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Rio 2016 Creations


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So since the Rio 2016 Olympic Games open today, I though I would create an Olympic ring creation. Here it is:


And here's the announcer formally opening the Games:


The rings use the Surface Mounted Lights, a great mod created by @Why485 and updated by @IgorZ.

Have any of you created something interesting for the Olympics? If so, please post it here!

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15 hours ago, Dman979 said:

Or, and hear me out...


10km Marathon Swim. Say, to the island airfield and back. Any takers?

Marathon is a very nice idea... in fact, if we make a challenge named "Kerbal Olympics", it can adress not vehicles but kerbals themselves - e.g. EVA competitions that involve running, swimming, jumping, etc...


How about running/jumping off a ramp on the Mun or on Minmus and seeing how far you get? Or fastest time to Minmus orbit using only jetpack?

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