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It's pretty cheap, and worth the low cost, just buy it. If you are a kid with limited funds, explain to your parents that it has an educational component, for while not incredibly accurate in terms of how it treats spaceflight, it absolutely gives you a gut "feel" for orbital mechanics in a way that is rather difficult just doing such problems on paper. I got my daughter's science teacher hooked, and there are numerous technical people poking around on the forum here.

I'm happy when my kids are playing KSP vs watching youtube vids.

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4 hours ago, Mastikator said:

Sometimes it's on sale on Steam

Also don't be so hard on Jacksepticeye, it's not as easy as it looks.

I could do better in my sleep when I was 4 years old than JSE can on his best day. Simply put- he thought for SEVERAL episodes that putting multiple radial decouplers would double up as struts. Need I say more?

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Wait for summer sale in Steam, i heard that it'll be around 23 june or something.

I really cant say that ksp is cheap, not that expensive but not cheap either, especially if your country has terrible money value against dollar.

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7 hours ago, Bluemage6 said:

I really hope that I had KSP. I wish it was free. All I do is watch YouTubers play it. I actually know more about KSP than Jacksepticeye.



You will not find any game around with a comparable return on investment. This is, IMO, the best money I ever spent on games.

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Being better than jacksepticeye isn't hard, all he does is slap parts together and scream excessively when it explodes. I can't stand his channel. It's just full of unnecessary noise and yelling.

But to follow up on your initial statement, this is the finest game I have ever purchased in regards to hours played. The price is something I don't regret at all. It's alot better than the majority of AAA games pumped out that give you about 30 hours total.

Edited by Kerbin vonKerbal
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23 hours ago, Bluemage6 said:

I really hope that I had KSP. I wish it was free. All I do is watch YouTubers play it. I actually know more about KSP than Jacksepticeye.



Try begging on Reddit.

Occasionally, they go through a period of competitive generosity by giving steam keys away.

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I was in this situation for a long time..

Scott manley, jacksepticeye..

Its pricey now yes but deservedly so.its come a long way


When it was on sale I finally brought 2 copies.. Then everything ive learnt from scott and jack


Was absolutely no use to me..once the trains grabbed hold! :)


So in short...in the spirit of a steam meme


Would pay 40 dollars on a space simulator to drive trains again!


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On 5/22/2016 at 0:51 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

I could do better in my sleep when I was 4 years old than JSE can on his best day. Simply put- he thought for SEVERAL episodes that putting multiple radial decouplers would double up as struts. Need I say more?

The trouble with some Youtubers is you can't be certain all the time if they are just trolling. Anymore I don't really look for KSP Youtube vids as most of them don't take the game seriously, and the others play with so many mods you can't even tell out the original game.  Even Scott Manley has been getting mod-heavy and it bums me out, as once upon a time he was more about doing flights with no SAS at all and flying purely by stick.

The usual best source for KSP LP's has been Twitch, with those who contribute to the KSP channel.  Shame Spooty fell off the KSP wagon, though.


But as for OP's statement, there are lots of ways you can get a copy. Begging for someone to give it to you or pirating it are not ways to do so.  Start saving up and buy a gift card or the like that is feasible to your location, and in the meantime give the demo a whirl.  The demo alone has a lot to it to keep you busy for quite a while.

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16 minutes ago, kalakilok said:


No bumping please! It's against the rules. :wink:

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As far as the OP goes, I doubt you'll have much luck begging for the game around here. Start raking yards or walking dogs or something if you want the game so bad.
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