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Win a copy of KSP on consoles! [RESULTS]


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Hello everyone!

It's time to announce the results of our contest. Let's see how you, as a group, performed: there are a few things to note indeed.

Overall, a grand total of 578 people entered the contest, yet only 28 people (4.8%) managed to answer all five questions correctly. To point fingers: question 2 seems to be the main culprit here, but more on that later. Let's go through the questions in order!



Question 1

The first public version of Kerbal Space Program was launched:

  • June 24th, 2011
  • March 3rd, 2012
  • July 17th, 2014
  • April 27th, 2015

On June 24th 2011 Felipe 'HarvesteR' Falanghe released the very first public version of Kerbal Space Program. Back then the game was still free, and you can download all old versions (up to 0.13.3) right here on the forums if you're curious to see what KSP looked like back then. 73% of people who responded answered this question correctly. Some other landmark dates were included in the possible answers: March 3rd 2012 was the release date of the first paid version of KSP (0.14), and April 27th 2015 marked the release of version 1.0.


Question 2


In 2015 we partnered with this organization to bring new content to the game:

  • NASA
  • ESA
  • Asteroid Day

This was a trick question! While many of you may remember the Asteroid Redirect Mission that was developed in cooporation with NASA, this was actually part of update 0.23.5, which was released in 2014. The answer we were looking for is Asteroid Day, whom we partnered with in 2015 to release the Asteroid Day mission pack as an official mod. Only 124 people (21.5%) answered this question correctly. If you wish to find out more about Asteroid Day, check out their website. The mod is available for download from Curseforge.


Question 3


You have ____ unique parts to build your spacecraft with

  • 207
  • 239
  • 290
  • 312

KSP gives you a total of 290 unique parts to build rockets with. Those of you who quickly counted the amount of folders in the KSP parts section will have found a total of 239, but when you go ingame and add up all the parts you'll see that you can use 290 of them. It's a big increase compared to the earliest versions of KSP we talked about in question 1. 290 people (35.3%) answered the question correctly.


Question 4


Last week marked the 47th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing on the Moon. Another famous spacecraft was the first to land on a celestial body on the very same day (but in a different year). Which was it?

  • Venera 7, on Venus
  • Philae, on comet 67P Cheryumov- Gerasimenko
  • Viking 1, on Mars

The first of the pair of spaceflight history questions was answered very well. 461 out of 578 people (79.8%) were correct in answering that on the same day as the Apollo 11 landing (but in a different year) the Viking 1 was the first spacecraft to touch down on Mars. It's a nice mission to recreate in KSP if you're looking to learn the tips and tricks of going to different planets. Beware of Duna's atmosphere though: it's very thin, but can still cause your spacecraft to overheat when going in for a landing!


Question 5

Who was the oldest astronaut to fly on the Space Shuttle?
  • Story Musgrave
  • Eugene Cernan
  • John Glenn
  • James Irwin

The latter of the space history questions: who was the oldest astronaut to fly on the Space Shuttle? The answer is John Glenn, who flew on STS-95 on the 29th of October, 1998 at the respectable age of 77 years old! This actually made him not only the oldest astronaut to fly on the Space Shuttle, but also the oldest person to fly into space period. Quite an accomplishment! 484 of you (83.7%) Googled their way to this answer successfully.


The results!

As we announced, we're giving away five keys for PlayStation 4 and five for XBox One. To draw the winners we first checked for people who had multiple entries (those who entered twice had their later entries removed, those who entered more than twice were disqualified), and filtered the results for people who had answered all questions correctly. As mentioned before 28 people answered all questions correctly: @ludogren, Jfigueredo, @karlo123cub, John the Physicist, ennexs, dsbookbug, ThomasTheHuman, Numinar, @VikranthDaBoss, Harold_Fi, DanJourney, @mszlatolobov, @Wodoings, @vealfromfu, @_PRATTER_, Iamsodarncool, JoePatrick1, @Fenrir1995, Pilotdan747, BananaIsAFruit, @koukier12, albundy33, andruszkow, cerebrate, @TimHendrik, @truck_doug, and  @drivec! You all did an amazing job here.

To select the eventual winners we divided these people into a group for XBox keys and a group for PS4 keys (as indicated on the contest form), and drew winners at random.


Congratulations to @karlo123cub, Numinar, @mszlatolobov, @Wodoings, and @vealfromfu who won a PlayStation 4 key, and to JoePatrick1
Pilotdan747, BananaIsAFruit, @koukier12, and @drivec who won an XBox One key! I will contact you via email shortly.


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Is this open to European PS4 users?

I know people are generally being right prats about the whole thing (not necessarily without cause, mind, but still... prats), but it's a legitimate question in this case.
Because I can see it being really awkward having that code in your email for an indeterminate amount of time.

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  On 7/26/2016 at 7:55 PM, Melfice said:

Is this open to European PS4 users?

I know people are generally being right prats about the whole thing (not necessarily without cause, mind, but still... prats), but it's a legitimate question in this case.
Because I can see it being really awkward having that code in your email for an indeterminate amount of time.


I assume it would be or they would have to put a question on the questionnaire stating "Which region are you from?" under "What console do you prefer?"

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  On 7/26/2016 at 9:38 PM, Hammer_667 said:

I'm guessing this doesn't extend to Europe? Seeing as, well y'know... the game isn't even available for us yet and we have absolutely no idea what's going on?


I assume it would be or they would have to put a question on the questionnaire stating "Which region are you from?" under "What console do you prefer?"



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I've actually been tempted to buy myself an xbox release for the purpose of streaming and bug testing! Entered in the off chance that I don't have to buy - Early congrats to the lucky winners :)

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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