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This is a very bad experience on console

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I tried this on PS4 on a 42" Plasma running at 1080p.

Sitting at a reasonable distance from the television, as I do with all console games, the on screen text is completely unreadable and UI is the worst I've ever seen on a console game.

There may be settings to improve this, but based what I've read on other threads on this forum, I doubt tweaking the settings helps much. Even if the UI was fixed, the controls are so bad that I will not be playing this game.

The Playstation Network and Kerbal both have a clear "No Refunds" policy.

So with my $40 donation for a game I'll never play again, I'll choose to think that I just bought the team coffee for a day. This game really looks fun. I hope you use that caffeine to do a nice port to iOS or something, that seems like it could work better than console, with some optimization for the platform.

Players be warned, this is a very poor port of what is probably a very fun PC game. I would not recommend anyone play this on PS4 or Xbox One. If you have a PC, buy it now.

Edited by jdub
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  On 7/16/2016 at 6:11 AM, jdub said:

I tried this on PS4 on a 42" Plasma running at 1080p.

Sitting at a reasonable distance from the television, as I do with all console games, the on screen text is completely unreadable and UI is the worst I've ever seen on a console game.

There may be settings to improve this, but based what I've read on other threads on this forum, I doubt tweaking the settings helps much. Even if the UI was fixed, the controls are so bad that I will not be playing this game.

The Playstation Network and Kerbal both have a clear "No Refunds" policy.

So with my $40 donation for a game I'll never play again, I'll choose to think that I just bought the team coffee for a day. This game really looks fun. I hope you use that caffeine to do a nice port to iOS or something, that seems like it could work better than console, with some optimization for the platform.

Players be warned, this is a very poor port of what is probably a very fun PC game. I would not recommend anyone play this on PS4 or Xbox One. If you have a PC, buy it now.


Unplayable on console. It's not even a port, it's like they imported it into MS Word, did a find/replace for a few words regarding controls, and called it a day. Definitely wish I had my money back.

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  On 7/16/2016 at 9:14 PM, EnderKid2 said:

Just wait a bit. It just got ported, they need time to fix.


I hope you're right, but you shouldn't charge 40 bucks for a broken game. This isn't Port Kickstarter, people are paying for a completed product. The game is so damn good on PC; the GUI needs to be completely re-thought for console, as is always the case for this sort of game. Radial menus are why Dragon Age is playable on console. This kind of game CAN WORK, it's not inherrently a bad idea, but the port needs to be done by a competent team familiar with console conventions. This is awful.

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I all honesty I'm shocked the game was allowed onto PSN in its current state, font get me wrong I love it but right now on consoles it's a disaster. Sony has been pretty decent I'm the past few years at not letting games get through with many many game breaking bugs/poor design decisions . I guess ksp slipped through.

  Damn shame too as it's a hell of a game 

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7 Days to Die also released on consoles earlier this month, and it's only in alpha, with no guarantee of updates and a broken, buggy game that shouldn't have released the way it did.


At least this game I can play and have fun with.

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The text is readable, and the game plays about the same as a PC...so I dunno.  I have both, I took the PS4 version to Mun to run through all the systems / controls...it works, I got there with minimal "how do I do X or Y"...hell, I even landed in mostly one piece.

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  On 7/18/2016 at 1:57 PM, TribeCalledRed said:

If the text is unreadable then you need glasses or something.  It's just fine for me on a 65" curved samsung.   I think the game plays great, not sure why everyone is complaining.  I don' t get it. 


Deleting my snarky post. :mellow:

Glad you guys are enjoying the game. But I stand my original post that this is a poor port to console of what appears to be a great PC game.

This game is not designed or optimized for console. It's designed to be played with a keyboard and mouse. Even if the UI is fixable by fumbling through the settings, I should not have to do that. Especially with the controls being as clumsy as they are on console.

I purchased 5 games for console in the last week. This is the only one that was frustrating to play because of UI and controls. It's just not a console game. That's all there is to it.

Edited by jdub
I was a jerk
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I just can't imagine this game on a console. I'm not some PC-only guy either. I grew up on consoles from atari, intellivision, NES, etc. and on up to PS3 and XBox360 were my last 2 consoles. So I definitely have that background, hell I even use a 360 controller for most PC games (not KSP of course). This game in a console format though? I just don't see it. Not trying to be negative but I don't see how you can get the full controls on a controller on top of that what about mods and all the tweaks that make the game great? Maybe that will change but honestly most console users probably have a PC also and I would highly encourage people to by the PC version.

  On 7/16/2016 at 6:11 AM, jdub said:

I hope you use that caffeine to do a nice port to iOS or something, that seems like it could work better than console, with some optimization for the platform.


Hahaha aww man thanks I needed that. I don't care how much optimizing you do this game will never work on iOS. The power of an XB1/PS4 vs an iOS device is much greater and it's struggling on consoles so imagine iOS. How would you even work the controls? If it's hard to imagine on a controller with 2 sticks and 16 buttons I just don't see it on an iOS device with ZERO buttons. Sure, you could have soft-joysticks for some things like movement/camera but the amount of keys/commands KSP uses would fill the whole iOS screen! For reference, here are all the keys KSP uses...


Even if they got past that, can you imagine the watered down piece of trash that would be? In-app purchases to get good engines, parts, etc. "Unlock Minmus for only 5000 Kerbal Koins!!" Kerbal Koins may be purchased in packs of 1000 for $2 each

No thanks.

Edited by shuggaloaf
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I'm enjoying the consle version immensely. I've played consoles for decades as they fit my lifestyle better. I can simply get a lot more playtime on my Xbox than my pc. I first saw KSP on a Robbaz video in 2012 and I had to have it. It was disenheartening to realize that it would likely not be released on console, so I purchased 0.17 for pc. I loved it! I was overjoyed when Squad announced it for Xbox. The controls are a bit daunting, but easy enough to pick up with a little patience. I feel bad for the folks having difficulties that prevent them from enjoying this awesome game and hope the issues they are having are addressed quickly.

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  On 7/22/2016 at 11:45 PM, The Optimist said:

I do believe it would function marginally better on a Wii U due to the tablet controller.


Whaaa...? The Wii U is way behind both the PS4 and Xbox 1 in terms of hardware, if this chart is any indication. It's a last-generation console!

The Wii U has 2 gigs of RAM, but the official site recommends at least 4, and according to the CPU's Wikipedia page, the CPU is 32 bit. The Wii U does not have the hardware to play KSP. 

I'm all for introducing KSP to a wider audience, but at least wait for hardware that it can actually run on.

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  On 7/22/2016 at 10:59 PM, Majorjim said:

How the hell is this game going to run on the Wii?? What the hell are they thinking??


They're probably thinking in part the tablet controller and in other part the new non-tablet controller that resembles a GameCube controller.

  On 7/28/2016 at 5:00 PM, Mjp1050 said:

Whaaa...? The Wii U is way behind both the PS4 and Xbox 1 in terms of hardware, if this chart is any indication. It's a last-generation console!

The Wii U has 2 gigs of RAM, but the official site recommends at least 4, and according to the CPU's Wikipedia page, the CPU is 32 bit. The Wii U does not have the hardware to play KSP. 

I'm all for introducing KSP to a wider audience, but at least wait for hardware that it can actually run on.


I've gotten KSP to run on low-grade hardware. I suspect that offloading calculations to the GPU in the Wii U will help (if that can be done).

Inane speculation [read at own risk]

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Mjp: The spec requirements for PC will be different from consoles, because on a console there is very, very little overhead. Hell, on the Wii the games run on the actual wire, without an operating system or even a hypervisor to get in the way. That clears up a lot of RAM and CPU usage.

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  On 7/22/2016 at 11:52 PM, JedTech said:

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ASAP !!!!

It's what they do after their quick money that scares me. Squad does not seem to have a long term plan.


If i would just pull out such a gigantic money grab, i would have for sure have quite a lot of long term plans.

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