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More detailed sun

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Our sun looks like any other star in the galaxy from far, but you go near it and it's a yellow circle. In the next few updates I would like more detail in our sun, Like huge flames shooting out from the surface, fires scattered all around, It would be awesome!

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Hi @RonnieThePotato, and welcome to the forums.

I think that fits in to the 'yes please, but there are higher priorities' category.  Any visual improvements are always welcome, hopefully things like that will be on the 'to do list' in the not too distant future, but there are certainly more important things to be done first.

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3 minutes ago, sal_vager said:

It does have a texture and what look like sunspots but it's hard to get close enough to see them now.

You can see elevation on Kerbol from at least 300 million Kilometres without evaporating the craft.


My Idea is that Kerbol should be White and it's light should be changed in different planetary atmospheres. It should have certain biome ranges (Eg. 'Surface' to 150 Million Kilometers, 150-350 million KM, 350-500 and 500-1 billion kilometers, then the rest should be normal). Wherever the sunspots are, your craft should be slightly cooler and finally the 'surface' of Kerbol should be animated. and should break regular cpu's like in Universe sandbox2

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