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What thing feels the best to do in KSP?


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As the title says, what thing in KSP gives you the best feeling?  For me, it is zooming past a planet at high speeds at low altitudes.  It gives me such a big rush! :D  What gives you the best feeling in KSP?

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In my opinion, it's accomplishing that thing that you've never been able to do yet, in spite of your most valiant efforts to date.  Apologies for the vagueness of that response, but the point is that for me, it changes.  When I had never made it to orbit, orbiting Jeb in his first Kobbled together ship was like not other feeling there was.  Then landing on the moon held that mystique.  Then completing a base on the Mun was pretty high.  Of course, now I've landed a city on the Mun and left 70 telephone sanitzers and hairdressers err... scientists there to populate it, so my sites are set somewhere outside of the Kerbin system, Maybe bases on all of Jool's natural satellites, or a permanent base on Eeloo...    I guess the only thing that doesn't make me feel great about this game is the stuff that I've already done enough to get bored with it... :)


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Seeing the home signals come into view at the end of the runway after a long drive..

Sounding the horn to announce my presence into the yard..giving the train one final squirt of throttle...hearing the engine settle to a low idle

KSC runway lights either side slowly sailing by.. Im home :)

Hit the brakes a tad to swing the nose of the locomotive onto the taxiway and into the stabling area


Doesnt matter if its KSP .90, 1.0 to 1.04 or 1.1 thats slowly taking shape 

44 class, 40 class, Kerbaliner Trijet, or modern day puma derived experimental trains

Coming home with a heavy train..always has felt like just that.. Home :)



Edited by Overland
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Landing planes on the runway. For some reason it feels satisfying when the wheels touch down. I find this especially when landing a space plane. I have no idea why though, :cool:

Also staging rockets and watching the parts fall off down is cool. 

Edited by worir4
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Not sure. Maybe patiently working on a gravity assist, looking for a good encounter and slingshot, and then pulling it off and getting from here to there with a miniscule use of delta-V. Anyone can pack a bunch of fuel and do a Hohman transfer and powered capture, I like to do better.

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Yup. Landing the first time on a planet or moon is a really good feeling.
Also, when something went wrong during the mission and you still managed to inprovise and got those Kebals back on Kerbin in one piece.

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When the spaceplane you've just reentered and landed rolls to a stop on the runway.

When the capsule you're returning from another planet enters Kerbin's SOI and you tweak the periapsis and then just relax 'til you have to open the 'chute.

Happy landings!

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The three best things in life are a good landing, a good poop, and a, uh... sweet release. :wink: A night carrier landing is one of the few opportunities to experience all three simultaneously. 

Sorry for language, cleaner than original quote at least! Also, just discovered my next ksp goal.

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Fixing a problem with a design which makes an un-usable vehicle into a usable vehicle. One of the biggest examples would be my rockets flipping over. When i worked out how to rectify it, it made my entire go from "trying to kill me" to "easy to driving as an auto nissan micra" and all subsequent rockets didn't have the problem.

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The first time I landed on the Mun was a very real sense of achievement, possibly my greatest moment in a video game ever. Understand that at that time I had no idea how "real" space travel worked and No idea of orbital mechanics.  Im still not really an expert but the hours of trial and error, tutorials and learning the game had finally paid off.

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  On 5/26/2016 at 2:50 PM, ag3nt108 said:

The first time I landed on the Mun was a very real sense of achievement, possibly my greatest moment in a video game ever.


So much this.

First orbit, first docking, first interplanetary trip are all good too, but none of them made me jump out of my chair and pump my fist like my first successful Mun landing.

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