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Warning for hobbyist modders thinking about trying VisualStudio?

Stone Blue

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Well, I should have known better than to install and try VisualStudio... With VS itself, and all the "other" required MS components, I easily lost ~10GB of HDD space on my C:...

But thats not the worst part... After the free 30 day trial (as a hobbyist just thinking about learning to code, theres NO way I'm PAYING for it), I am trying to uninstall it, and everything else that came along with it... HOLY COW!!... Talk about bloat-ware...

It took roughly 3 hrs to remove all the MS garbage that comes along with VS... And now, VS itself has been "uninstalling" on my system for the past 5hrs, and doesnt look like its anywhere NEAR done yet... Its using so many system resources to uninstall, that my computer has been unusable during the "uninstall"... i can only imagine how much crap will be left in my registry... :(

Between this, and the NEW underhanded, disgusting way MS has slipped in ANOTHER Windows 10 marketing "update", I'm fully expecting to have to completely wipe my system, and start with a fresh install of Win 8.1... Oh WAIT!.. I CANT do a fresh install of 8.1... I have to FIRST install Win 8, THEN spend several more hours installing Win 8.1 over the top of THAT...

THANX, MS, you @*%$#'s.... If this is the way things will be from MS in the future, then Y'all MS fan-boys can just go ahead and keep drinking the Win10 Kool-Aid... :)

Squad, PLEASE FIX KSP for Linux, so I can dump MS again!... :(

Edited by Stone Blue
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You can use the express version of Visual Studio to do KSP mods as you don't need the web development or C++ features.  Just install the "windows desktop development" version, whichever gives you c#.  It will be smaller and it won't expire on you.

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As someone who is just learning Linux, to get away from MS, I dont know enough about Linux to be able to get KSP to run... And yes, I've read up on it, and tried all kinds of stuff... Lets just leave THAT for another thread... :)

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Hello, as I've always used monodevelop on GNU/Linux, I've tried to install Xamarin Studio on Windows but we no more can download it ;.; perhaps you can try sharpdevelop (monodevelop/xamarin are a fork of it).

Or you can try to compile monodevelop for Windows HAHAHA :wink:

VisualStudio is a nice tool but we can't know what it does :Phttps://np.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/4ibauu/visual_studio_adding_telemetry_function_calls_to/


Edit : we can't download Xamarin on the official Xamarin site, but you can download it on monodevelop LOL : http://www.monodevelop.com/download/
They provide an old version of Xamarin, if you want a sooner version : http://download.xamarin.com/studio/Windows/XamarinStudio- And you can choose which version you want :wink: ( is the same version of monodevelop I use on GNU/Linux).

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3 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

Well, I should have known better than to install and try VisualStudio... With VS itself, and all the "other" required MS components, I easily lost ~10GB of HDD space on my C:...

But thats not the worst part... After the free 30 day trial (as a hobbyist just thinking about learning to code, theres NO way I'm PAYING for it), I am trying to uninstall it, and everything else that came along with it... HOLY COW!!... Talk about bloat-ware...

It took roughly 3 hrs to remove all the MS garbage that comes along with VS... And now, VS itself has been "uninstalling" on my system for the past 5hrs, and doesnt look like its anywhere NEAR done yet... Its using so many system resources to uninstall, that my computer has been unusable during the "uninstall"... i can only imagine how much crap will be left in my registry... :(

Between this, and the NEW underhanded, disgusting way MS has slipped in ANOTHER Windows 10 marketing "update", I'm fully expecting to have to completely wipe my system, and start with a fresh install of Win 8.1... Oh WAIT!.. I CANT do a fresh install of 8.1... I have to FIRST install Win 8, THEN spend several more hours installing Win 8.1 over the top of THAT...

THANX, MS, you @*%$#'s.... If this is the way things will be from MS in the future, then Y'all MS fan-boys can just go ahead and keep drinking the Win10 Kool-Aid... :)

Squad, PLEASE FIX KSP for Linux, so I can dump MS again!... :(

If it helps any, i was quite annoyed that Unity wastes like 12GB of disc space for the glorified task of exporting .mu files.
Unity makes you register (as so many other things do) to download it and use it. I HATE registering for cr@p i'm going to use ONCE.

I'll try to remove stuff correctly but i frequently just delete the folder. Ccleaner can fix registry and/or windoze will deal with it.

While i completely disaproove of MS trying to force win10 on people I do really honestly like it. I'm absolutely not a fanboy though.
I used to dual boot but haven't bothered anytime recently. Windows runs pretty much all my stuff fine now... Although i do miss the penguin.

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Thanx for all the advice everybody :)

Sorry if i came off snarky toward MS users... I'm just a little hot with MS right now...lol

After 8hrs of watching the progress bar on the VS Uninstall, NOT move at all... I finally just forced it closed, and started ripping folders & files out of my system drive... As I figured, afterward I cleaned up over 3200 registry errors... And those are only the ones that got detected... :P

I guess I'll be looking at a full Windows re-install soon... :P

And @SpaceMouse I agree on Unity... It doesnt seem to use a lot of system resources, and loads up quickly... Doesnt seem it should need that much HDD space... :P

And yeah, I HATE signing up for stuff... As if i didnt already have a few hundred passwords, user names, and junk email accounts SOLELY for the purpose of signing up with bogus info... All this blatant datamining, and taking control out of users hands is a bit hard to swallow for an old guy like me... Maybe the younger generations see it as nothing out of the ordinary, but Geesh... :rolleyes: I cant even access FaceBook anymore, because I refused to submit SEVERAL, OFFICIAL, REAL, LEGAL documents to prove I was a real person... i havent even been asked for that many forms of ID, for like, ANYTHING, EVER... Even getting a Driver's License, registering to vote, joining the US Military, getting a car loan, even getting a Social Security card seemed easier... WOw!... And this all just to SOCIALIZE with people I dont even know...lol... No Thanx!

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1 minute ago, Stone Blue said:

Thanx for all the advice everybody :)

Sorry if i came off snarky toward MS users... I'm just a little hot with MS right now...lol

After 8hrs of watching the progress bar on the VS Uninstall, NOT move at all... I finally just forced it closed, and started ripping folders & files out of my system drive... As I figured, afterward I cleaned up over 3200 registry errors... And those are only the ones that got detected... :P

I guess I'll be looking at a full Windows re-install soon... :P

And @SpaceMouse I agree on Unity... It doesnt seem to use a lot of system resources, and loads up quickly... Doesnt seem it should need that much HDD space... :P

And yeah, I HATE signing up for stuff... As if i didnt already have a few hundred passwords, user names, and junk email accounts SOLELY for the purpose of signing up with bogus info... All this blatant datamining, and taking control out of users hands is a bit hard to swallow for an old guy like me... Maybe the younger generations see it as nothing out of the ordinary, but Geesh... :rolleyes:

3200 registry errors. Holy carp.

At 34 I might not classify as a 'yongster', but i also despise data-mining and complexity for the sake of complexity as well.

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3 minutes ago, SpaceMouse said:

3200 registry errors. Holy carp.

Yup... I've read on Google about people having over 7000 (SEVEN-THO U S A N D :( ) registry keys to track down after uninstalling VisualStudio...
I wish i had researched VS a little more before loading it up... :P

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1 minute ago, Stone Blue said:

Yup... I've read on Google about people having over 7000 (SEVEN-THO U S A N D :( ) registry keys to track down after uninstalling VisualStudio...
I wish i had researched VS a little more before loading it up... :P

Doesn't Linux not have a system registry..... at all?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/7/2016 at 4:05 PM, SpaceMouse said:

Doesn't Linux not have a system registry..... at all?

No, it doesn't. Configs are done by using text files which you can tweak. As far as the OP topic and age, I concur @Stone Blue as being past 40 and patience has run thin with the programs we have today and not to mention MS acting the fool. There are some things that have gotten easier while other things seem to involve a ton of red tape to get the simplest thing done.

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@Stone Blue

as a life long Microsoft/Windows user, I've made the (probably) permanent transition to Linux after the cluster fudge that is MS10 (which incidentally, I purchased). Not getting into the specifics of that story, but I recently discovered MonoDevelop (as has already been mentioned above) which is quite nice and seems to do everything necessary. Blender works for Linux as well....as for Unity, I'm not so sure. It helps that I have an old laptop running an old version of W7 too.:D

I don't know that KSP is broken for Linux now - KSP has always run horribly for me, but depending on the number/quality of mods installed, I can usually get KSP to play at ~100 mods without crashing for a few hours.


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@Deimos Rast Yeah...I've been using Windows since Win95... I'm the one all my friends & family come to for tech support... :) I learned my way around Windows, Windows software, and computer hardware pretty well... I've dabbled a few times in Linux over the years, (even hacked a couple original Xboxes with XBMC), but as I get older, I find my learning curves get steeper... :P  Luckily, Linux (at least Ubuntu) seems to have gotten more GUI based then Linux used to be... But with all the stuff I'm having to learn from scratch with KSP modding, I dont think I'll be delving into Linux any time too soon...

Thanx for letting me know Blender runs on Linux... I know earlier this year, Unity finally released an alpha (or maybe it was a beta), for Linux... :) I think it is @Claw that has been using it... ???

I still have an old PC from 2001 with XP and XBMC on it I use for a HTPC for the kids... I have lots of old WinXP games for them too that run on it...

My laptop runs Win7, Win8.1 & Lubuntu, and a tablet that runs Win8.1.... I figure I have until Win8.1 is dropped for support by MS before I HAVE to go with Linux, or stop using PCs altogether... :P

I can run KSP 1.0.5 on Lubuntu, heavily modded... I usually run ~120 mods or so... It was VERY stable for me... My only limitation is 6GB of RAM... Someday when I get an income again, I hope to double that... Unfortunately, you need to fudge around with KSP 1.1.+ to get it to run on Linux... I spent several days fudging around trying TONS of patches & messing with CLI stuff... But I guess its out of my reach to figure it out, so I havent played 1.1.+ except on Windows, and its VERY unstable for me... It got worse in 1.1.3... :P ... So I've been mostly dabbling with mod deving, instead of PLAYING,  since 1.1.0 dropped...Oh well...

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15 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

I think it is @Claw that has been using it... ???

So I'm not 100% sure which question is being asked. I've used Blender (though I'm not using it for KSP), and I'm using MSVC...but I'm not on Linux. For modding, Express is also capable. But this looks more like a general "Microsoft Bloatware" thread?

Unfortunately, not having Linux also makes it much harder to debug what the issue is there. :(

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I use Visual studio for my day job, at home I've got Community Edition on my gaming machine, even though right next to it is a machine a full copy of ultimate on it, and my work laptop also has ultimate on it. Community works well, is free, doesn't expire, and there are very few things you can't do with it.


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I was commenting that I thought maybe it was you who were using Unity 5 in Linux for KSP modding...
Sorry... Maybe its @CliftonM I'm thinking of?

34 minutes ago, Claw said:

But this looks more like a general "Microsoft Bloatware" thread?

Well, sort of... Yes, I'm complaining that MS seems to be bloating their products more & more... Hence, I just thought I would warn people just dabbling in 3d modelling, that perhaps VisualStudio should be overlooked, and another alternative tried, or if going ahead and giving VS a try, just to be aware that it seems to be a nightmare to try to uninstall if you change your mind...


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2 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

I was commenting that I thought maybe it was you who were using Unity 5 in Linux for KSP modding...
Sorry... Maybe its @CliftonM I'm thinking of?

I've been doing it all on Mac.  It's very possible to do so on Linux as well with the new Linux beta of Unity.  I am actually going to be using my new PC for most of my KSP stuff besides modeling.

1 hour ago, Stone Blue said:

Not unless MS is distributing bootlegs themselves... lol :)

You're going to need to grab the VS for community version.  That's why you've had problems. :wink: 

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