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[1.4.x] VesselMover Continued - v1.7.3 (May 14, 2018) - Crew Selection!


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Hey all, PapaJoe has been busy with a lot of real life stuff so I went ahead and published the release


OP will be updated when he gets a chance.


  • 1.2.1 recompile
  • adding ignore gforces call on move to stabilize vessels while moving
  • Throttle up/down will now add/decrease altitude on move
  • Fixed: issue of vessel spawn in 1.2 would ignore water detection and spawn vessel on ocean floor
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  On 11/10/2016 at 4:18 AM, gomker said:

Hey all, PapaJoe has been busy with a lot of real life stuff so I went ahead and published the release


OP will be updated when he gets a chance.


  • 1.2.1 recompile
  • adding ignore gforces call on move to stabilize vessels while moving
  • Throttle up/down will now add/decrease altitude on move
  • Fixed: issue of vessel spawn in 1.2 would ignore water detection and spawn vessel on ocean floor


You have no idea how much I've been waiting for this update.

Ok, maybe you do, but still!

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  On 11/12/2016 at 10:51 PM, Murican_Jeb said:


Vessel Mover never works with Large Boat Parts 



I have added IgnoreGForce to every call that moves a vessel, but there will always be some forces to deal with when artificially moving.  Two things are a must :

  • No autostruts
  • Kerbal Joint Reinforcement 

@SpannerMonkey(smce) and I have found that this should be stable now and we pretty much test every change in VM with LBP quite extensively.


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  On 11/20/2016 at 8:52 PM, Murican_Jeb said:

I had no Autostruts and KJR was installed.


Hmm... our test group has not reporting anything like this with LBP - can you run a test for me

  1.  Create a clean copy of the game - No other mods
  2. Delete your MM Cache files and your PartDatabase.cfg
  3.  Use the following mods
    1. Vessel Mover of course :)
    2. KJR
    3. HullBreach - There is some part rigidity code in here, I'd like to see if it has an effect, if it does it may need to be added to VM.
  4. Recreate a vessel from scratch

This should limit any possible variables for testing. If all does work, remove HullBreach and test again.


Edited by gomker
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Just like to chime in and add that I am excitedly awaiting a choose crew option, playing with this in career allows me to spawn badguy vessels with no cost but it seems to auto add pilots that reduce my rep when killed.

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  On 11/20/2016 at 10:48 PM, Azimech said:

No autostruts? Awww ...


For clarification that is only recommended when dealing with VERY large vessels like the ones found in Large Boats etc... 1.2 Physics play havoc with the joints and they fly apart. 

The why on this is that when we are "moving" a vessel the game expects some forces to be applied. I tried to turn them off as much as I can however, we are still figuring out the new strutting / joints code and how to control it.

Edited by gomker
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  On 11/20/2016 at 10:38 PM, gomker said:

Hmm... our test group has not reporting anything like this with LBP - can you run a test for me

  1.  Create a clean copy of the game - No other mods
  2. Delete your MM Cache files and your PartDatabase.cfg
  3.  Use the following mods
    1. Vessel Mover of course :)
    2. KJR
    3. HullBreach - There is some part rigidity code in here, I'd like to see if it has an effect, if it does it may need to be added to VM.
  4. Recreate a vessel from scratch

This should limit any possible variables for testing. If all does work, remove HullBreach and test again.



Do I also use NAS or just these mods along with LBP?

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  On 11/20/2016 at 10:51 PM, gomker said:

For clarification that is only recommended when dealing with VERY large vessels like the ones found in Large Boats etc... 1.2 Physics play havoc with the joints and they fly apart. 

The why on this is that when we are "moving" a vessel the game expects some forces to be applied. I tried to turn them off as much as I can however, we are still figuring out the new strutting / joints code and how to control it.


Okiedokie ... because the ships built with my mods Real Ships & WW2 Warships are not just very large and heavy, they have a high part count too. Worked perfectly in 1.0.5.


Thanks for the effort guys!

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@gomker Yep, the parts work with Hull Breach installed. I'm going to try without Hull Breach. Please stand by....

And the parts work without HullBreach.

I guess something was broken the other time I used this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/2/2016 at 12:35 AM, Fireheart318 said:

There's a lot of confusion about if VM works in 1.2(.1) or not, does it or does it not? Links are massively appreciated!


Not sure where the confusion is coming from nor who is confused ... we haven't heard anything about any confusion

VM works in KSP v1.2.1 ... QA tested it myself a while back before we released it

The link to the latest version can be found here:

Edit: Perhaps I should have mentioned to click on the Git repo link in order to find the lastest release :wink:

Edited by DoctorDavinci
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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone else getting a problem where VM only spawns ships with (stock) on the end? (IE, no ships from the save)

I keep getting this issue on one of my installs, whereas on another I don't have this problem.

Not too much of an issue, just a bit of a hassle going back and forth with craft I make.

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  On 12/20/2016 at 11:11 AM, stickman939 said:

Anyone else getting a problem where VM only spawns ships with (stock) on the end? (IE, no ships from the save)

I keep getting this issue on one of my installs, whereas on another I don't have this problem.

Not too much of an issue, just a bit of a hassle going back and forth with craft I make.


  I have filed a report on GitHub  for you since I had same issue as you  set a no more extra work for you  ,you can try and clarify my report too  to make sure that issue is isolated 

Edited by Nerfclasher
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Will file on Github:

Take Command and Vessel Movers' Spawn Vessel function aren't playing nicely with each other


  1. Launch probe.
  2. Spawn vessel with command seat using VM and no kerbal is in the seat
  3. Place spawned craft on ground (still no kerbal)
  4. press escape and exit to space center
  5. click on craft missing kerbal and choose to fly it
  6. kerbal is in seat now

Apparently, when VM spawns a craft like this, there will be a crewmember already in the protoModuleCrew of the part.  This is wrong.

Looking at the code, I see that you are adding crew to the vessel when spawning it, in this code:

// Add the crew member
				if (part != null)
					// Create the ProtoCrewMember
					ProtoCrewMember crewMember = HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster.GetNewKerbal(ProtoCrewMember.KerbalType.Crew);
					crewMember.gender = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,100) > 50 ? ProtoCrewMember.Gender.Female : ProtoCrewMember.Gender.Male;
					//crewMember.trait = "Pilot";

					// Add them to the part
					part.AddCrewmemberAt(crewMember, part.protoModuleCrew.Count);


This just doesn't make sense, could you at least make it optional?


Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  On 12/26/2016 at 5:08 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

This is wrong.


For my understanding, why is this wrong?  This is the original code,  I always assumed this was needed to make sure the craft had a Kerbal in it. Plus I barely understand ProtoVessel :) 
If we take this out, will vessels still spawn with Kerbals?

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  On 12/27/2016 at 5:25 PM, gomker said:

For my understanding, why is this wrong?  This is the original code,  I always assumed this was needed to make sure the craft had a Kerbal in it. Plus I barely understand ProtoVessel :) 
If we take this out, will vessels still spawn with Kerbals?


Already addressed by the developers.  That was there because of a specific Challenge.

It doesn't make sense to spawn a vessel with a random kerbal in it.  If you want a kerbal, then either write some code to allow  the player to select which kerbal to insert, or launch the vessel from the VAB/SPH

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  On 12/27/2016 at 5:25 PM, gomker said:

I always assumed this was needed to make sure the craft had a Kerbal in it.



  On 12/27/2016 at 5:35 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

That was there because of a specific Challenge.


IIRC, Baha added the spawning of crew for the BAD T, although it is needed for other competitions ... it was working up until the change was made to the interaction of kerbals with wheels by Squad (KSP 1.1.x)

This may be related tothe 'BDAc weapons not affecting Kerbals' issue that we have been experiencing

Anyways, I actually expect that a kerbal will be put in a spawned craft or else anyone hosting AI battle challenges and such would have to either load each craft then move it and repeat or manually board each craft in the competition ... I hope that a solution can be found since without these two mods playing nicely, many challenges that would be posted by the community will not get posted at all

Edited by DoctorDavinci
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  On 12/27/2016 at 5:52 PM, DoctorDavinci said:


IIRC, Baha added the spawning of crew in command seats for the BAD T competition ... it was working up until the change was made to the interaction of kerbals with wheels by Squad (KSP 1.1.x)

This may be related tothe 'BDAc weapons not affecting Kerbals' issue that we have been experiencing

Anyways, I actually expect that a kerbal will be put in a spawned craft or else anyone hosting AI battle challenges and such would have to either load each craft then move it and repeat or manually board each craft in the competition ... I hope that a solution can be found since without these two mods playing nicely, many challenges that would be posted by the community will not get posted at all


Why not add one more button:  "Spawn with kerbal" and "Spawn without Kerbal"?

Personally, I'd add a dialog which would allow the player to select which kerbal to spawn with.

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