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[1.4.x-1.8.x] Airplane Plus - R26.4 (Fixed issues/Github is up to date) (Dec 21, 2019)


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@Mapoko Good question, that's because we haven't optimized the place in the tech tree yet. It's gonna be optimized soon. Probably on the next release or the release after that. I'm very sure since in the bridge to the next phase, placement in the tech tree will be crucial. I did say I wanted to go retro on the next phase so the hint is early flight. Way early than stock KSP allows you to probably.

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Thanks! I guess I will be skipping those engines for my current hard career restart (1.1.3), but hope to fully use them (for reality sake) next time I start over.

Can simply move them myself, but I think they are too powerful to simply do that and it will diminish my gaming experience.

Really looking forward to the tweaks and balance updates!


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  On 7/2/2016 at 6:19 PM, Mapoko said:

Thanks! I guess I will be skipping those engines for my current hard career restart (1.1.3), but hope to fully use them (for reality sake) next time I start over.

Can simply move them myself, but I think they are too powerful to simply do that and it will diminish my gaming experience.

Really looking forward to the tweaks and balance updates!


I use the UnmannedBeforeManned mod from Yemo (linked below), plus Community Tech Tree and several homebrew patches. I add new propEngine nodes to the TechTree branching off of Engineering 101 which give me early access to the propeller engines, and separate them out into three techs: Basic Propeller Engines, Improved Propeller Engines, and Advanced Propeller Engines. Would you be interested in these? If you use the SXT propeller engines and KAX, they also set those up. If you don't use UBM, I can make an independent version.



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  On 7/3/2016 at 4:04 PM, blackheart612 said:

@SpaceToad Does that mean you could not reverse the thrust despite changing it on the hangar? Or do you mean that you can't change it anytime after you did that. I tested it on mine and it worked (the switching on the hangar)


In the editor, after reversing thrust, the magenta thrust arrow stays facing the proper forward thrust direction. If I attempt to switch thrust modes to normal or reversed, the aircraft still goes backwards.

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1.1.3, X64. Even using the method you've described it doesnt work. How reversers should work (the standard way every other capable engine does) is that when the reverser toggle is active, the CoT inverses, and thrust will travel in that direction. It should not be toggled in the editor, show no sign of function, and then reverse thrust when normal thrust is applied (Because it doesnt go back to normal thrust when you launch. If you set it to reverse thrust, it remains in reverse thrust.) In the case of your engines, in either mode they both propel forward.

Now, I dont know much about Firespitter's modules, but this is a bit of a red flag for me...

This is the reverser module used in an KAX engine, same as the one you use.

	name = FSswitchEngineThrustTransform
	defaultTTName = thrustTransform
	alternateTTName = alternateThrustTransform
	useNamedAlternate = 0
	animateThrottleRange = 0.5, 0

And here is the module used in the Merlin (Mustang) engine.

	name = FSswitchEngineThrustTransform
	defaultTTName = thrustTransform


So, as you can see, no value is given for alternateTTName (Thrust transform), useNamedAlternate (Self explanitory), and animateThrottleRange (Secondary throttle for an alternate mode, like thrust reversion.)

Now lets take a look at the documentation...




Allows for engines with reverse thrust, so you don’t have to create one pulling and one pushing propeller.




name = FSswitchEngineThrustTransform


// The thust transform used for normal/forwards flight

defaultTTName = thrustTransform


// Optional: The alternate thrustTransform used for reversed or alternate thrust direction.

alternateTTName = alternateThrustTransform


// Should a named gameObject transform be used for the alternate thrust direction? If not, the reverse direction of the default will be used.

useNamedAlternate = 0


// Optional: If an FSanimateThrottle module is present, you specify a range of the animation to use in the reversed state. If it should have the the regular animation, set it to 0, 1

animateThrottleRange = 0.5, 0


// Should the engine start reversed? (Persistent value for saved craft)

isReversed = False


// Used to avoid popup conflict if duplicate modules are on a single part (unlikely)

moduleID = 0



name... Check! defaultTTName... Check! alternateTTName...NULL! So what does this mean? You did not provide the alternate transform to provide reverse thrust! But there is a solution... useNamedAlternate! As you can see, if you did not name an alternate, you can use the reverse of the default transform, however, you must declare that you wish to use this by adding it to the cfg's. 

So what do I suggest you do? Append the configs with;

useNamedAlternate = 0


animateThrottleRange = 0, 0.6


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  On 7/6/2016 at 4:29 AM, blackheart612 said:

@SpaceToad I see I've been looking on the wrong direction. Thanks to you the efforts will be concentrated towards config editing and further development of parts. We'll use that information to fix the problem :wink:


I'm glad to help, and honestly it's no big deal. Very simple fix.

Your parts are so great that I really wanted to find a fix. I use them on at least 2% of my fleet, and my fleet is HUGE.

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@SpaceToad Glad to hear that. In any case, I still thank you for the help you've done.


On update, got some further development today. 

Here's a silver tipped V-12 prop based on Yak-3's engine. I was wondering if people would like the silver tip for a change. Otherwise, I'll change it back to black.


And so just like I said, another part is included on the next release which will bridge into the next phase (which I am currently thinking on). Well if you were wondering where it was based, it's from I-153 or the 1-16's engine. We are probably going to pass by the biplane era for a short time in a future release.


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  On 7/6/2016 at 5:33 PM, blackheart612 said:

Here's a silver tipped V-12 prop based on Yak-3's engine. I was wondering if people would like the silver tip for a change. Otherwise, I'll change it back to black.


And so just like I said, another part is included on the next release which will bridge into the next phase (which I am currently thinking on). Well if you were wondering where it was based, it's from I-153 or the 1-16's engine. We are probably going to pass by the biplane era for a short time in a future release.



Love the little radial engine! The silver tip looks good, but perhaps it should be a mesh switch instead of a completely separate engine?

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Are you working on a dual prop engine and maybe a jet engine like the Me-262? If you are doing propellers first, it's ok, I can wait :D

Edit: And maybe can you make a Bf-109 cockpit?

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Can we get a quick patch for reversing the engine thrust? I've got a pusher running a Whirlwind (because that's the only one that will convert), but I think the Kraken is better suited to its requirements.

(Still compiling fuel flow charts for Tanner; built a standardized chassis airframe, so that all elements except for engine are equal)

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Wrong punctuation
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  On 7/6/2016 at 8:44 PM, Murican_Jeb said:

Are you working on a dual prop engine and maybe a jet engine like the Me-262? If you are doing propellers first, it's ok, I can wait :D

Edit: And maybe can you make a Bf-109 cockpit?


According to @blackheart612, the engines and other parts will be released in stages.

  • WW2-era props up to Bi-planes
  • Helicopters / Turbines
  • Turbojets / Turbofans
  • Etc


  On 7/6/2016 at 9:31 PM, kiwinanday said:

Can we get a quick patch for reversing the engine thrust? I've got a pusher running a Whirlwind (because that's the only one that will convert), but I think the Kraken is better suited to its requirements.

(Still compiling fuel flow charts for Tanner; built a standardized chassis airframe, so that all elements except for engine are equal)



We found a solution to the problem yesterday, hopefully a new patch will be out soon. Until then, try adding these to the config of that engine.

Add these under FSswitchenginetransform.

useNamedAlternate = 0


animateThrottleRange = 0,
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I have an odd issue.  The game loads fine and the debug menus says all the engines have loaded, and yet the only engine available in both the tech tree and hanger is the Divine Wind engine... which works fine.  All the other engines are missing.  I've tried re-downloading the package twice. Thoughts?

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Release 3.1

Patch released to fix the issue of thrust reversal.

Thanks to @SpaceToad for his help in fixing this issue.


Info regarding the issue:

Turns out I had a broken thrustTransform in Unity. So despite my tries in fixing it through the configs, they never worked. I had to re-release R3.0 because I fixed all mesh now. Tested in 1.1.3. Should work now. Sorry for the inconvinience.

So there you are @kiwinanday



@GabeD416 There is no fix for that. There is information a few posts back. I should put it as an known issue on OP afterwards.

@theonegalen The silver tipped engine is a different engine that is to be added but with a significantly different texture. So no mesh switch will happen, it is an engine I planned to add. I can add an option for a black texture though but it might eat up some significant space and load time which is unnecessary.

@Murican_Jeb If you are asking about contra-props, browse on page 2 or somewhere close. I did make one already, not planning to release soon enough yet. It's just as spacetoad said. I'm releasing by stages. Still thinking about my roadmap so can't say if it will come really late or soon enough.

@AstroRick That is strange indeed. Although I haven't tested these on a career save, they should all appear in one place. (High altitude flight, iirc) Does it appear there? Also, do you use tech tree mods? Do they appear in sandbox?

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  On 7/6/2016 at 5:33 PM, blackheart612 said:




And so just like I said, another part is included on the next release which will bridge into the next phase (which I am currently thinking on). Well if you were wondering where it was based, it's from I-153 or the 1-16's engine. We are probably going to pass by the biplane era for a short time in a future release.



The engine in the picture above is the I-15's. The I-16's engine looks like this.

Edit: Wow, my first clickable link for this website xD

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  On 7/10/2016 at 4:35 AM, blackheart612 said:

@Murican_Jeb It is indeed designed as the I-15's cowling and shape but the radial engine inside it is still the Shvetsov M-25 which is used by both I-15 and I-16 at some point, iirc. Hence, the mention of the plane.


@blackheart612 Sorry, I meant the propeller, not the engine :rolleyes: but could you try to make the I-16's propeller? The I-16's propeller has two blades, so you could just use the I-15's engine and turn it into an I-16, just like you did with the bumblebee and the divide wind engine. Hope this helps :)

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