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[KSP 1.6.1] Stock Visual Terrain [v2.2.0] [20 March 2019]


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20 hours ago, Galileo said:

For those wondering, I can and will fix the lighting issue in an upcoming update, however, I will not do anything to fix compatibility with dx11. I understand that the PBR mod is popular, but I do not want to sacrifice performance to make SVT compatible with dx11, which is what I would have to do. It’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t sort of situation, and I choose don’t. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

No worries that is perfectly reasonable, the PBR stuff works just fine under openGL anyways.

Just to satisfy my own curiosity, what is the issue with dx11? Is it because the textures are DDS as others have said? Why does that cause an issue? I am a fairly competent Python and MatLab programmer but know almost nothing about shaders and how textures and different texture formats work.

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FYI @Galileo, you may not have much choice in the future regarding DX11, or at least in being forced to abandon DX9:

"We will be removing support for DirectX 9 on the Windows platforms. ... we have come to the conclusion that continued support of the DirectX 9 API is no longer feasible and is working against us when it comes to developing new features in Unity. It has become increasingly difficult to support and maintain feature parity across several DirectX API version.  With Unity 2017.3 both the Unity Editor and the Standalone player will no longer support DirectX 9." Source: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/07/10/deprecating-directx-9/

Edited by Murdabenne
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14 minutes ago, Murdabenne said:

FYI @Galileo, you may not have much choice in the future regarding DX11, or at least in being forced to abandon DX9:

"We will be removing support for DirectX 9 on the Windows platforms. ... we have come to the conclusion that continued support of the DirectX 9 API is no longer feasible and is working against us when it comes to developing new features in Unity. It has become increasingly difficult to support and maintain feature parity across several DirectX API version.  With Unity 2017.3 both the Unity Editor and the Standalone player will no longer support DirectX 9." Source: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/07/10/deprecating-directx-9/

I should clarify; I will not support dx11 until KSP does natively. SVT is not dependent on dx9, KSP is, and I assume the way unity reads the dds textures causes this moire effect, simply because KSP doesn’t support dx11.  If you want specifics, I don’t have a good answer as I don’t understand the guts of unity. If KSP ever reaches 2017.3 i may not even need any changes. That version of unity could read my textures properly with dx11. Who knows. All we can do is wait I suppose. I’m not against dx11, but I’m not going to make performance hindering changes, as small as they may be, to work with a graphics technology that isn’t supported by the game natively. 

With that being said, I have an idea I would have to test over the next few weeks, probably after New Years, that may be able to support dx9 and dx11. If it ends up working, I will update, but if not, I will not look much harder for another way to preserve performance and allow dx11 compatibility, and leave the mod as is until I’m forced to change it.

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I have not seen any issues whatsoever using stock KSP in dx11. I have also only seen one small glitch when I only load Kopernicus and KSPRC terrain. I wonder if it has something to do with texture resolution versus tiling settings ratios or something, as SVT seems to have a lot more issue with dx11 than KSPRC, but both are using the same features.

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4 minutes ago, Electrocutor said:

I have not seen any issues whatsoever using stock KSP in dx11. I have also only seen one small glitch when I only load Kopernicus and KSPRC terrain. I wonder if it has something to do with texture resolution versus tiling settings ratios or something, as SVT seems to have a lot more issue with dx11 than KSPRC, but both are using the same features.

That may be and I’ll have to look into it. I do some things differently than KSPRC but ultimately it’s the same mod lol

Edited by Galileo
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Happy that none of this is overwhelming, nor is it unsolveable.  As for now, I'll hold off on worrying about, or bothering mod writers about, any of this advanced rendering stuff.  Whatever I can get to work will be whatever I have to settle for. 

Mainly because I prefer having improved playability over improved appearances.  I use a lot of "quality of life" addons (Like AGExt, KAC, Ship Manifest, ToolBar, tweakscale, Hyperedit, MechJeb etc), parts/systems addons (KWRockets, SpaceY, firespitter, all of Roverdude's USI stuff, Nertea's Near Future, etc), gameplay additions (Scansat, DMagics stuff, all those contract packs, CTT etc), and especially Kopernicus and related mods like OPM (which adds so much re=playability to the game).   I run over 100 or so.  64GB RAM and fast SSD with an fast 8 core CPU helps.

If I can get EVE Scatterer SVE SVT OPMVO TU TRR and other appearance things to work, its cool, but if not, it really deosnt affect gameplay as much as all the previous things do.  So I'll settle for what I can get from these.   Right now, it looks like several of those aren't going to make the cut - but at least EVE Scatterer and SVE seem to work flawlessly with all of the other stuff.  The rest of it seems to interact poorly with each other, so I'm going to experiment until I get tired of it, or else find a combo of mods and settings that works.

Thanks for the hard work you put in on this - I'll check back, and if I find a mitigation or work around, I'll be sure to post it.

Edited by Murdabenne
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first of all thank you very much for your work and you r great technical support

I've tried a new fresh install of Kerbal space program and only installed SVT mod with Kopernicus.


My problem is that i can't see the Mun, it's visible on the map screen, when i press M, with new nice textures, but it isn't visible when trying a "Mun Orbit" scenario, It simply disappear and im orbiting around void.

I've tried a new career game as well with no luck.


Anybody have suggestions?


I'm on kerbal gog last build fresh installed and 3770k, 1070gtx 8gb ram pc

Thank you very much.

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@Mrj4ck, it's probably the same lighting bug that we talked about on the previous page.  Either, (1) switch to Koperniucs 1.3.1-2, or (2) delete the Light{} node from the file Sun.cfg.  An update to SVT is planned that will fix this, but the developer hasn't had time to release it yet.  If neither of those solutions fixes the problem, then you're going to have to provide more information (click "how to get support" in Galileo's signature for instructions).

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Thanks Galileo!

Why is it when I look for Minmus screenshots, the ground is all "mushy"? There's not enough out there with this mod installed! Here's my contribution. I can see down to the pebble Love your work!


Edited by wile1411
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11 hours ago, Galileo said:


Change log

  • Fixed dx11 issues on Kerbin
  • Fixed star light issue

Download and install instructions in the OP


Much unexpected excitement!! Thank you for all your hard work for the community Galileo!

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1 hour ago, TaintedLion said:

Is there any way I can just have the terrain scatter collision?

You just need the SVT/EnableColliders.cfg file - copy it into your GameData somewhere and hey presto!

If you're not going to be using the rest of SVT then I'd advise against creating a GameData/SVT folder since that could cause other mods to apply Module Manager patches incorrectly on the assumption that the whole of SVT was installed (although I'm not aware of any - better safe than sorry).

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I signed up to make a bug report on this mod. When I load the tutorial "To the Mun 2", the moon is transparent. I've also seen ugly textures in the KSC. Every other mod in your SVT list is working perfectly, and I tried loading SVE with nothing but those mods loaded, yet this problem persists. I am not using directX (based on your suggestion and others I forced openGL), and I noticed one other forumer mentioned this bug without a response.

Screenshots demonstrating the issue, and screenshot of Gamedata folder as demanded:


The screenshots were taken that way to demonstrate that the moon and Kerbin were at a certain angle to one another (since the moon is still visible in Map mode), and to verify my view angle, so you can clearly tell that the moon is transparent in the up-close screenshots.


Output log as demanded, though I think this was created for a different session (I did copy it immediately after the session with the transparent moon, where I did not suffer a crash or anything similar)


Edited by Solodric
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In CKAN, there's like 5 versions, including a High Res and Low Res and just a regularly named "Stock Visual Terrain" mod. Is the High-res the same as the normal one without extra tags, or is the high-res mod even better than the normal Stock Visual Terrain offered in CKAN? That one is for 1.3.1 but the high-res/low-res are for 1.2.2.

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1 hour ago, Techiastronamo said:

In CKAN, there's like 5 versions, including a High Res and Low Res and just a regularly named "Stock Visual Terrain" mod. Is the High-res the same as the normal one without extra tags, or is the high-res mod even better than the normal Stock Visual Terrain offered in CKAN? That one is for 1.3.1 but the high-res/low-res are for 1.2.2.

the one for 1.3.1 should be the only one visible. Not sure why CKAN is showing the others. Those height and low res versions are old.

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On 12/30/2017 at 12:14 PM, funk said:

Is there a way to disable the shadows of Jools rings? The dark stripes ontop of Jools atmosphere.

Thx in advance.

You can disable ring shadows in the main menu scatterer window.

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I am fairly new to KSP, but there appears to be no clouds or city lights, when I start up the game, and I don't really know what to do help please. And also it wont let me install the default pack on CKAN because I have SVE already I don't think I have to add any logs or anything so yeah thanks.

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1 hour ago, Tony Slark said:

I am fairly new to KSP, but there appears to be no clouds or city lights, when I start up the game, and I don't really know what to do help please. And also it wont let me install the default pack on CKAN because I have SVE already I don't think I have to add any logs or anything so yeah thanks.

Clouds and city lights are parts of SVE, not SVT.  Better check to make sure you installed SVE correctly.  You need to download and install SVE, SVE Textures, and EVE.  If you think you did all that, then we're going to need more information.  How about a screenshot of your GameData folder for starters.

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3 hours ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

The new version is working great, I tried to install this when I got my new rig, and I had the "eternal darkness" glitch.

My only question is why it re-folds all of my deployed antenna on my in-flight craft? This happened to me both times I've installed it.

Any way around it? No big deal or anything, just mildly annoying.

Probably Kopernicus related. This mod is just cfg and textures and has nothing in it to do with antennas 

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2 hours ago, Galileo said:

Probably Kopernicus related. This mod is just cfg and textures and has nothing in it to do with antennas 

Good point, I think you are very right as I read Kopernicus supports multiple star light sources now? (I meant to say Solar Panels btw, not antenna, I was alt-tabbed out of KSP and was prolly thinking about the craft I was building...lol)

Prolly has something to do with it I imagine, I will go bother someone in that thread now.

Many thanks!

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