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[1.11] RemoteTech v1.9.9 [2020-12-19]

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  On 3/21/2020 at 7:32 AM, the_television said:

I appended this to


 Maybe there's a better place to put it but I don't understand how config loading works.


Module Manager will load any properly-formatted .cfg file within the /GameData/ directory, so you should be able to just save this as its own .cfg file and drop it anywhere in there.

[EDIT]  Confirmed.  I copied the contents of the first code block in your post, pasted it into a blank new file in Notepad++, saved it as RemoteTech_NearFuture_Exploration.cfg, and copied it into /GameData/.



However, I'm not sure your config is working for all of the NFX antennas.  (edit 2: upon review, your config does not include an entry for this antenna.  Looks like you missed it, and possibly a few others: I haven't checked them all yet.)


Edited by SilverlightPony
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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 2/24/2020 at 2:25 AM, NoUsernamesLeft said:

Hi, I searched this topic without much luck in a simple answer. I am trying to get Remote Probe control working with RT.
Can someone explain the minimum requirements to get it working? because it does not seem to follow the default setup for an RC-001S unit.

I have confirmed that the RC-L01 DOES work with RT to control the same probe. But it requires 6 kerbals (of any kind as long as 1 is a Pilot) to work. 

Personally I find it odd that the mod does not work with the RC-001S. Why would it take an entire 6 person base to remote control a probe? Is this a bug or a feature? Would it be appropriate to submit this as a gitHub "bug" or feature request? Thanks


It's a feature - it was a conscious design decision by the original mod devs for RemoteTech and is technically called a Command Station. https://remotetechnologiesgroup.github.io/RemoteTech/guide/parts/#probe-cores

Interesting side note - the current Remote Tech used to be called "Remote Tech 2" back in 2013-2014. Later it was shortened back to just "RemoteTech" - so technically the RT2 under development could be considered "RT3". ;-)


Edited by panarchist
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 5/10/2020 at 11:42 PM, stk2008 said:

Hi all am i correct in thinking this is a vanilla item if so should it not have connection without a antenna?
Thanks :)


Yes, this is the stock probe core but you need to be aware that RemoteTech adds internal antenna of 3 km range to all probe cores for short range comm.

  On 5/14/2020 at 5:05 PM, DY_ZBX said:

Hello, author.
I have a question.
The window drawn in red on the picture, when I move the mouse on the left, the window on the right is sometimes not displayed, sometimes displayed, why?


Hi, I tested the antenna target window at my side without any issue. The info window only disappears when mouse cursor is hovering on No Target or Active Vessel entries.

Do you have any reproduction steps to trigger your issue?

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  On 5/15/2020 at 2:48 PM, TaxiService said:

Hi, I tested the antenna target window at my side without any issue. The info window only disappears when mouse cursor is hovering on No Target or Active Vessel entries.

Do you have any reproduction steps to trigger your issue?


HI,I did n’t express clearly when I asked.

I also tried again, when I press 'M' to enter map mode, the window is invisible when the mouse cursor is hovering over the window, but when in mouse mode, it is visible when the flight cursor is hovering over the window.

When I return from map mode to flight mode, it is still not visible.


Only when I reopen the window from flight mode.

A video I recorded showing the problems I encountered.


Edited by DY_ZBX
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  On 5/15/2020 at 4:39 PM, DY_ZBX said:

HI,I did n’t express clearly when I asked.

I also tried again, when I press 'M' to enter map mode, the window is invisible when the mouse cursor is hovering over the window, but when in mouse mode, it is visible when the flight cursor is hovering over the window.

When I return from map mode to flight mode, it is still not visible.


Only when I reopen the window from flight mode.

A video I recorded showing the problems I encountered.



Hey, thanks a lot for demonstrating the bug.

I found the root cause but fixing it turns out to be more complicated than I thought.

I am trying to fix it.

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  On 5/22/2020 at 3:46 PM, TaxiService said:


I found this little-known interface that allows the antenna targeting in Map View or Tracking Station. This is why the target window disappears when switching to Map View.


Please use this inteface instead.


I tried it and it opened, but I didn't expect to hide in such a corner, hhhh. thank you

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@TaxiServiceHI.I have a question.Need you to answer it for me.Thanks.


5. Command Stations
For those long-distance missions, it is possible to set up a team of Kerbals to act as a local command center. Setting up a command station is a major undertaking for situations where you really need real-time control of nearby probes. It is not something to be attempted lightly (literally).

Command Stations allow you to work without the signal delay to Kerbin, which might otherwise climb up to several minutes. However, a Command Station cannot process science; a connection to KSC will still be required for that. Command Stations require a special probe part and a minimum number of kerbals on the same ship. Consult your VAB technicians for more information.


When I build a command center,how many Kerbals do I need at least?

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hello.. have been using this mod for many years, have had this problem for almost that same amount of time, never asked about it until now... so:

I have a space station with science labs in them, which contain science, and I want to transmit this back to Kerbin.  I have several antennae on this station, all with a valid connection back to Kerbin mission control/other ground stations.  Some of my parts on the station such as the MKS "Orca" command pod have an integrated passive antenna with decent range, but not very good bandwidth.  My big GX dishes have a ton more bandwidth.

Anyway, I go to 'transmit science' after researching it in the lab, and it seems to always pick the slowest antenna to use, unless I'm transmitting from multiple labs.  There seems to be no way to tell anything which antenna to use, nor any way to disable the integrated antennas in the other parts.  Or is there?  That's my question, is there a way to do that?

If not, could that be considered a feature request for the next remotetech release?

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  On 5/28/2020 at 10:14 PM, ss8913 said:

hello.. have been using this mod for many years, have had this problem for almost that same amount of time, never asked about it until now... so:

I have a space station with science labs in them, which contain science, and I want to transmit this back to Kerbin.  I have several antennae on this station, all with a valid connection back to Kerbin mission control/other ground stations.  Some of my parts on the station such as the MKS "Orca" command pod have an integrated passive antenna with decent range, but not very good bandwidth.  My big GX dishes have a ton more bandwidth.

Anyway, I go to 'transmit science' after researching it in the lab, and it seems to always pick the slowest antenna to use, unless I'm transmitting from multiple labs.  There seems to be no way to tell anything which antenna to use, nor any way to disable the integrated antennas in the other parts.  Or is there?  That's my question, is there a way to do that?

If not, could that be considered a feature request for the next remotetech release?


Hi, each antenna has own button "Transmit all science" that will transmit all science experiments stored in all science parts, based on its science packet details.


If you click "Transmit" button on the experiment popup, KSP will randomly pick any working antenna to transmit, which is obviously sub-optimal.

However, the science packet information on all the antennas, included the orange giant one, is more or less same, and not really diversified. So you will face the same transmission bandwidth on all the antennas.

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  On 5/29/2020 at 2:13 PM, TaxiService said:

Hi, each antenna has own button "Transmit all science" that will transmit all science experiments stored in all science parts, based on its science packet details.


If you click "Transmit" button on the experiment popup, KSP will randomly pick any working antenna to transmit, which is obviously sub-optimal.

However, the science packet information on all the antennas, included the orange giant one, is more or less same, and not really diversified. So you will face the same transmission bandwidth on all the antennas.


is it?  when it randomly picks the good antenna, the transmission rate is far faster than when it picks the bad antenna...

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I've got a very odd issue which I think I've narrowed down to Remote Tech.  The short description is that with remote tech installed the behaviour of autostruts is broken/buggy when a craft is launched AND there is another craft nearby. 

The problem:
When a craft is launched AND there is another craft sitting nearby, with RT installed the autostruts on the 2nd craft (maybe other one too, not checked) do not work.  Any part which had autostrut enabled in the editor no longer has it enabled, and when looking at the context menu for that part you can't cycle the autostrut setting, it just remains disabled. Other parts which didn't have autostrut enabled in the editor can have autostruts enabled from the context menu like normal once launched. So it only breaks the autostrut functionality on parts which have them enabled in the editor before launch.  It also seems that the joint strength between all parts is weakened as the whole craft has a kind of blancmange consistency! 

This doesn't sound like it could be anything to do with Remote Tech, but I can only make this issue happen with RT installed. Uninstalling RT or just deleting the RT RemoteTech.dll plugin file (but leaving the rest of the mod and module manager present) fixes the issue.

Here are the steps which I can reliably recreate the problem with.
Start a fresh sandbox save (all default options) in a fresh install of KSP 1.9.1 (no mods or DLCs installed).  Then launch a rover on the runway and drive it off the runway to one side.  Then launch another craft on the runway and everything is exactly as expected.
Then quit KSP and install RT via ckan, relaunch KSP and return to the save, click on the craft icon on the runway and hit fly.  At this point all is ok, but if you quick save and reload then as soon as the craft loads, it's apparent that it's more flexible than it should be and the context menu option for autostruts on parts which should have them enabled no longer works.  If you then recover the craft, return the SPH and launch it again then as soon as it loads the problem is present.

Then quit KSP and either uninstall RT or just delete the plugin .dll file and relaunch and return to the craft on the runway.  Autostruts are now working as expected. You can Quicksave and reload and/or recover and relaunch and still everything works normally.

What makes this issue more curious is that it's dependent on another craft being present.  With remote tech installed, when I launch a craft without another craft nearby, then autostruts behave as normal.  The problem seems to require RT AND another craft close by when you launch.  Most bizarre! 
I thought it might be a Module Manager issue, but as just deleting the RemoteTech.dll is enough to fix the issue then I guess not.

Here is a zip containing 3 KSP.log files, one from before RT is installed, one with RT installed and one with the RT plugin removed.  Zip also contains my KSP settings.cfg (just incase), the two craft I'm using to test this and another zip which is a save folder setup with the two craft launched. If you put that save in a fresh 1.9.1 install, install RT and then load the save and click on the aircraft (CT-8-LR) on the runway, click fly, then do a quick save and reload you should see the issue (on that craft all the fuel tanks on either side of the central tanks should be autostrutted).  

It might be significant, but the two craft are from older versions of KSP (1.7.x), but they have been re-saved in 1.9.1 and in either a pure stock setup or my modded (55+ mods, just minus RT) install then they work as expected. So i think they are ok. 

I'm still not convinced this is a RT bug, because....what would RT do that would cause that effect?  But as disabling the RT plugin does remove the issue, I can't see what else is causing it. 
So any help with this would be really appreciated! Thanks! 

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  On 5/27/2020 at 5:20 PM, TaxiService said:

This command center requires RC-L01 part and minimum 6 Kerbals to work, as shown below.



Just because I've been having trouble getting this to work, and not quite following the documentation, can I check that I'm understanding it correctly?

* The vessel acting as the remote probe control point needs to have a part with the "probe control point" module, and at least the number of crew listed under "Min. Pilots on Vessel".

* "Pilots" there means actual kerbals with the 'pilot' skill, not just "someone in the command pod".

* The vessel being remote controlled needs to have "Remote Pilot Assist available" listed under the "Command" module.

* The vessel being remote controlled also needs to have the "Signal Processor" module, and where it says "(x+ crew)", which is 6 in the above image, that means that the probe control point ALSO needs to have that many crew total

* The probe control point vessel and the remote controlled vessel need to have an antenna connection between them

Phew. Did I miss anything?


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Edit: I must have missed something, because I made this test craft in sandbox, hyperedited it to Duna, where I don't have comm links, separated the two bits... and have no control over the bit without kerbals on it.


* The main craft has 7 kerbals, including 2 pilots in the command module.

* The command module has the module "probe control point", which description says "Min Pilots on Vessel: 2"

* The probe core on the probe section has the module "Signal Processor", the description of which says "Remote Command capable (6+ crew)"

* Both parts have power and antennas.

But when I undock the two parts of the vessel and switch to the probe part, my signal status is "no signal" and I have no control.

I'm clearly missing something.

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Hi @Tokamak,

Actually, RemoteTech Remote Command function precedes CommNet Remote Pilot function (earlier than KSP 1.0), and has nothing to do with Remote Pilot requirements such as pilot kerbal.

To quality as a command center, a vessel must have enough space for minimum 6 kerbals of any skill, an antenna and a RC-L01 part (red arrow in pic below).


You can see I decouple the little RCS probe and fly it around the remote command.

Hope this clarifies.

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  On 6/10/2020 at 1:44 PM, TaxiService said:

Hi @Tokamak,

Actually, RemoteTech Remote Command function precedes CommNet Remote Pilot function (earlier than KSP 1.0), and has nothing to do with Remote Pilot requirements such as pilot kerbal.

To quality as a command center, a vessel must have enough space for minimum 6 kerbals of any skill, an antenna and a RC-L01 part (red arrow in pic below).


You can see I decouple the little RCS probe and fly it around the remote command.

Hope this clarifies.


Oh, so it _has_ to have that one specific part? I didn't realize that. There aren't a variety of parts with that functionality?

Thanks for clearing that up! :)

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  On 6/10/2020 at 7:47 PM, Tokamak said:

Oh, so it _has_ to have that one specific part? I didn't realize that. There aren't a variety of parts with that functionality?

Thanks for clearing that up! :)


*THAT* part should get a new model, instead of reusing a stock one :P

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