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[1.8.x] Monthly Budgets 5.0.1 (22/12/2019) - UP FOR ADOPTION


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Monthly Budgets 4.11 Released

  • Minimum Gross Budget is now capped at 2x maintenance costs. This does not take into account Launch Costs though.
  • Added Event OnBudgetAwarded(double, double) for modders. Overloads are Budget Awarded and Costs.
  • Fixed Bug where KAC alarm wouldn't be created unless you had another alarm in the list.
  • Added "Use It Or Lose" it as an option - when turned off budgets will no longer be capped ( @DasValdez. )
  • Save Upgrade Path updated to facilitate upgrades from Monthly Budgets 4.8+ to Monthly Budgets 4.11
  • Upgrades attempted from saves before Monthly Budgets 4.8 will cause settings to be reset to default.
  • Code Cleanup
  • Fixed NRE that could be generated when no save game was loaded.
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  • 1 month later...

Quick note on 1.8 Compatibility

At first glance, MB seems to be functioning normally. I'm in the middle of a major re-write, and I fully expect 1.8.1 et al to be along shortly, so I see no reason right now to rush out an update for 1.8.

If you come across a showstopper let me know, as I only gave it a cursory test.

Edited by severedsolo
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  On 10/17/2019 at 6:13 PM, severedsolo said:

What did you miss the huge button on the OP? :P

(seriously though, that's not me hinting, it's just the stupid patreon button does that on the forums and I cba to figure out how to change it lol)


The OPs on your mods haven't been seen by me in quite some time (if that's fair at all...) --so it completely slipped my mind/notice. ;)

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Monthly Budgets 5.0 released

  • Recompile for KSP 1.8 / .Net 4.x
  • Fixed UseItOrLoseIt not saving it's settings
  • Fixed an exploit where withdrawing the Big Project Fund in the Editor would result in the money still being in your account when you exited the Editor.
  • Fixed the Version File pointing at the wrong location for updates.

The big rewrite is still happening - I'm still in two minds as to whether to push it as an update, or just declare it "Monthly Budgets 2" - so if you have any feature requests for MB2, now would be the time.

Edited by severedsolo
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I'm running and KSP 1.8, And some mods (KCT and its dependencies, toolbar and click through blocker, and magicore) it seems that every budget increment I'm receiving funds equal to my expenses, regardless of my actual income.
Also when reputation gets to zero the listed 'estimated Gross Budget' is twice the Current costs, actual income received is equal to current costs.

To Reproduce
I start a new game, I have Zero reputation, but my Estimated budget is $68,000 and Current costs is $34,000.
I use cheats to gain 100 reputation, the estimate then drops to $50,000, with costs still at $34,000.

Fast forward a month, I receive $34,000,  My estimated income is now lower due to reputation decay, but fast forwarding another month I still receive $34,000.
Finally clicking through long enough for my reputation to hit zero, the Estimated Budget once again goes to $68,000, but income received still remains at $34,000
I shall disable those other mods and test again.



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  On 10/28/2019 at 8:32 AM, MarcAFK said:

I start a new game, I have Zero reputation, but my Estimated budget is $68,000 and Current costs is $34,000.
I use cheats to gain 100 reputation, the estimate then drops to $50,000, with costs still at $34,000.


It's intentional (sort of) but a little buggy. I wanted to set a minimum budget, but the estimate seems very off.

I didn't take into account that you get alot of money for the early game like this either.

Thanks for the report

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  • 1 month later...

Monthly Budgets 5.0.1 Released

  • Fixed UseItOrLoseIt not saving it's settings (for real this time)
  • Enabling the Research Budget for the first time will now warn you that this will decay your reputation
  • Save Upgrade Pipeline will now upgrade saves from versions 4.11 upwards. Upgrades from versions prior to 4.11 will reset settings to default
  On 10/28/2019 at 8:32 AM, MarcAFK said:

I'm running and KSP 1.8, And some mods (KCT and its dependencies, toolbar and click through blocker, and magicore) it seems that every budget increment I'm receiving funds equal to my expenses, regardless of my actual income.
Also when reputation gets to zero the listed 'estimated Gross Budget' is twice the Current costs, actual income received is equal to current costs.

To Reproduce
I start a new game, I have Zero reputation, but my Estimated budget is $68,000 and Current costs is $34,000.
I use cheats to gain 100 reputation, the estimate then drops to $50,000, with costs still at $34,000.

Fast forward a month, I receive $34,000,  My estimated income is now lower due to reputation decay, but fast forwarding another month I still receive $34,000.
Finally clicking through long enough for my reputation to hit zero, the Estimated Budget once again goes to $68,000, but income received still remains at $34,000
I shall disable those other mods and test again.




Haven't forgotten about this - but I'm still working on MB2 so trying not to make any big gameplay changes right now.

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Hey Severed',

Something I've been *almost* asking about, but it hasn't elevated to the status of issue or question yet is the context of fractional number of days for the budget interval:

I've been basing my budget interval on half a minmus orbit, since the 30-day default just feels to arbitrarily "real-world"-ish. It's sort of close to thirty days, but actually comes in at 24.96. A regular "Munth" is far too short at 6.43 days, and a full Minmunth is 49.92 which seems a bit too long. 30 days was just too Earth-like for me.

Does the current MB actually do anything with the fractional bits after the decimal (I hand edited them into the save/config), or is it just giving me a 24-day interval cycle? I suppose 25 would be a better approximation.

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  On 12/23/2019 at 6:06 PM, Beetlecat said:

Does the current MB actually do anything with the fractional bits after the decimal (I hand edited them into the save/config), or is it just giving me a 24-day interval cycle? I suppose 25 would be a better approximation.


friendlyInterval is a float, so the decimal should be accounted for. The formula is friendlyInterval * the homeworlds Solar Day length


  On 12/23/2019 at 6:06 PM, Beetlecat said:

A regular "Munth" is far too short at 6.43 days, and a full Minmunth is 49.92 which seems a bit too long. 30 days was just too Earth-like for me.


I agree - but like you, I felt that a Munth was too short and a Minmunth too long.

Incidentally, if you carve Kerbins year into 12 equal chunks, it comes out at 35.5 days

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can you add a auto adjust for all cost based on Budget Interval?
So if slide it for pay daily, weekly or any variation, it will not unbalance.

Can you add a option for monthly cost can be charged even with mod disabled?
Can you add a option for big project funding work even with mod disabled?

Edited by Sabrewulf
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  On 1/13/2020 at 4:36 AM, Sabrewulf said:

Can you add a auto adjust for all cost based on Budget Interval?
So if slide it for pay daily, weekly or any variation, it will not unbalance.


This is a great idea - but it's not going to make it into Monthly Budgets I'm afraid (see bottom of this post for the reason why). I will make sure it makes it into Bureaucracy though, because it really is a very good idea.

  On 1/13/2020 at 4:36 AM, Sabrewulf said:

Can you add a option for monthly cost can be charged even with mod disabled?
Can you add a option for big project funding work even with mod disabled?


Unfortunately, this would mean a significant change to the way the mod works, and I'm not going to do that because of the announcement below. Big Project funding is also going away, because it won't be necessary.

As it seems that I'm not going to be able to keep this a secret much longer without looking like I'm fobbing people off, I may as well make the announcement.

Monthly Budgets is being retired

No no, don't worry, I'm not leaving modding (again). It's just that it's being replaced with a new, and better version. A sequel. It's bigger, it's better, and it (usually) doesn't break every time i change something!

In truth, Bureaucracy is what I wanted Monthly Budgets to be, but I didn't have the skills to do at the time. So, check it out!


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  On 1/13/2020 at 8:03 AM, severedsolo said:

Big Project funding is also going away, because it won't be necessary.


I like as game mechanic, not the objective.
I want it for save money, in case of problems it already saved me. If play without revert flight it have even more importance.

Also would be nice change payment interval with rep cost if interval raise, "Sorry bro, i can't pay you this week".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright people, Bureaucracy is about 36 hours away from release.

Quick poll:
How many of you would move onto Bureaucracy, and how many would stick with MB? - reason I'm asking is I'm in two minds about whether to allow the stinking mess that is the codebase for this mod die, or put it up for adoption.

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  On 1/24/2020 at 6:24 AM, Beetlecat said:

If I'm officially allowed to comment  ;) -- there's zero reason to linger with MB, since I can't think of anything it still does that Bureaucracy doesn't?


Big Project Fund is the only thing that jumps out at me, but I feel like some people may not like the added complexity of Bureaucracy - on the other hand, there is an alternative in Space Program Funding (although I don't know if that's being maintained) .

(Also, of course you are allowed to comment - you are still a user, even though you were in the private Beta too)

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As I mentioned in the Bureaucracy dev thread, {repeating here for other people's consideration that may not see it there} I always prefer seeing a mod go up for adoption, rather than just disappearing. even if there are "newer and better" options, there will always be people who'd use the older mods, be it stubborness, not wanting the 'extra' of a new mod, or nostalgia. There are some older mods that have vanished over time that I still wish I could get and play with. 

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I have been using Monthly budgets and I enjoy the added challenge and complexity it brings (Although using it along with Stratigia's ability to cheese contracts for reputation (IE Pilot Focus+Tourism) makes the game a little trivial, LOL), I say put it up for adoption, as Vardicd said, there are those that might not want the added functionality of Bureaucracy, and who ever adopts it might clean up the code!

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Well, 2.5:1 (as Beetlecat kinda changed his mind) - I'll put the mod up for adoption.

Monthly Budgets is now deprecated, and no longer maintained. You can either move to Bureaucracy

Or JoeBostic on Github made a mod inspired by Monthly Budgets a while ago called Space Program Funding

If anyone would like to take over Monthly Budgets, ping me a PM and we'll chat.

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