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[WIP][1.1.3] Flight Operations 0.1-alpha


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Okay, I've got a few of the events onto the telemetry feed. The following flight events are being captured:

  • Rollout - RolledOutDate, DryCost, FuelCost, DryMass, FuelMass, TotalCost, TotalMass, Pilot, Crew, Passengers
  • Launch - LaunchDate
  • Orbit Achieved
  • Stage Separated - Stage, StageMass, StageCost

I still need to add:

  • Contract Completed
  • Destroyed
  • Recovered
  • Stage Destroyed

The telemetry feed is sampled every second, or at flight events. The feed contains the following data points:

MissionTime, VesselID, Acceleration, Altitude, AngularVelocity, AtmosphericDensity, DynamicPressure, ExternalTemperature, HeightFromTerrain, Latitude, Longitude, OrbitalVelocity, SurfaceSpeed, SurfaceVelocity, TerrainHeight, VerticalSpeed, ReferenceBody, RelativeVelocity, Periapsis, Apoapsis, TimeToApoapsis, TimeToPeriapsis, Inclination, Eccentricity, Epoch, OrbitalPeriod, ArgumentOfPeriapsis, TimeToTransition1, TimeToTransition2, SemiMajorAxis, LongitudeOfAscendingNode, MeanAnomalyAtEpoch, TimeOfPeriapsisPassage, TrueAnomaly, Throttle, Pitch, Yaw, Roll, PitchTrim, YawTrim, RollTrim, X, Y, Z, FuelFlow, Thrust, Available, Consumption, Flight Event

Lots of data, but it does take some space. 184KB for a launch to orbit. I do have some plans to reduce this size, but not going to worry about it too much for now. But basically, once a flight is "finished", the telemetry data will be deleted, or archived (based on settings), and summarised into flight history.

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21 hours ago, Heed said:

Okay, I've got a few of the events onto the telemetry feed. The following flight events are being captured:

  • Rollout - RolledOutDate, DryCost, FuelCost, DryMass, FuelMass, TotalCost, TotalMass, Pilot, Crew, Passengers
  • Launch - LaunchDate
  • Orbit Achieved
  • Stage Separated - Stage, StageMass, StageCost

I still need to add:

  • Contract Completed
  • Destroyed
  • Recovered
  • Stage Destroyed

The telemetry feed is sampled every second, or at flight events. The feed contains the following data points:

MissionTime, VesselID, Acceleration, Altitude, AngularVelocity, AtmosphericDensity, DynamicPressure, ExternalTemperature, HeightFromTerrain, Latitude, Longitude, OrbitalVelocity, SurfaceSpeed, SurfaceVelocity, TerrainHeight, VerticalSpeed, ReferenceBody, RelativeVelocity, Periapsis, Apoapsis, TimeToApoapsis, TimeToPeriapsis, Inclination, Eccentricity, Epoch, OrbitalPeriod, ArgumentOfPeriapsis, TimeToTransition1, TimeToTransition2, SemiMajorAxis, LongitudeOfAscendingNode, MeanAnomalyAtEpoch, TimeOfPeriapsisPassage, TrueAnomaly, Throttle, Pitch, Yaw, Roll, PitchTrim, YawTrim, RollTrim, X, Y, Z, FuelFlow, Thrust, Available, Consumption, Flight Event

Lots of data, but it does take some space. 184KB for a launch to orbit. I do have some plans to reduce this size, but not going to worry about it too much for now. But basically, once a flight is "finished", the telemetry data will be deleted, or archived (based on settings), and summarised into flight history.

Hey I think I sent you a version of that logo you were looking for. I don't know if you like or not. Does it have to be transparent or do I have to mimic the app launcher icon style and make the whole cube?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On August 15, 2016 at 2:05 AM, Heed said:

@Aperture Science Employee I didn't see anything. Did you send it to my gmail account? As for transparent or not, I'm not sure. I'll give it a try transparent and let you know.


I see you added it. I wish for the best of all of you! Cheers

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Hi there! Just wanted to check in and see if you are still on this one, I do like the idea behind it and consider to replace "launch numbering" with this, since you provide more options aka roman nubmers =)   (+ the neat flight records!). 

Is this mod already in a useable state, or is there any danger of savegame breaking?

Edited by Filigan
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Hi, thanks for the report. Currently I do not test against any other mods, but KCT is one of the main ones I want to be compatible with.

I'm going to try and have an updated release as soon as I can, but RL is intruding quite a lot I'm afraid, emigrating to a new country.

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@genericeventhandler One of the main things the rewrite is addressing is the save system. I now create a "Missions" folder under the save folder location that contains the telemetry, event, and flight history records. I also want to add a setting that allows you to control how long to keep the detailed data for (flight history summary would be kept forever), as well as an UI mechanism to "purge" old data.

@Filigan Can you provide some clarity on exactly what you mean by "and consider to replace "launch numbering" with this, since you provide more options aka roman nubmers"

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6 hours ago, Heed said:

@genericeventhandler One of the main things the rewrite is addressing is the save system. I now create a "Missions" folder under the save folder location that contains the telemetry, event, and flight history records. I also want to add a setting that allows you to control how long to keep the detailed data for (flight history summary would be kept forever), as well as an UI mechanism to "purge" old data.

@Filigan Can you provide some clarity on exactly what you mean by "and consider to replace "launch numbering" with this, since you provide more options aka roman nubmers"

Cool, I do miss this. 

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13 hours ago, Heed said:


@Filigan Can you provide some clarity on exactly what you mean by "and consider to replace "launch numbering" with this, since you provide more options aka roman nubmers"

right now use a mod called launch numbering, but i will use your mod instead once it is finished, since your mod does exactly what launch numbering does + more :)


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Here's a view of the Settings page as I have it so far, with just the flight naming options in for now. I'm going to have a first re-release soon with basically just flight naming in place.


I'll make sure it works with KCT before that release.

I'll then extend the vessel view (hover over the FO icon) to include some event data, and then add the Flight History view, and finally include a full telemetry view. The next step will be to make telemetry "play nice" with mods that would be expected to impact telemetry feeds, e.g. MechJeb, Telemachus, RemoteTech etc.

And yes, I have been inspired by the Kerbalism UI. Really liked it when I installed it a few days ago.

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On 31.8.2016 at 7:59 AM, Heed said:

Here's a view of the Settings page as I have it so far, with just the flight naming options in for now. I'm going to have a first re-release soon with basically just flight naming in place.


I'll make sure it works with KCT before that release.

I'll then extend the vessel view (hover over the FO icon) to include some event data, and then add the Flight History view, and finally include a full telemetry view. The next step will be to make telemetry "play nice" with mods that would be expected to impact telemetry feeds, e.g. MechJeb, Telemachus, RemoteTech etc.

And yes, I have been inspired by the Kerbalism UI. Really liked it when I installed it a few days ago.

I cant wait to get my fingers on that =)

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@Deimos Rast @evileye.x KCT support is going to be tricky. KCT doesn't have an API, and the simulation portion is getting moved to KRASH, which does have an API. So, it looks like I'll have to provide KRASH support rather than KCT support for simulations.

Okay, it looks like I'm approaching stability on the Flight Naming feature. Here's the skinny:

  • All flights are numbered based on the "underlying" vessel name
  • A vessel name can include formatting for the numbering
  • The formatting can be one or more hash signs, which indicate zero padded numbers, e.g. # becomes 1, ## becomes 01, etc. The hashes can be at the beginning or end of the name, e.g. "## AeroEquus" or "AeroEquus #".
  • The formatting can also be a dollar sign, which indicated roman numerals. Only one dollar sign is supported. Can also be at the beginning, or the end, e.g. "AeroEquus $" becomes "AeroEquus IV" if it's the third.
  • You can swap formatting without affecting the count. So you could have "AeroEquus 1", "AeroEquus-02", "III AeroEquus", all using the same "underlying" of "AeroEquus".
  • If you have no formatting, the default naming format, controlled in Settings will be used. This will always be equivalent to either "AeroEquus #" or "AeroEquus $", depending on your setting.
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Just a quick update. I'm working on a bug for the renaming when you revert a flight, and a couple related to displaying the events.

I've also begun adding in flight events again. There's now an inflight popup where you can view the events, but they also appear as normal screen notifications as they happen.

Mach and Max Q events 


Separation Events

I distinguish between booster separation (radial), and core separation. Core separations get a number, and I count the number of boosters separate.



Flight Events Popup

Here you can see the popup of the flight events so far. This has a standard "hover over" behaviour.


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