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Is there any way to disable staging for Parachutes?

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No in game way to do it that I know of.

A quick look at some part.cfg files though leads me to believe that the line "Stage Offset" only appears in parts that get added to the staging menu. If you were to remove this line from the parachutes they would hopefully no longer be added to the staging list. However I haven't tested this and can make no guarantees.

Furthermore this change would apply to all parachutes of that type unless you made your own version of the parachute sans staging and saved it. Which actually wouldn't be that hard really. Let me know how you make out.

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@Rocket In My Pocket,"Stage Offset" this is added so that it knows where the icon in staging tree is placed.
For example,if you're finished building your craft,and you add a parachute last,the parachute icon will always be on top of the staging.

2 hours ago, Xyphos said:

I want my parachutes to deploy only by action group, is there a stock or mod method to disable their staging?

You can use this MM patch:

  stagingEnabled = False

it'll completely remove activation of parachute through staging (remove staging icon),but will allow you to deploy them through action group or left click menu.

It's the same method for decouplers and docking ports,but i actually didn't think it will work,because the staging is hard coded and tied to the specific module.:0.0:

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Ah, well I was hoping for a toggle menu button, but this will work too, I guess. 
Cheers, Mate!

Edit: I hope in the future, Squad will un-hardcode everything stageable and make a seprarate staging module with toggle menus; engines, chutes, decouplers, etc.

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3 hours ago, sebi.zzr said:

@Rocket In My Pocket,"Stage Offset" this is added so that it knows where the icon in staging tree is placed.
For example,if you're finished building your craft,and you add a parachute last,the parachute icon will always be on top of the staging.

You can use this MM patch:

  stagingEnabled = False

it'll completely remove activation of parachute through staging (remove staging icon),but will allow you to deploy them through action group or left click menu.

It's the same method for decouplers and docking ports,but i actually didn't think it will work,because the staging is hard coded and tied to the specific module.:0.0:

What would a version of this be like for fairings, just '@MODULE[ModuleFairing]'?

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On ‎25‎.‎7‎.‎2016 at 0:09 AM, String Witch said:

What would a version of this be like for fairings, just '@MODULE[ModuleFairing]'?

  stagingEnabled = False


Edited by sebi.zzr
it works the same way
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  • 1 month later...
On ‎24‎.‎7‎.‎2016 at 8:45 PM, Xyphos said:

Ah, well I was hoping for a toggle menu button, but this will work too, I guess. 
Cheers, Mate!

I recently discovered some new things,so i bumping this thread with new patch:

 stagingToggleEnabledEditor = true

This will now allow you to toggle staging icon in editor.If you also want for icon toggle in flight,you need to add this line:

stagingToggleEnabledFlight = true


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On 24.07.2016 at 8:45 PM, Xyphos said:

I hope in the future, Squad will un-hardcode everything stageable and make a seprarate staging module with toggle menus; engines, chutes, decouplers, etc.

Yeah, I wish I could exclude the hingespider engines from staging in my heavy platform thing.

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23 minutes ago, Sharpy said:

Yeah, I wish I could exclude the hingespider engines from staging in my heavy platform thing.

Actually now you can:

 stagingToggleEnabledEditor = true
 stagingToggleEnabledFlight = true


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1 hour ago, sebi.zzr said:

Actually now you can:

 stagingToggleEnabledEditor = true
 stagingToggleEnabledFlight = true


My testing has shown that doesn't work on ModuleEngines.  There is some conflict that prevents it from being removed from staging on any engine that doesn't use ModuleEnginesFX.  It adds the button to the tweakables but it isn't functional.

The threads a few months old but for the parachutes (and everything stageable except ModuleEngines) I have patches listed here allow you to disable them.

Edited by Alshain
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		stagingToggleEnabledEditor = true

		stagingToggleEnabledEditor = true

		stagingToggleEnabledEditor = true

		stagingToggleEnabledEditor = true


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19 minutes ago, Alshain said:

My testing has shown that doesn't work on ModuleEngines.  There is some conflict that prevents it from being removed from staging on any engine that doesn't use ModuleEnginesFX.  It adds the button to the tweakables but it isn't functional.

Apparently i just made this up,right?
Here is the video that will show how it works:http://sendvid.com/ed0m4hyo

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19 minutes ago, sebi.zzr said:

Apparently i just made this up,right?
Here is the video that will show how it works:http://sendvid.com/ed0m4hyo

Interesting.  It must have been fixed since I last tested it.  You can see in my database thread above that I had discussed it with NathanKell back in 1.1.2, and it was definitely not working.  Maybe he got it fixed that quickly.

EDIT: Ok, so it's working on the Spider engines which is really strange since they do use ModuleEngines and do not appear to use ModuleEnginesFX (The Twitch engine does use FX).  However, it's still not working on all engines.  It doesn't work on the Rhino and Mainsail for example.  I'm not sure what the difference is, there are others too.  I thought it was the FX module, but it must be something else.

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I think I just realized what it is.  The engines it doesn't work on have the possibility of an automatic shroud.  That's the only thing I can see that they have in common.  All the engines can be disabled as long as they do not have a shroud option when the patch is active.

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2 hours ago, Alshain said:

I think I just realized what it is.  The engines it doesn't work on have the possibility of an automatic shroud.  That's the only thing I can see that they have in common.  All the engines can be disabled as long as they do not have a shroud option when the patch is active.

You're completely right,it's not working on "ModuleEngines" with "ModuleJettison".In that case this'll work:

 stagingToggleEnabledEditor = true
 stagingToggleEnabledFlight = true
 stagingEnabled = False

also @Xyphos,for your mod,you can use


it'll apply patch for both engine types.

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@sebi.zzr It doesn't work for MultiMode engines as well I updated the patch in my database thread, but here is the patch.

// Add staging control to engines
// Author: Alshain
		stagingEnableText = Engine: Enable Staging
		stagingDisableText = Engine: Disable Staging
		stagingToggleEnabledEditor = true

The problem with setting staging to false on the shroud is then I don't think the shroud will function correctly.  Not a problem if you don't use it I suppose.  My patch simply doesn't add the staging toggle to those engines. 

I haven't tried it specifically, but I think the patch you listed might produce errors.  You need to add ModuleJettison to your HAS line as not all engines have it.

EDIT: After some testing, it seems it will work on everything but the LV-N, which needs staging to discard it's shroud through staging.  The others rely on decouplers.  So I could further refine that patch to include more engines using your jettison staging disable and just ignore the LV-N specifically.

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We kind of hijacked this thread

48 minutes ago, Alshain said:

The problem with setting staging to false on the shroud is then I don't think the shroud will function correctly.  Not a problem if you don't use it I suppose.  My patch simply doesn't add the staging toggle to those engines.

I tested it on "Mainsail":http://sendvid.com/fak6su6q and i didn't saw any problem.


56 minutes ago, Alshain said:

I haven't tried it specifically, but I think the patch you listed might produce errors.  You need to add ModuleJettison to your HAS line as not all engines have it.

With how MM is working "@" is for edit only,so if MM doesn't see the parameter you want to edit it'll skip the part and patch will not be applied.Opposite to "%" which will create the entry on the part that don't have one.And if i use "HAS:MODULE[ModuleJettison]" the patch get applied only to those parts instead of all with "MODULE[ModuleEngines*].

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