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[1.4.x-1.8.x] Airplane Plus - R26.4 (Fixed issues/Github is up to date) (Dec 21, 2019)


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7 hours ago, aluc24 said:

Hey, @blackheart612, there seem to be a few bugs regarding helicopter rotors in Aircraft Plus. I tried using K700 Hawk, and I'm not sure if this is applicable to other engines as well.

1. If I land, turn the engine off, but don't wait for RPM to slow down, but save the game there, the next time I re-load the game, my helicopter is a dozen meters in the air, and comes crashing down.

2. If I do wait for it to stop completely, save, and reload, I find it running again for some reason (at least the helo doesn't crash).

3. The fuel consumption seems to jump wildly depending something I can't pinpoint. Definitely not altitude.

I don't have any other mods that should be influencing this behavior.


4. Additionally, after loading a save mid-fllight, the helicopter engine doesn't immediately give the thrust it had at the time of save, but instead, spools up from some very low value, making the helicopter fall quite a bit before the engine is at full power. At low altitudes, this can easily cause a crash.


There's likely other factors at work, but I think there's also the stock loading bug that appears to be making a comeback.  Mentioned in the workaround fix mod here.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Could we get versions of the heli rotors that use the regular KSP engine module instead of the Firespitter one, so that Throttle Controlled Avionics works with them? Right now I have to do the ugly workaround of putting an ant engine pointing down through the COM to tell TCA where the thrust vector is, and this still doesn't allow for most of TCA's functionality.

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4 hours ago, CS30 said:

I have a big problem, and I'm very confused. I've tried deleting and re-downloading the mod several times, but it still won't work. I'm using 1.4.3. When I load the game, only the propeller engines show up and one cockpit. Help!

Sounds to me like you are installing the mod wrong. To make sure, after installing the mod, your GameData folder should have the following files/folders:

  • AirplanePlus
  • Firespitter
  • Squad                       (stock stuff)
  • SquadExpansion     (if you have making history expansion installed)
  • ModuleManager.x.x.x.dll
  • (possibly other mods)

This is the cockpit you get right? It is the only one that is not sensitive to the file path. So if it is the issue is most likely with your folder structure inside the GameData folder.


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2 hours ago, Hojoz said:

Will you guys update the mod for 1.4.5?

Can confirm, it all works just fine under 1.4.5; if you keep any dependencies up to date with the minor releases, parts packs tend to keep working throughout each major release cycle.

Edited by JH4C
me fail English? that's unpossible
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I'm trying to use the J-56 Lotus engines on my space shuttle.  After reentry I slow to about 300 m/s at around 5km, I stage the engines and they immediately flame out and say "Air Combustion Failed".  They work fine when I load up on the runway and take off from there.    

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1 hour ago, eberkain said:


I'm trying to use the J-56 Lotus engines on my space shuttle.  After reentry I slow to about 300 m/s at around 5km, I stage the engines and they immediately flame out and say "Air Combustion Failed".  They work fine when I load up on the runway and take off from there.    

That is intended behaviour. They flame out above mach 0.70, once you slow down bellow that they should start working again. From memory I would say at 5km mach 0.7 is ~230m/s. (and don't ask me why mach 0.70 is the cutoff, after all most airliners fly between mach 0.7 and mach 0.85)

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3 hours ago, neistridlar said:

That is intended behaviour. They flame out above mach 0.70, once you slow down bellow that they should start working again. From memory I would say at 5km mach 0.7 is ~230m/s. (and don't ask me why mach 0.70 is the cutoff, after all most airliners fly between mach 0.7 and mach 0.85)

yes indeed, that does work.  

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2 hours ago, DJspaceinvader said:

Hey, I'm having some trouble with getting the mod to work. I try to put the files in gamedatat but almost none of the cockpits will appear, help is apreciated.

The same problem, and the standard fix for it, is mentioned higher up on this page. If you need further assistance, refer to the stickied messages at the top of the Add-Ons forum for advice on how to proceed.

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On 9/16/2018 at 5:09 PM, neistridlar said:

Sounds to me like you are installing the mod wrong. To make sure, after installing the mod, your GameData folder should have the following files/folders:

  • AirplanePlus
  • Firespitter
  • Squad                       (stock stuff)
  • SquadExpansion     (if you have making history expansion installed)
  • ModuleManager.x.x.x.dll
  • (possibly other mods)

This is the cockpit you get right? It is the only one that is not sensitive to the file path. So if it is the issue is most likely with your folder structure inside the GameData folder.


It still doesn't work. I have these mods in my game data.

Squad             PhysicsRangeExtender             ModuleManager-3        BDArmory VesselMover        KerbalKonstructs


KerbinSideRemastered        WorldStabilizer     QuizTechAeroContinued       KerbinSide      ModuleManager-Master     


ModuleManager.ConfigCache      ModuleManager.ConfigSHA      ModuleManager.Physics      ModuleManager.TechTree     000_ClickThroughBlocker


001_ToolbarControl        LackMisc     RCSBuildAid     SpaceY-Expanded       SpaceY-Lifters      


 MechJeb2     B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings      Airplane_Plus-22      Firespitter

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Why is it Airplane_Plus-22? Where's that from? I name my .zip AirplanePlus_XX (but I occasionally make mistakes), but it still looks like you unpacked the zip into an entire folder, you need to open the zip, open the GameData in the zip and drop the contents to that folder that contains those.

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7 hours ago, klgraham1013 said:

Someone should contact the author.


13 hours ago, blackheart612 said:

Is this mod dead? :huh:

I giggled when I read these posts.:D

PS: I apologize for the  unnecessary post,I just wanted to know if everything was ok.


As for the other reply

9 hours ago, JH4C said:

No posts for 6 days is hardly a surprising development. Heck, some threads go 6 months or more without any posts.


That I can understand,I've seen said "6 month hiatus" thing happen before on some posts in this forum



Edited by Audiobotguy03
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