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2,000 year old bog butter. It's apparently edible


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Well, from milk :-)

I don't know how they come to the conclusion (belief?) that this is 2000yr old. If there is no clear stratigraphy (difficult in a bog) and no chemical/physical dating. That is very difficult, there are plant-remnants of all time periods since the forming of the bog which could be as old as the end of the ice age. If there is a roman coin inside or some typical fabric around it then i'll agree. But it could as well have been dug in in medieval times. Depending on the soil it can be difficult to recognize an artificial pit.

But organic things like tissue (or butter) in wet soil can last a looong time. But no bones ... too sour much acidity in that environment for them ... poor jelly bog bodies.


Edit: it *might* be that old, but since i'm not that much into believing i need a proper date to be convinced.

Edited by Green Baron
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Did you people actually read the arcticle? :P Nowhere it says someone tasted it.


However, despite bog butter being technically edible, researchers advise against eating it.


Edited by Camacha
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45 minutes ago, lajoswinkler said:

"Technically edible" - yes, we read it. :P

If you use strong words like stupid journalism, I expect something strong to back it up.

Wait, now I remember - were you not that guy that tends to speak in absolutes where there are none?

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