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I got into Uni !! =)


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I got my results today and i got into University!!! (only just)

I will be flying planes in a month or two bringing my kerbal skills into real life.

I just want to say thanks to all you guys and to SQUAD because without KSP i surely would have failed the space and gravitation part of my physics which would have meant i didn't get a place at university and also for the inspiration to try to become a pilot.


Edited by worir4
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Congratz! Make the most of your time there!

And another unasked-for advice: Don't be afraid to fail at some stuff in university.  An education institution is a place you can fail so you don't make the same mistake in real life. Applies in almost all jobs, and even more so for a pilot. Be kerbal in a simulator so you learn why you should never do that flying a real thing!

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I should've graduated from HS back in May but simply to say I didn't make it.

Nevertheless I'm looking at several schools which hopefully will let me become an airline pilot. There's one that's promising but sadly my medical might likely bork me up as I'm colorblind. Ah well.

Granted it's because of KSP for me that showed me the right path. If I didn't find it I'd likely become an author, game developer (and fail miserably), or something medical (and again fail horribly).

So congratulations sir for your magnificent achievement!

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  On 8/18/2016 at 2:49 PM, RainDreamer said:

Don't be afraid to fail at some stuff in university.


I hope you aren't talking about failing classes. 

Congrats worir4! What's your major?

I'm doing my senior year of HS at uni, to stay eligible for freshman admission and take some classes I haven't taken in HS, with the hope of getting admitted to MIT. 

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  On 8/18/2016 at 3:55 PM, Robotengineer said:

I hope you aren't talking about failing classes. 

Congrats worir4! What's your major?

I'm doing my senior year of HS at uni, to stay eligible for freshman admission and take some classes I haven't taken in HS, with the hope of getting admitted to MIT. 


What's a major? (I am from the UK)

If you mean the course it is Aviation technology with Pilot studies


Also thanks guys for the kind messages, i also wish you the best @ZooNamedGames and every one else. =)

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  On 8/18/2016 at 3:55 PM, Robotengineer said:

I hope you aren't talking about failing classes. 


Well, sometimes it takes failing a class to realize you gotta shape up. I hope our friend here doesn't need that though.

In all, I still mean what I said, from my experience as I am about to graduate very soon and is already entering the working life on my internship. The time you are still in your education period is the time when failing is still safe and acceptable, because that is what it is designed for. When you fail a class, you gotta retake it, relearn it, retry it, but rarely it is the end of the world. When in the real world, failing at your job will have real consequences and you may not have another chance (especially, especially if you are responsible for something important). So don't be afraid to fail, trying out new way of thinking to refine your knowledge and learn from your mistakes when you still can make mistakes. A mistake unmade is a mistake unlearned.

To send you off:


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  • 1 month later...

Well i went to my first day yesterday and it was pretty fun although i havn't started classes as this week is just a welcome week. The real learning starts next week and i get my first flying lesson next Wednesday which i am looking forwards to.

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  On 9/20/2016 at 8:59 PM, Just Jim said:

Outstanding job!!!  I wanted to be a pilot, but unfortunately most bats have better eye-sight than I do. :confused:

Congrats, and please keep us posted how it goes!



I have pretty bad eyesight also, but i checked. For British Airways at least, your eyes can be at any level as long as it can be corrected to 20/20 by glasses or contacts. Not sure about colorblindness rules but i don't think i am.

Also for a private licence, the rules are even less strict if you just want to fly for fun. (Laws in UK, not sure about USA though,) 

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  On 9/20/2016 at 9:06 PM, worir4 said:

I have pretty bad eyesight also, but i checked. For British Airways at least, your eyes can be at any level as long as it can be corrected to 20/20 by glasses or contacts. Not sure about colorblindness rules but i don't think i am.

Also for a private licence, the rules are even less strict if you just want to fly for fun. (Laws in UK, not sure about USA though,) 


hmmm... interesting. Truthfully, the only time I tried was years and years ago when I tried to enlist in the Airforce. They told me my scores were good enough to get any job I wanted... except flying. I am way, way past legally blind, (about 20/4000 or so) but correctable, but apparently it didn't matter back then.



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  On 9/20/2016 at 9:14 PM, Just Jim said:

hmmm... interesting. Truthfully, the only time I tried was years and years ago when I tried to enlist in the Airforce. They told me my scores were good enough to get any job I wanted... except flying. I am way, way past legally blind, (about 20/4000 or so) but correctable, but apparently it didn't matter back then.




Yeah i know for the air force you can't fly with glasses but it is different for commercial. I am pretty sure i saw on the news there was a pilot that had a prosthetic arm and it fell off during flight.:D (The co pilot had to land it)

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  On 9/20/2016 at 9:14 PM, Just Jim said:

hmmm... interesting. Truthfully, the only time I tried was years and years ago when I tried to enlist in the Airforce. They told me my scores were good enough to get any job I wanted... except flying. I am way, way past legally blind, (about 20/4000 or so) but correctable, but apparently it didn't matter back then.


At least some air forces have changed their standards a bit. They probably figured an excellent pilot with glasses is better than an average one with perfect eyes.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I am back, and it was awesome!

My instructor let me have the controls for a bit and i now truly appreciate the power of trim.

I flew in a Piper PA-38 which had a nice glass cockpit   Nice big windows.

Next lesson is next week. :cool::cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had my second lesson today ( i missed one last week due to bad weather). 

Today i got the basic controls and started learning the checklists and stuff.

My instructor told me to hold down the rudder all the way and then just leave it and it went into a spin dive and I could really feel the G-force. It was cool but i imagine my face as one of the kerbals IVA portraits. :confused:

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  • 1 month later...

Chuckle - ahh; welcome to the lovely, lovely World of the Wiz-Wheel!

I just saw this thread so I didn't get the opportunity to congratulate you for starting your journey towards flight. As a long-time pilot (civil private light, sailplane and helicopter) I can tell you that you are heading down an extremely rewarding, but also extremely challenging path. It is not easy; and more rewarding for the challenge.

I've learned in my years not to offer advice to new people; it's often wrong and can interfere with your instructors' teaching. Besides, he or she is going to be far better that I; I've been out of the Cadet training system for over 15 years. :) 

That said, if I could offer advice, I would offer this:

On your second flight, you're busy working on basics; straight and level flight; trim, secondary control actions. :) Before long, you're going to be getting into more advanced airwork and aircraft handling. I know you want to proceed, but unless you feel you're thoroughly confident with everything you've learned, never be afraid to repeat a lesson. If there's something you're a little unsure of; by all means repeat that lesson before going on. It costs another lesson but saves lessons down the road as you have a stronger understanding of the basics.

The Tomahawk is an excellent aircraft to learn on; a good stable little platform. I'm less enthused that it apparently has a G-1000 (you described a glass cockpit); I'm a strong proponent of learning the basic 6-pack. Being able to read the instruments and keeping a mental image in your mind of the aircraft's attitude is a critical ability, IMO but then, I'm an old fogey - some CFIs strongly support the G-1000 system.

As to the image above; the E-6B is a really important tool and an excellent skill to learn. By the time you read this you've already likely learned the basic functions; it takes 5 minutes to learn. Just never, ever underestimate that little Wiz-wheel. There are easier and more advanced tools out there, including full Internet flight planning, but the E-6B goes with you wherever you go. It slips in your map case, never needs batteries and always answers your questions with a simple slide of the thumb.

Cheers! And good luck!

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