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Update 1.2 has entered Experimental testing!


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Hi everyone!

Update 1.2 has just entered Experimentals! We’re eager to finally start the next phase of testing and getting ever closer to the 1.2 release.


During experimental testing a crack team of experienced and hand-picked KSP players will throw everything they’ve got at the game to make it bend, blend and break in many ways. The goal is to catch as many bugs as we can, and to make the game as stable as it can be before we make a public test build available.


Those of you who’ve been around for the 1.1 update will remember that we released a ‘pre-release’ test build for everyone to have a go before we officially released the update, and for update 1.2 we plan to do the same thing. Once the pre-release builds are available you’ll only be able to opt-in via the Steam betas, or through the KSP store.


We hope you’re as excited as we are about the coming weeks. Stay tuned for updates and Fly Safe!

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Sweet. Well done, Squad, both on getting to Experimentals for 1.2, and for solving whatever logistic nightmares were required to get the public experimentals available on the store when the time comes.

And with that bit of professionalism complete, I'm off to the hype thread to squeal like an excited child.

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to squad: be prepared for balance tweaks pitched as bug reports come pre-release time I'm not gonna let balanced fuel mass ratios get reverted so easily this time. :wink:

to fellow player: please please please don't treat this as a "release but sooner" like last time we don't want to pressure squad into rushing this again.

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  On 9/6/2016 at 4:31 AM, TwinKerbal said:

How do we opt in through the KSP store?

Also first!:P


To clarify: KSP just entered experimental testing. The public pre-release is the next (and final) phase of testing before the update is released. We'll post the information on how to obtain the pre-release builds when they become available :)


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Just checked, and v1.1.0 was third week of April, then a hasty release of v1.1.1, and I downloaded v1.1.3 third week of June. It all seemed a bit rushed, but most of that feeling seemed to be from the deep upgrades, including a reliable 64-bit version. I still feel a little nervous, and I may not rush to an upgrade this time. Wait for the formal release. and then wait a little bit more. One of the things I am also wary of is the rush to release compatible mods. Some things need a library to work, some don't. And so much depends on Module Manager. It wasn't KSP that gave me the grief, and you do a far better job than some big-name outfits, but I think I shall pass on the opportunity to try the wonderful new software bugs.

Good luck, guys.

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  On 9/6/2016 at 5:09 AM, Alshain said:

Hmm, interesting.  I have to decide if I want to do pre-release or not.  Normally it would be no, but pre-release 1.2 can't possibly be worse than 1.1.3 can it? :rolleyes:


If experience from the 1.1 pre-release is any indication: yes it can :P

You are really, seriously getting an active development build there. It will absolutely break on you in some way or another, and be patched every one or two days. These patches may or may not be vessel breaking, save breaking, or both.

In other words: if you're not a modder intent on getting a head start with updating your mod, or a committed bughunter aiming to help out with reporting issues, don't do it! Prereleases are not for regular gameplay.

Edited by Streetwind
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