut down the engine quickly, delete the maneuver, and go back to the space center and sometimes when you return RT will have deleted the execution finally.



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