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Lezzie Kerman? Seriously?


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1 hour ago, regex said:

The RNG's?  Could probably be added to the blacklist.

Meaning Random Name Generator I assume? Yes, "the game" presented me with Lezzie as a applicant.

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If I remember correctly, Kerbal names are generated from a series of parts, and excluding certain real names like Neil and such, what comes out is essentially random gibberish. SQUAD didn't type all the Billy-Bobert's and Jebfrey's into the little name hat. They typed generic name segments in and made a thing to mash them together.

Lezzie is just an unfortunate and unanticipated outcome.

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Seems to me that it's best to think of it as an alternate spelling of Lessie, which is entirely reasonable to assume of something produced by rolling a few dice and consulting tables for syllables to assemble.  Considering that the word I can only assume is the cause for all the outrage also contains an 's' rather than a 'z', it makes perfect sense for the letter substitution to occur (especially in the hurried speech of Kerbals!)

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I have it on good authority the implied meaning is quite different on K (something to do with a mild insult to technical writers who can't keep bad puns out of their writing I believe).  So not sure what the problem is, we all left Earth a long time ago didn't we? 

Thanks for sharing it's very amusing, anyone remember some the strange starting passwords AOL used to send out when trying to get people to sign up (they were two word random combinations)?

34 minutes ago, Laythe Dweller said:

I don't get it...

Well it's sort of sounds like some slang terms for the L word or more accurately L oriented persons.

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16 minutes ago, EliasDanger said:

Can't wait for Tranny Kerman to show up next.

Though, I'm not sure which bathroom they'd use.

I'm pretty sure Kerbals don't need bathrooms. That "toilet" in the destroyed building is actually a scientific experiment for a novel approach to transporting golf balls, using pipes filled with water! 

As for the name of the aforementioned Kerbal, I'd leave her be. It's not actually bad like a certain other word the name generator can come up with, it's a real name. And that's better than a lot of what the algorithm cones up with...(seriously, who would name their kid Billy-Bobdorf?)

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16 minutes ago, cubinator said:

(seriously, who would name their kid Billy-Bobdorf?)

Well, being down south where I am, I've actually met a Billy-Bob before. Granted it wasn't his birth name, but still.

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