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What is the most badass thing you have done in KSP?


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As far as I can remember I used my medium sized one man ssto till 10,000 feet, rolled the plane 180* sideways and closed my engines, lights, everything, I came down on the dependency of the atmosphere, the ssto was slowly pitching up whilst coming down and the speed was insane around 400 mps (I guess, maybe it was around 300) as soon as I hit 2000 m or so, I pitched up, without engine or anything, and the plane slowed down insanley fast (though my pilot took 8gs), I deployed gears, and had a bumby landing on not a runway, but on plain bumpy terrain of grass, no brakes or so, the plane just went on and on until it reached an uphill slide and finally slowed down, due to which I lost a tail fin.

You don't see that everyday, do you?



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Ooooh, bragging! COoooOOooOOoool!.

A few come to mind, but I will chose one: Actually nailing a real suicide burn onto the Mun. It was not by choice to show off, or because I ran out of fuel, but simply because I hit the throttle too late... or actually, right on time. I hit 0 m/s vertical speed at around 20 m altitude. Lucky that the hills were not a little higher. :)

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Kerbin to Eve in under 8 Kerbin days (i.e. under 48 hours), pure stock, no exploits.  Just patience and a whole bunch of xenon droptanks.

Though admittedly, this was in 0.90, when reentry heating wasn't a thing, so aerobraking on arrival was dV-free, making the mission easier than it would be today.

On approach, I kept catching myself hitting the "," key and then realizing (again) "oh, yeah, right, I don't actually have timewarp on."  Slamming into atmosphere at a few dozen kilometers per second was... dramatic.  :)


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Hmm. I read the title with a few awesome things in mind, but looking at the above posters nothing I've done compares to them. Especially Jool Ascent (although I sort of have to do Jool Ascent in the future because in my mission report one of the characters needs to get a surface sample from Jool, but I'm really getting off topic here.)

Anyway. 4 things.

1. the theme from a space odyssey was playing in the background and I was landing my shuttle. But I had flown into the wrong continent. And the landing gear had exploded. It crashed perfectly to the music, including the bail out, stand up, realizing I didn't need to bail out, and planting a flag.

2. Doing a Mun Science Spam mission, and sending my little lander to the north pole. And running out of fuel on the way back. And landing the Kerbal safely 25km from a conveniently placed Mun Base. And sending a utility drone with a Klaw only designed to complete a contract (I literally needed 100 more LF on the base) to go get her and land her safely next to the base.

3. Having the front end of my Mk3 Minmus Cargo SSTO that never really worked explode during re-entry. And then landing the back part.

4. The only one I have pics of. Launching this:

(For more info, read chapter 16 of my mission report)

And not reaching orbit:

And then having the nuclear engines explode on re-entry:

And then igniting the 0.2 TWR VTOL engines, opening the cargo bays, dumping most of the fuel,

Attempting to glide,

And landing it.

Everyone on board survived, and I added some more fuel to it and launched it to Eeloo. It will currently arrive in four years.

I swear, in all my time playing this game I've never felt so awesome.


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Decided to test out Atmospheric Autopilot's ability to run a sea-skimming missile:


She's not going all that fast, but the lower fin tips are, according to the game, just about dragging in the waves...


The results were good enough to encourage me to scale it up...





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If i where to choose my most badass moment, it would be the time i did a full loop de loop with the largest aircraft in the world, the KN-225 (a 1:1 AN-225 replica).




It was truly a once in a lifetime moment.

And yes, it ran at something like 5fps.


And before i forget, there was another moment.


Flying upside down in a 747 while being about a couple meters off the ground.

I did this for a flyby challenge a long time ago.

Edited by kapteenipirk
Wait, there is another one.
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Although in a different way to the glory days of land trains, sacrifice..tearjerking losses of trains and the everpresant darkness that surrounds it


Id have to give my bragging rights to making KSC a game itself


Forgetting kerbin entirely and ferrying kerbals around KSC in a 4 car tram




 Learning all the taxiways. Sidestreets and that the launchpad is a bloody long way from VAH in a train with a top speed of 7ms





The most badass thing?


Nothing died!!! :)

Edited by Overland
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While on Minmus waiting for Bill and Bob to finish mining and deliver fuel to her ship, B&B managed to shatter their miner down to just a poodle, mostly-empty Rockomax tank, and capsules.  They failed to make orbit with the remains, so Val, being on the opposite side of the moon, boosted retrograde, met them halfway, pulled a U-turn rendezvous, and then used the last of her fuel to boost everybody to a safe periapse for rescue.



A Minmus shuttlebus miscalculated the lifesupport supplies and ended up a couple days into a Minmus trip with only 4 hours of supplies left.  While they burned all the reserve and Kerbin return fuel to get a high energy transfer of 3.5 hours, Bill hand-assembled a ship on the surface of minmus using KAS.  He then flew the lobsided monster up to a >1km/s rendezvous, and slapped on an emergency air tank with 9 minutes to spare.  After docking and fuel transfer, all 7 kerbals survived to reach the surface base.



Flying the first SSTO plane to Minmus and back with tourists and trainees, the aerobraking maneuver went badly, but Jeb kept his cool, aborting to orbit with one wing and 3 of 4 engines left.  To this day, the spaceplane lies safely yet upside down on a grassy hill on the back side of kerbin with one engine and slightly less wing than before.  Its value as a monument outweighs the minor recovery funds it would fetch.



While nothing in particular stands out, Bob has risked his life across the Kerbin SoI to bring the "RTGs for Everyone!" project to fruition.  And RTGs are the best thing since the LV-N.

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Compared to many here 'badass' is perhaps somewhat less, but for me it was amazing.

Rescuing a stuck Kerbal in Mun orbit, not a game mission, one my own muck up left stranded.

First rendezvous in men orbit, between a lander not really built for it and a nearly fuel less ascent module even less built for it, no RCS on either, got them to kissing distance using the main engines only, and at 0 m/s as well. Then a first EVA that didn't kill or strand the herbal concerned.

Then back to base.

Ok maybe not hugely impressive, but I've only successfully docked twice, it impressed me 

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After this only doing an Eve flyby with Jeb using one single stock solid rocket booster, then Kerbin flyby, rescue mission, pushing capsule on EVA till reentry, then ejecting and landing on his feet because I staged the chutes (I have proof video but it's in portuguese).

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13 minutes ago, something said:

Attaching the heat shield to my Gilly lander and the chutes to the Eve lander and consequently landing the Eve lander on Eve with no heat shield.

Lost four landing struts in the process so the lander us now standing in its engine bell.


But at least your Gilly lander was safe from burning up on descent onto Gilly! :cool:

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