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Being The Dreaded "Idea Guy"


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  On 9/20/2016 at 6:55 PM, adsii1970 said:

There's an old Chinese proverb that says the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. I will say this, you will never be more than you are if you do not become determined to be your own agent of change. No amount of free advice from the gracious members of this forum, no hour in therapy, or no pill will change your attitude and outlook on life unless you have reached the point in life where you are fed up and ready to grow.


That is some excellent advice. Along the same lines if it hasn't been said yet: perfect is the enemy of good. Perhaps your expectations of whatever it is that you want to achieve are too high, @ZooNamedGames? If I'd set my mind to modding, I wouldn't be looking at what Roverdude or Porkjet is doing and then think “there’s no way I can ever do that; I might as well give up now to save me some time.”

Instead, focus on a skill and see how far you can take it. Maybe you’ll be much better. Maybe not. But you will never find out if  you stop the journey before it starts. At the same time, set realistic goals. Here's how not to become the best modder for KSP: “I want to become the best modder for KSP.” It’s a great thought and something to keep in your mind, but a much more realistic approach is

  • What skills do I need to make a certain kind of mod
  • Acquire those skills
  • Practice, practice, practice

And in this process the second step might contain many sub steps. Apparently one needs to master 3D modelling software for part mods, or so I'm told. So now you have to master Blender (or something else) first. And don't expect to produce the Millenium Falcon at your first stab at Blender either. Instead, anything will do for a first time, and your first space goal could be a toy rocket like the one in my signature.

It's perfectly fine to set yourself very high, aspiring, yes dreaming goals. We all need those. But at the same time, figure out what steps you need to take to get there. And if the first step is too big, cut that one down in smaller steps, and smaller steps, until you get down to something that you can achieve. And then keep on going. That's how any of the fine people at this forum got where they are.


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  On 9/20/2016 at 6:27 PM, Dman979 said:

This reminds me of a joke I heard a while ago.

"Why is my phone always in the last place I look for it?"

But I think it's actually quite applicable here. You seem very, very focused on end results. That's good. Unfortunately, I think that your hyperfocus is preventing you from seeing the larger picture here, and the things you need to do to get there.

So, time for another suggestion. Break your dreams down into more manageable steps. Your overall end result becomes your vision. The large, abstract things you need to do to get there are your goals. Below that are sub-goals, which are mini goals used to achieve the goals. Finally are steps. These are the most basic you can go. Steps can range from "get out of bed in the morning" to "finish X homework assignment" to "pass Y class." All of your goals, subgoals, and steps need to be clearly defined. You need to know when you've completed them, and have a specific time to finish them by.

What is your vision? For me, my vision is to become an aerospace engineer.

What are your goals? Mine are to finish college, do student research, be social, and stay healthy.

What are your subgoals? Mine are to finish Freshman year, finish sophomore year, finish junior year, finish senior year, work with a professor I like, make friends, and keep a healthy lifestyle.

My steps are a little more personal and there are more of them, so I'm not going to share them here. But the examples I listed above should give you an idea of what they are.

What are your steps? What is the first thing you need to do in order to reach your vision?



Vision would be to an airline pilot. 

My goals would be to finish high school, get into college and get a job. 

As to my sub goals... Well... I see my goals as the sub goals as well.


  On 9/20/2016 at 6:43 PM, 0111narwhalz said:

Maybe the reason CobaltWolf has "thrown you in the gulag" is because your mistakes are of a kind people find hard to tolerate. Try reading the entire thing Streetwind wrote, summarize it, and then act upon it.
I note that you tend to hide behind your alleged incompetence. This is a surefire way to get nowhere.


Seems that it's still a more effective method than anything else I've tried.

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  On 9/20/2016 at 10:33 PM, Camacha said:

Links are blue and underlined, so they are pretty easy to spot among the rest of the text if you scan through it :)


Biggest issue with filtering through 8 pages of text is this forum. It doesn't just load a webpage the stupid software itself has to.

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  On 9/20/2016 at 9:14 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

Vision would be to an airline pilot. 

My goals would be to finish high school, get into college and get a job. 

As to my sub goals... Well... I see my goals as the sub goals as well.


Ok, good start!

It seems to me like your goals could use a little rephrasing. And if your goals are like your subgoals, that's good!

Here's how I'd go about breaking down one of your goals:

Goal: Finish high school.

Subgoals: Pass English with a B+ or better. Pass Math with an A or better. Pass History with a C+ or better. Pass (Your science class) with a B+ or better. Pass (elective) with a B+ or better. Pass (Language class) with a B or better. Get recommendation letters from teachers. Make Honor Roll. [These are just examples I made up, but feel free to modify them for your own needs.]

Steps: Complete Shakespeare Essay for English by 9/26. Complete Math homework by 9/22. [Etc., Etc., Etc.] Ask [Teacher name] for recommendation letter by 9/30. Check with advisor to make sure I'm getting high enough grades on 9/27.

You can even go further, too. I'd probably break out the essay into steps for myself, and most of the other things, too. It's important to make sure you include a specific time to have your goals, subgoals, steps, etc. finished, because it allows you to measure your actual progress to your theoretical progress, and correct as needed.

Break out how you'll get a job for me, starting by giving it a date to see if you have a job.

Edited by Dman979
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Also with modding - I'd start with simple things. I made a fuel tank a few years ago and got it in-game over a weekend, with a texture. Start a mod! The textures and models don't need to be amazing (mine sure aren't), but it's functional, and over time you'll get better!

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  On 9/21/2016 at 7:19 PM, CobaltWolf said:

You can either spend your life complaining, or you take that same amount of time and get stuff done. Only one of those gives results.


Actually, they both get results. Only one gives results that are desired. The other choice creates a very negative outlook on life that will lead to isolation.

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  On 9/21/2016 at 7:50 PM, adsii1970 said:

Actually, they both get results. Only one gives results that are desired. The other choice creates a very negative outlook on life that will lead to isolation.


I don't describe that as results. I describe that as failure.

Edited by CobaltWolf
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  On 9/20/2016 at 9:14 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

Vision would be to an airline pilot. 

My goals would be to finish high school, get into college and get a job. 

As to my sub goals... Well... I see my goals as the sub goals as well.


You might want to rethink your sub goals. The problem with not defining immediate, achievable steps is that your goals become enormous, impossible challenges. No one finishes school by finishing school. You do it by completing a series of smaller tasks, like getting a good grade for a certain class. That good grade is, again, achieved by performing smaller tasks, like doing your homework consistently. Finishing school, well, phew, that is quite the thing. But doing your homework is very doable and within reach.

You do not achieve your goals by jumping on top of them. You reel them in, centimetre by centimetre (inch by inch for the metrically challenged :P*) , step by step.

*Calm down, it is a joke.

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We had to remove a few posts from this thread because it was getting quite personal. Please remember that the people you're replying to are real people with genuine feelings. This forum is meant to be a friendly place to discuss a range of topics and everyone is expected to treat each other respectfully. If you don't want to participate in this particular thread, you don't have to, but please don't insult or make fun of anyone, ok?

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Re goals and career, read Chris Hadfield's "Astronauts guide to life on earth"  Quite interesting the way he decided he wanted to be an astronaut at a young age, knew it was unlikely but at every opportunity took the decision that would help him towards that goal.  I know I just wouldn't have the drive to do that which I'm going to cite as the reason why I'm not an astronaut :D

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so you mean that by design your flooded by idea and don't have time to realize them so much your flooded by design by so many ideas your just throwing them hoping someone catch them ? ^^

and that the "fart proudly" profit, investor and exchange market from 1929 and colonialism lecacy era aspect annoy you a little  ? ^^

don't be bother let them fart they will be reminded soon enough ^^



Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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  On 9/22/2016 at 6:13 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

Half a semester of English, economics, science, geometry (for the 3rd time), and a whole year of another math class.


Not good enough. Come on, I'm trying to help you here. That's just a list of what you need to do. You can break that down more.

For instance: Get an A in English (check by X/X/201X)

  1. Study for test on DATE
  2. Do XXXX homework (due by DATE)
  3. Ask Teacher for help
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  On 9/22/2016 at 9:52 PM, Dman979 said:

Not good enough. Come on, I'm trying to help you here. That's just a list of what you need to do. You can break that down more.

For instance: Get an A in English (check by X/X/201X)

  1. Study for test on DATE
  2. Do XXXX homework (due by DATE)
  3. Ask Teacher for help

Well I'm only in one class right now. Even then I've only got one more thing to do and I'm done with it. 

So I can't study anything or do any homework until they get me into the class.

Probably starting to see why I used be word, "stalled" to define my life. 


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  On 9/22/2016 at 9:58 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

Well I'm only in one class right now. Even then I've only got one more thing to do and I'm done with it. 

So I can't study anything or do any homework until they get me into the class.

Probably starting to see why I used be word, "stalled" to define my life. 



Nope, not at all. Why are you letting them take control of it? What can you do to help yourself?

Break down what you need to do to graduate high school. If it's more than just completing classes, than add that, too! And no lists- actions!

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