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What would you change if Life was a simulation and open sourced


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Based on this comment in another thread by @The White Guardian

Note: if this thread is considered for TotM, please credit it to @The White Guardian .


Assuming Life turned out to be an all-encompassing simulation, and somehow we got our hands on the source code (and assuming we understand the programming language of Life): what, if anything, would you change?

No need to explain why or in what way, unless you feel chatty or exceptionally enthusiastic about the idea. :D

The first thing I thought of is bug hunting. Quite literally. Can we do without mosquitos? Do we really need them?

(then I had a whole string of other ideas, but it was funny to me that that was my first thought).

Edited by swjr-swis
emphasis on correct credit
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This is an interesting question. It requires some thought as to how fine-grained the simulation is. If it's a coarse simulation, you can just change single values and easily predictable effects will come of them. If it's a very fine simulation, you'd have to study the system in great detail before you risk cascades of unintended consequences.

In the event of the former, I'd tweak those factors which govern the cost of microscale manufacturing, so that computing devices become ridiculously cheap. That, and the specific energy of lithium batteries.

In the event of the latter, I would edit some physical process to yield a (relatively) easily exploitable violation of the first law of thermodynamics. Preferably in the "more energy" direction rather than the "less energy" one. Something sufficiently simple to be cheap, but complex enough that you can't do much more than heat your house (maybe via ultra-cheap computers mentioned above?) with it.

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2 minutes ago, cubinator said:

drop table wasps;--

drop table mosquitoes;--

Then I'd tweak some equations to make interstellar travel easy and fast. 

now I'm heavy breathing :confused: :kiss::D

throw in some global funding cfg files for all space agencies. We would be back at the moon in 2 months :D


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1 hour ago, razark said:

>rm -rf /*

There you go.  All the problems solved.


Your not logged in as root.

#> rm -r /*

You may carry on until shutdown :-)

Since i know i will never understand all the side effects i'd fork a local version and play a bit around, When that gets boring i'd try to hack and spoil the efforts of others since that is probably what everyone else is trying. :-)


Edited by Green Baron
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27 minutes ago, Green Baron said:

Since i know i will never understand all the side effects i'd fork a local version and play a bit around, When that gets boring i'd try to hack and spoil the efforts of others since that is probably what everyone else is trying. :-)

But if you forked, you'd no longer be in the reality everyone else is affecting...

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Ah, i see. Omg, everyone in the same game. Poor inhabitants. You can't be that mean ...


Ok. Then the first thing i'd do is let everyone suffer via vr from the changes inflicted upon the inhabitants, 10 min, before breakfast. Before coffee.


Edited by Green Baron
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Step one: Reduce Earth's Gravity

Step two: Bring every planet closer to the sun

Step three: Lower the heat of the sun

Step four: Make Donald Trump donate 90% of his fortune to SpaceX

Step five: Humanity moves to Mars.

Step six: Make sure I own Jupiter.

Step seven: Delete the sport of running. (I HATE running, but I have to do it)

Step eight: Boost my writing skills so that my mission report will finally get (some) attention

Step nine: Make the Far Lands in Minecraft closer by 8 million blocks so KurtJMac finally gets there

Step ten: Shoot a Michael Bay movie in another solar system


Woah, I got really carried away there.

Step eleven: Make the SQUAD devs turn into superrobots for ten minutes and have KSP v6.87.92 up and running.

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26 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

Step eleven: Make the SQUAD devs turn into superrobots for ten minutes and have KSP v6.87.92 up and running.

Ahh.. the version with the definitive wheels patch... :D

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This thread was made after an idea I had on the thread 'Win a copy of KSP on consoles', quoting myself here:

5 hours ago, The White Guardian said:

Well, perhaps. That'd actually a pretty good topic for a discussion: what would you edit if life was a simulation and you could edit the source code?

So, the question here is, what would you alter if life was a computer simulation, and if you could alter it's codes? Simplified: how would you change the world? Keep in mind though that you can only change one thing, so choose wisely!

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4 minutes ago, Maximus97 said:

@The White Guardian, unfortunately threads with the "exact same question" get merged together to keep discussions of the same topic in one place. I've merged the two threads.

*frustrated sigh*

Great. For once I had a good idea and now someone else's profile is pasted over it, and the fact that this thread keeps growing bigger and bigger only makes this more annoying. What bothers me the most is that this thread is potential TOTM material, and if it does become a thread of the month, I won't even be the person who gets credited.

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20 minutes ago, legoclone09 said:

Why not give ToTM to both of them? And transfer thread ownership to @The White Guardian and have @swjr-swis's OP as the second post if that is possible?

I'd absolutely love to see that happen. I don't need full credit if this thread becomes a ToTM, but if it does become a ToTM, I do want to see my name there.

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Look, in the OP message, @The White Guardian, you're already credited. They mentioned you by name. It won't be you that created the thread, yes, but his thread came first, preceding yours by a little over 3 hours.

Let's all just get back to the topic at hand, please.

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