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[1.11] RemoteTech v1.9.9 [2020-12-19]

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On 2/2/2020 at 10:01 PM, Crixomix said:

Hmm. I do like having to use separate antenna per craft. But I also want to be able to use all the fun new antennas in the Nertea's new NF Exploration mod :P

Alas, looks like RT2 and NFX are totally unfriendly to each other right now :(

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58 minutes ago, tinygrox said:

Eh, could you please tell me where I can find RT2?:confused:

AFAIK, it is still WIP and not published yet. Don't know if there is github repository or something with current status and source code if you wish to contribute.

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RemoteTech 1.9.6 for KSP 1.9 released

This release is a simple recompilation for KSP 1.9.

Complete changelog is below:


# Version 1.9.6
**Released February 15, 2020**

What's New?

* Recompiled for KSP 1.9

Detailed Changelog

Fixed Issues

Pull Requests


If you find any bug, please report them on our github (as it is hard to keep track of bugs here). Feedback is also welcome for the next release, here or on this post.

We are in the RT 2.x branch development and continue to support the RT 1.x branch.


Edited by TaxiService
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1 hour ago, Zoeille said:

Hi any news about a feature to do constellations like Commnet Constellation ?
Lot of us want to play with constellations with RT, and it would be an awesome feature !

Quoted from the Commnet Constellation OP:


Bonus: Designed by a RemoteTech developer as a test bed on multiple features of RemoteTech 2.x re-development


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1 hour ago, Syczek said:

Hi there can some1 help me make config that mimick seti cfg for Remote tech?? Need config similiar to this one https://github.com/Y3mo/SETI-RemoteTech/releases

Do you really need those ? Additional ground station settings were useful long time ago, when stock game didn't got any. Disabling signal delay should be possible trough RT config/install, IIRC. Antenna range was change a lot since those SETI configs were made, so it would not work as intended like at time those configs were created. So, what exact current feature from RT you don't like and should be changed like it was in SETI configs ?

Asking, because it might be easier to create new personal MM patch than to copy and change those obsolete SETI configs.

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41 minutes ago, kcs123 said:

Do you really need those ? Additional ground station settings were useful long time ago, when stock game didn't got any. Disabling signal delay should be possible trough RT config/install, IIRC. Antenna range was change a lot since those SETI configs were made, so it would not work as intended like at time those configs were created. So, what exact current feature from RT you don't like and should be changed like it was in SETI configs ?

Asking, because it might be easier to create new personal MM patch than to copy and change those obsolete SETI configs.

Just wanted these KSC mission control antenna range (they were close to real life aka longer range after u upgrade to 3rd level KSC facility)

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On 2/19/2020 at 4:48 AM, Drew Kerman said:

I thought you were asking for it to be added as a feature for RT. What you're really looking for is just a general update on the progress of RT2. Got it

Sorry, I was asking if this "frequency feature" (as it was proposed years ago) will be added in RT2 ?

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2 hours ago, Syczek said:

Just wanted these KSC mission control antenna range (they were close to real life aka longer range after u upgrade to 3rd level KSC facility)

Then you most probably want to change "Omni" variable values for ground station antennas. Those old SETI configs might still work, worth to try. There seems to be exact variable names in both, RT configs and SETI configs. Although, don't know if it will work in exact same way as it worked in old KSP versions and old RT version.

Part of SETI configs:

//---License (except for the names, ground station positions and the version file, which are AllRightsReserved): GPL version 2 (as RemoteTech itself): http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html

	@EnableSignalDelay = False
	@RangeModelType = Standard
	@MultipleAntennaMultiplier = 0
	@ControlAntennaWithoutConnection = True
	@UpgradeableMissionControlAntennas = False
	@DistanceToHideGroundStations = 3E+06
	@RemoteStationColorDot = 1,0,0,1
	!GroundStations,* {}
			Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488
			Name = KSC Mission Control
			Latitude = -0.131331503391266
			Longitude = -74.594841003418
			Height = 100
			Body = 1
			MarkColor = 1,0,0,1
					Omni = 9E+11

Default RT settings got those:

			Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488
			Name = #RT_MissionControl
			Latitude = -0.13133150339126601
			Longitude = -74.594841003417997
			Height = 75
			Body = 1
			MarkColor = 0.996078014,0,0,1
					Omni = 75000000
					Dish = 0
					CosAngle = 1
					UpgradeableOmni = 4E+06;3.0E+07;7.5E+07
					UpgradeableDish = 
					UpgradeableCosAngle = 

You may try to change only "Omni" variable value to be 9E+11 instead of 75000000 to see if it provide desired effect. Can't tell you from top of my head exact MM patch command, I need to check MM syntax to properly change nested values. So, it might be easier to just edit RT config file directly to get started with changes.

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42 minutes ago, kcs123 said:

Then you most probably want to change "Omni" variable values for ground station antennas. Those old SETI configs might still work, worth to try. There seems to be exact variable names in both, RT configs and SETI configs. Although, don't know if it will work in exact same way as it worked in old KSP versions and old RT version.

Part of SETI configs:

//---License (except for the names, ground station positions and the version file, which are AllRightsReserved): GPL version 2 (as RemoteTech itself): http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html

	@EnableSignalDelay = False
	@RangeModelType = Standard
	@MultipleAntennaMultiplier = 0
	@ControlAntennaWithoutConnection = True
	@UpgradeableMissionControlAntennas = False
	@DistanceToHideGroundStations = 3E+06
	@RemoteStationColorDot = 1,0,0,1
	!GroundStations,* {}
			Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488
			Name = KSC Mission Control
			Latitude = -0.131331503391266
			Longitude = -74.594841003418
			Height = 100
			Body = 1
			MarkColor = 1,0,0,1
					Omni = 9E+11

Default RT settings got those:

			Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488
			Name = #RT_MissionControl
			Latitude = -0.13133150339126601
			Longitude = -74.594841003417997
			Height = 75
			Body = 1
			MarkColor = 0.996078014,0,0,1
					Omni = 75000000
					Dish = 0
					CosAngle = 1
					UpgradeableOmni = 4E+06;3.0E+07;7.5E+07
					UpgradeableDish = 
					UpgradeableCosAngle = 

You may try to change only "Omni" variable value to be 9E+11 instead of 75000000 to see if it provide desired effect. Can't tell you from top of my head exact MM patch command, I need to check MM syntax to properly change nested values. So, it might be easier to just edit RT config file directly to get started with changes.

Ok u give me idea how to edit it properly,thanks for help i will try do this now myself

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Hi, I searched this topic without much luck in a simple answer. I am trying to get Remote Probe control working with RT.
Can someone explain the minimum requirements to get it working? because it does not seem to follow the default setup for an RC-001S unit.

I tested by opening a sandbox on full stock KSP to ensure it works. Sent the craft with probe behind the moon and decoupled them.  Then tested the same with ONLY RemoteTech (and ModuleManager) to ensure it DOESN'T work.

The important components in the simple builds are:

Main Craft:
2-person landing can / RC-001S / 16-S stock omni / HG-5 Relay / 2 Pilots (but it works with 1)

HECS probe / 16-S omni

I'm on the latest version for both client (1.9) and mod (1.9.6)

I have confirmed that the RC-L01 DOES work with RT to control the same probe. But it requires 6 kerbals (of any kind as long as 1 is a Pilot) to work. 

Personally I find it odd that the mod does not work with the RC-001S. Why would it take an entire 6 person base to remote control a probe? Is this a bug or a feature? Would it be appropriate to submit this as a gitHub "bug" or feature request? Thanks

Edited by NoUsernamesLeft
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/29/2020 at 1:38 AM, RainDreamer said:

Any config for NFX antennas? I don't need the reflectors and feeders to work yet, just the simple dishes and rover antennas.

I've made this config for the Near Future Exploration antennas and probes. Probe cores have the default 3km omni antennae and I haven't made any configuration for the reflectors or the two feed antennae (F-DA & F-RA) since I don't know to have the range values calculated for RT. I did my best to balance range and power consumption to the existing antennae. The phased array elements act as directional antennae but with range slightly above omni antennae and wide cone angles. The complete phased array parts have range on par with the mid-teir dishes, wide cone angles, fast transfer rate, but very high power use.

// Configure all probes for NFX
        %MODULE[ModuleSPU] {

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] {
                %OmniRange    = 3000

                %TRANSMITTER {
                        %PacketInterval     = 0.3
                        %PacketSize         = 2
                        %PacketResourceCost = 15.0

// D-2 Spot Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 15000000
            %EnergyCost = 0.45
            %DishAngle = 75
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.25
                %PacketSize = 3
                %PacketResourceCost = 10

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// DR-3 Deployable High Gain Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

          %allowManualControl = false
          %actionAvailable = false
          %eventAvailableFlight = false
          %eventAvailableEditor = false
          %eventAvailableEVA = false

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 13000000
            %EnergyCost = 0.95
            %DishAngle = 65
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.15
                %PacketSize = 3
                %PacketResourceCost = 20

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// DR-1 High Gain Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %IsRTActive = true
            %Mode0OmniRange = 0
            %Mode1OmniRange = 2500000
            %EnergyCost = 0.15

                %PacketInterval = 0.15
                %PacketSize = 4
                %PacketResourceCost = 25

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// AX-4 Pointable Helical Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 8000000
            %EnergyCost = 0.12
            %DishAngle = 165
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.2
                %PacketSize = 2
                %PacketResourceCost = 15

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// AX-5 Aerial Micro-Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

          %allowManualControl = false
          %actionAvailable = false
          %eventAvailableFlight = false
          %eventAvailableEditor = false
          %eventAvailableEVA = false

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0OmniRange = 0
            %Mode1OmniRange = 2000000
            %EnergyCost = 0.15
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.3
                %PacketSize = 2
                %PacketResourceCost = 20.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// D-50 Large Spot Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 80000000
            %EnergyCost = 0.95
            %DishAngle = 15
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.3
                %PacketSize = 4
                %PacketResourceCost = 20.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// PH-2 Phased Array Antenna Element
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 5500000
            %EnergyCost = 0.22
            %DishAngle = 145
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.3
                %PacketSize = 2
                %PacketResourceCost = 15.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// PH-3 Phased Array Antenna Element
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 3500000
            %EnergyCost = 0.16
            %DishAngle = 175
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.3
                %PacketSize = 3
                %PacketResourceCost = 20.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// RA-5B Advanced Relay Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

          %allowManualControl = false
          %actionAvailable = false
          %eventAvailableFlight = false
          %eventAvailableEditor = false
          %eventAvailableEVA = false

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 42000000000
            %EnergyCost = 2.3
            %DishAngle = .014
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.4
                %PacketSize = 2
                %PacketResourceCost = 20.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// RA-X1 Phased Relay Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

          %allowManualControl = false
          %actionAvailable = false
          %eventAvailableFlight = false
          %eventAvailableEditor = false
          %eventAvailableEVA = false

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 36000000
            %EnergyCost = 2.85
            %DishAngle = 135
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.05
                %PacketSize = 1
                %PacketResourceCost = 15.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// RA-X2 Phased Relay Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

          %allowManualControl = false
          %actionAvailable = false
          %eventAvailableFlight = false
          %eventAvailableEditor = false
          %eventAvailableEVA = false

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 215000000
            %EnergyCost = 2.25
            %DishAngle = 55
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.1
                %PacketSize = 6
                %PacketResourceCost = 15.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// RA-X3 Phased Relay Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

          %allowManualControl = false
          %actionAvailable = false
          %eventAvailableFlight = false
          %eventAvailableEditor = false
          %eventAvailableEVA = false

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 615000000
            %EnergyCost = 3.20
            %DishAngle = 15
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.1
                %PacketSize = 6
                %PacketResourceCost = 20.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// RA-0-8 Relay Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

          %allowManualControl = false
          %actionAvailable = false
          %eventAvailableFlight = false
          %eventAvailableEditor = false
          %eventAvailableEVA = false

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 65000000000
            %EnergyCost = 2.20
            %DishAngle = .010
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.3
                %PacketSize = 2
                %PacketResourceCost = 20.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

I appended this to


 Maybe there's a better place to put it but I don't understand how config loading works.

Edited by the_television
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On 3/21/2020 at 2:32 PM, the_television said:

I've made this config for the Near Future Exploration antennas and probes. Probe cores have the default 3km omni antennae and I haven't made any configuration for the reflectors or the two feed antennae (F-DA & F-RA) since I don't know to have the range values calculated for RT. I did my best to balance range and power consumption to the existing antennae. The phased array elements act as directional antennae but with range slightly above omni antennae and wide cone angles. The complete phased array parts have range on par with the mid-teir dishes, wide cone angles, fast transfer rate, but very high power use.

// Configure all probes for NFX
        %MODULE[ModuleSPU] {

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] {
                %OmniRange    = 3000

                %TRANSMITTER {
                        %PacketInterval     = 0.3
                        %PacketSize         = 2
                        %PacketResourceCost = 15.0

// D-2 Spot Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 15000000
            %EnergyCost = 0.45
            %DishAngle = 75
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.25
                %PacketSize = 3
                %PacketResourceCost = 10

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// DR-3 Deployable High Gain Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

          %allowManualControl = false
          %actionAvailable = false
          %eventAvailableFlight = false
          %eventAvailableEditor = false
          %eventAvailableEVA = false

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 13000000
            %EnergyCost = 0.95
            %DishAngle = 65
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.15
                %PacketSize = 3
                %PacketResourceCost = 20

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// DR-1 High Gain Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %IsRTActive = true
            %Mode0OmniRange = 0
            %Mode1OmniRange = 2500000
            %EnergyCost = 0.15

                %PacketInterval = 0.15
                %PacketSize = 4
                %PacketResourceCost = 25

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// AX-4 Pointable Helical Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 8000000
            %EnergyCost = 0.12
            %DishAngle = 165
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.2
                %PacketSize = 2
                %PacketResourceCost = 15

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// AX-5 Aerial Micro-Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

          %allowManualControl = false
          %actionAvailable = false
          %eventAvailableFlight = false
          %eventAvailableEditor = false
          %eventAvailableEVA = false

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0OmniRange = 0
            %Mode1OmniRange = 2000000
            %EnergyCost = 0.15
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.3
                %PacketSize = 2
                %PacketResourceCost = 20.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// D-50 Large Spot Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 80000000
            %EnergyCost = 0.95
            %DishAngle = 15
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.3
                %PacketSize = 4
                %PacketResourceCost = 20.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// PH-2 Phased Array Antenna Element
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 5500000
            %EnergyCost = 0.22
            %DishAngle = 145
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.3
                %PacketSize = 2
                %PacketResourceCost = 15.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// PH-3 Phased Array Antenna Element
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 3500000
            %EnergyCost = 0.16
            %DishAngle = 175
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.3
                %PacketSize = 3
                %PacketResourceCost = 20.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// RA-5B Advanced Relay Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

          %allowManualControl = false
          %actionAvailable = false
          %eventAvailableFlight = false
          %eventAvailableEditor = false
          %eventAvailableEVA = false

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 42000000000
            %EnergyCost = 2.3
            %DishAngle = .014
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.4
                %PacketSize = 2
                %PacketResourceCost = 20.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// RA-X1 Phased Relay Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

          %allowManualControl = false
          %actionAvailable = false
          %eventAvailableFlight = false
          %eventAvailableEditor = false
          %eventAvailableEVA = false

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 36000000
            %EnergyCost = 2.85
            %DishAngle = 135
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.05
                %PacketSize = 1
                %PacketResourceCost = 15.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// RA-X2 Phased Relay Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

          %allowManualControl = false
          %actionAvailable = false
          %eventAvailableFlight = false
          %eventAvailableEditor = false
          %eventAvailableEVA = false

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 215000000
            %EnergyCost = 2.25
            %DishAngle = 55
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.1
                %PacketSize = 6
                %PacketResourceCost = 15.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// RA-X3 Phased Relay Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

          %allowManualControl = false
          %actionAvailable = false
          %eventAvailableFlight = false
          %eventAvailableEditor = false
          %eventAvailableEVA = false

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 615000000
            %EnergyCost = 3.20
            %DishAngle = 15
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.1
                %PacketSize = 6
                %PacketResourceCost = 20.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

// RA-0-8 Relay Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

          %allowManualControl = false
          %actionAvailable = false
          %eventAvailableFlight = false
          %eventAvailableEditor = false
          %eventAvailableEVA = false

        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 65000000000
            %EnergyCost = 2.20
            %DishAngle = .010
            %MaxQ = 6000

                %PacketInterval = 0.3
                %PacketSize = 2
                %PacketResourceCost = 20.0

        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

I appended this to


 Maybe there's a better place to put it but I don't understand how config loading works.

Thanks for this, I am gonna look into making a module mananger patch for this so it works through updates of NFX until there is something better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pretty sure RT itself doesn't have this, but does anyone know of a way to have RT antenna range visualized on the in-game map in a similar manner to what Antenna-Helper does for stock CommNet?

On a separate note, two questions about the CommTech EXP-VR-2T omni antenna (RTLongAntenna3):

  1. For being so big, its range is disappointing.  It's huge when deployed, but it only beats the range of the Communotron 16 by 20%.  Is there a particular reason for this?
  2. Is there a particular reason it can't be node-attached?
Edited by SilverlightPony
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