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What new parts should they add?

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  On 6/20/2016 at 9:03 PM, Shadowsteps said:

Out of the NUMEROUS things that need to be made stock (life support, dv readout, radar altimeter on the main screen, center of pressure indicator, simulation mode to name a few) this would be very, very far down the list.


I gotta disagree there, this ranks above life support.  Almost every good idea ranks above life support, which needs to stay as a mod.

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  On 6/21/2016 at 7:12 AM, Alshain said:

I gotta disagree there, this ranks above life support.  Almost every good idea ranks above life support, which needs to stay as a mod.


While we can agree to disagree on that single point, I would say that these fall in the same category.  Infinitely more useful things for the devs to be doing with their time.

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  On 6/21/2016 at 10:45 PM, Shadowsteps said:

While we can agree to disagree on that single point, I would say that these fall in the same category.  Infinitely more useful things for the devs to be doing with their time.


We'll have to disagree then.  Grid Fins would fit with the core game and match with it's function, Life support does not, it is outside the scope of the game.

Grid fins are just another part.  At it's core level, no different than the other parts in the game.  Life support is a new game mechanic, and a time based one at that.  In KSP, that doesn't work.  Look at the Science Lab, that was the last attempt at a time based mechanic and people STILL complain about it despite all the numerous limitations they have enforced on it.  So yeah, new parts over questionable mechanics any day.

Edited by Alshain
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I don't think life support should EVER be stock. Same with multiplayer. KSP just is NOT SUITED for either as anything but mods IMHO.

grid fins, are a part. Would be easy enough I reckon for them thar fins at be made stock. Yessir I reckon that indeed.

Edited by AlamoVampire
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  On 6/21/2016 at 11:46 PM, AlamoVampire said:

I don't think life support should EVER be stock. Same with multiplayer. KSP just is NOT SUITED for either as anything but mods IMHO.


Both wouldn't fit into the game only because it still feels unfinished.

I'm not a big fun of multiplayer in KSP either, but that's simply because the game doesn't provide substantial things (for the lack of better word) to support it and keep it interesting. I would love to build my own plane and dogfight and race against my friends, but I'm afraid SQUAD will make silly mistakes again (just like it was with the career), and the whole dev time spent on making multiplayer possible and playable will be time wasted (again).

Edited by Veeltch
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  On 6/22/2016 at 12:01 AM, Veeltch said:

<snipped for clarity> the whole dev time spent on making multiplayer possible and playable will be time wasted (again).


See, this point right here is why I think KSP =/= Multiplayer. Yes, I play MP games like FFXIV ARR or MWO and thats what they are for multiplayer. BUT, when you have a game that gets cranky when you have too many parts on just YOUR ship or too many mods what do people think is going to happen when you put say just 5 people <just being conservative/kind to the idea> in a single location, and each are running <again staying SMALL for kindness sake> ships with say 120 parts and say use parts from KW, Novapunch <and this is just assuming people are running the same MODS for this example> whats going to happen to the potato machines? Melt? Crash? Lag? Oh sure the high end 4000 buck machines will take it in stride and think a gnat possibly buzzed by, but the lesser rigs will think who just put an elephant in the bed? Add in the fact that Player A uses set A of mods, Player B uses a different set, Set B and Player C well, you see where I am going right? What happens when those 3 players suddenly try to dock at the same station? I know my copy of KSP pitched a fit at me for trying to load a save that had an outdated version of KSP once, I cant imagine the storm it would cast when YOU try to load mods I do not run into my area or me into yours.

This doesnt even cover Trolls. Just because someone thinks it cant or wont happen or has such a small chance of happening or even thinks they have ways to prevent it, does not mean its not possible. Heck, Yellowstone Super Volcano has NOT erupted in the WHOLE of human history, but, its possible. I just foresee so many possibilities for how this can go wrong in so many ways that, frankly, it shouldnt be even on the radar. Not now. Maybe when KSP is 10 years old, but not now, not in the next year or few years. 

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  On 6/22/2016 at 8:27 AM, AlamoVampire said:

See, this point right here is why I think KSP =/= Multiplayer. Yes, I play MP games like FFXIV ARR or MWO and thats what they are for multiplayer. BUT, when you have a game that gets cranky when you have too many parts on just YOUR ship or too many mods what do people think is going to happen when you put say just 5 people <just being conservative/kind to the idea> in a single location, and each are running <again staying SMALL for kindness sake> ships with say 120 parts and say use parts from KW, Novapunch <and this is just assuming people are running the same MODS for this example> whats going to happen to the potato machines? Melt? Crash? Lag? Oh sure the high end 4000 buck machines will take it in stride and think a gnat possibly buzzed by, but the lesser rigs will think who just put an elephant in the bed? Add in the fact that Player A uses set A of mods, Player B uses a different set, Set B and Player C well, you see where I am going right? What happens when those 3 players suddenly try to dock at the same station? I know my copy of KSP pitched a fit at me for trying to load a save that had an outdated version of KSP once, I cant imagine the storm it would cast when YOU try to load mods I do not run into my area or me into yours.

This doesnt even cover Trolls. Just because someone thinks it cant or wont happen or has such a small chance of happening or even thinks they have ways to prevent it, does not mean its not possible. Heck, Yellowstone Super Volcano has NOT erupted in the WHOLE of human history, but, its possible. I just foresee so many possibilities for how this can go wrong in so many ways that, frankly, it shouldnt be even on the radar. Not now. Maybe when KSP is 10 years old, but not now, not in the next year or few years. 


Were multiplayer to be implemented, they could take a page from the community-made modding API and prevent players from joining servers with mismatched modsets and versions.

As it is, DarkMultiPlayer fails gracefully with this kind of thing (as in, the game doesn't craft or bug out)

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More rover wheel styles and shapes, and tracks. Right now I like to use Kerbal Foundries, but it's very unbalanced - the crash tolerances are absurd and the heat tolerances are also absurd. The only thing keeping me from abusing them is Deadly Reentry (G-forces from a 1000 m/s impact would kill my kerbals and tear the ship into confetti.)

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A stock, sturdy hinge or hinges.

So many designs of mine are limited to what can fit in a static space.

Often times I have to rely on part clipping to fit ships inside of other ships...etc.

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For my part, more than everything, I would like to see new parts in the science section, more especially for the probes. Inspirated by some of the most famous missions like Deep Impact, Giotto, Hayabusa, Rosetta/Philae, Stardust or Vegas, how great it could be to go close to one small celestial body, capture some samples and bring them back with a tiny dedicated re-entry vehicle. A sample collector, cameras, a mini-laboratory as well as return capsules would be really interesting.

Also if a new and larger solid-fueled booster could be studied, the old Kickback can still be useful in some configurations but in most of the cases lacks a huge amount of power. About 33% of thrust to lift just its own mass did not leave you a lot of room to use it as a first stage.

And as a final point (but the least important to me), a new range of 2.5 m/large fuel tanks (or a lifting to the X-200 family). Apart of the Jumbo-64 I never used the others from Rockomax due to one simple reason : ugliness. I simply refuse to see one of these drums and their horrible beads on my crafts when all the others tanks are way more beautiful and pleasant to see.

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I would like to stage course chances and fuel transfers/fuel cutoff to name a few.

Would also be nice to connect multiple decouplers between two fuel tanks. (At least i can't get that to work, making big rockets flop around)

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  On 6/24/2016 at 7:36 AM, Matsnorway said:

I would like to stage course chances and fuel transfers/fuel cutoff to name a few.

Would also be nice to connect multiple decouplers between two fuel tanks. (At least i can't get that to work, making big rockets flop around)


What is stage course change?

You can make an fuel transfer cutoff function now, put an small octagonal strut on a radial decopler, draw fuel pipe from source into the strut then from it and to source tank. stage decopler to cut flow benefit is that this can be staged and you cut fuel and oxidizer at once. 

Useful if you launch stuff with lots of fuel capacity you intend to refuel in orbit, you can then let the first stage use the extra capacity and cut so you have enough left for upper stage functionality. 

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  On 6/29/2016 at 9:16 PM, limeyptwo said:
  • A MK3 Probe/Drone core
  • A 2.5 meter jet that is not the Goliath
  • 2.5 and 3.75 meter solid boosters
  • Stock 5 meter parts

      Comment if you disagree or have any more suggestions.


3.75m probe core?:0.0: What is this, 1950's ? A 3.75m reaction wheel is better, then we just add any probe core inside

...you want 2.5m turbo-jet right? we all do:cool:

2.5m SRBs would fit almost fit nicely with 3.75m parts, but the 5m parts may be a bit outside scope(SQUAD has to cater for everyone). What i mean by that is, I first started the game with the "First Contract" update. I was overwhelmed by all the part choices in sandbox. Every new part added to the game should be carefully thought out(5m rocket fuel tanks brings new engines, adapters, fairings, decouplers, maybe even wings and plane parts...etc)

*The super large rover wheels would be quite useful then


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I wish they would add some inline comand pods (3.75 or bigger), by "command pod" i don't mean small lander-like pods, i mean big command centers for deep space/long term missions.

Another idea would be to include something like the "deep freeze" -mod. At least Kerbals should have some space for themselves on longer missions and not being constrained in a tiny 2 man cockpit for several months or years.

On a personal note: PLEASE don't waste time on developing KSP for multiplayer. I'm on the run from multiplayer games and KSP was one of the last games where i could spend my time in peace. In my experience Multiplayer games always tend become stressful and a race against other players, that's not why i play KSP. To me a game should be fun, relaxing and leave you fulfilled, not stressed, angry and hating mankind. I can have that all day if i wanted to.

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