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22 minutes ago, Snark said:


That's how I remember which way the pointy end of the rocket is supposed to go.


Well for what I'm doing I have cross country. I'm forced to do it and hate it. Not to mention I have to miss a class 3 times to make it to a meet on time. And said class is basic computer programming. And I'm also really bad at running and if I don't run I can't airsoft or play on my computer. The next 50 days will be fun.

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@technicalfool was right.

regret.exe has initiated.

Also my cross country rant was just because I've had a subpar (was not fun) weekend and I can get hotheaded (this is why I'm not in Science and Spaceflight much) when that happens. It was quite a bit worse ranting to one of my friends over Steam. My typical self was restored shortly after said rant.

Edited by legoclone09
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