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A room with a Kerbal view...


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NOTE : Please please don't post coordinates on the forum unless you're deliberately telling the whole world exactly where you live!

If your current home was on Kerbin (or elsewhere in the Kerbal system. Ed), what view would you have from your window/door?

Level 1:

First, find the lat/long coordinates of your own house/bedroom/other location of significance on Google Maps.


Second, find the same coordinates on Kerbal Maps


Third, build a craft and go there.
(Right coords for Statue of Liberty are  40° 41' 21" N, 74° 2' 40" W but who's counting? :D)


Fourth, take a screenshot of your view of the landscape and post it here!

Click the spoiler to see the view the Statue of Liberty has (looking SE, just like her, but all other directions are quite as lovely - I recommend a personal visit to this modest hill).



Level 2:

Rinse and repeat, but try a different planet/moon!

If, like me, your home is underwater on Kerbin and nowhere near shore (sorry ;.;) , pick a particular landmark elsewhere on the planet instead! OR try level 2 and go for a different planet/moon.

Have fun :)

Notes about latitude and longitude:

  • Google Maps and Kerbal Maps use decimalised degrees ° whereas KSP uses old-fashioned degrees ° , minutes ' and seconds ".
    • If you want to you can convert them here.
  • The first number is always North/South (latitude) and the second is always East/West (longitude).
  • KSP always uses positive numbers and indicates the direction with a letter afterwards.
    • N for North, S for South, E for East and W for West.
  • Google Maps and Kerbal Maps use positive and negative numbers.
    • Positive means North (if the first number) or East (if the second).
    • Negative means South (if the first number) or West (if the second).
Edited by The_Rocketeer
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26 minutes ago, SpacedCowboy said:

I think I'd end up somewhere around the old abandoned KSC. Not much action going on there.

However, it would be great to be located in the mountains just north-west of the KSC to observe launches from a safe distance.

Are u kidding? There must be some awesome vistas up in that mountain range! Gotta be more interesting than my aquatic plane :(

@Ultimate Steve @The Aziz try the newly added Level 2 - repeat on another planet/moon!

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10 minutes ago, The_Rocketeer said:

Level 2 - repeat on another planet/moon!

Aww Yeah :cool:

I don't have KSP with me right now, so I'll use Kerbalmaps.

The Sun: Lots of fire.

Moho: Just north of a crater on the dark plains.

Eve: The middle of a small lake.

Minmus: Just north of a frozen lake.

Dres: Dark plains.

Jool: Mostly pea soup.

Laythe: Ocean.

Bop: A 13KM tall mountain.

Eeloo: Near a bit of a small canyon.

I'll check for real when I get back to KSP.

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2 minutes ago, sal_vager said:

This only works for me if I lived on a boat on Kerbin...

Well, I guess a houseboat is an option!

If u've got a cool view of the shore that could be worth seeing, but I apparently live right in the middle of the NE ocean nowhere near anything :( On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that with my south-facing front windows, on Mun I'd have the BEST view of Kerbin just a little above the horizon :D

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Okay, I am finding a discrepancy between the Longitude numbers given by Kerbal Maps and by the readout of the Surface Scanning Module.


For instance, I am on a Longitude of -70 on Earth.  When I find -70 on Kerbal Maps and travel there, the Surface Scanning Module presents that Longitude as 70 in the game.  Am I being dumb and not understanding, or is there something fishy?


Edited by klesh
I'm dumb.
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6 minutes ago, Claw said:

Wow, that's seriously flat. I didn't realize there was such a large flat space on Kerbin.

Proof that #KerbinIsFlat! See, no curvature!

<runs.... and falls off the edge>

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3 hours ago, klesh said:

Okay, I am finding a discrepancy between the Longitude numbers given by Kerbal Maps and by the readout of the Surface Scanning Module.


For instance, I am on a Longitude of -70 on Earth.  When I find -70 on Kerbal Maps and travel there, the Surface Scanning Module presents that Longitude as 70 in the game.  Am I being dumb and not understanding, or is there something fishy?

@Claw was right, it's nothing fishy. I've added a few notes at the end of the top post to help with this :)

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This tree-covered hillock was all that was worth seeing from my house.  I'm missing out on some spectacular mountain vistas just on the other side.


Mun will be next, looks like I'm right on the edge of a small crater.




Thanks for setting me straight above.

Edited by klesh
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