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The v1.2 Hype Train Thread - Prerelease is Out

Whirligig Girl

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1 hour ago, parameciumkid said:

And speaking of aerodynamics, are other people noticing that the souposphere is far less present in 1.2? Is there a discussion about this going on somewhere, or is it in the patch notes?

Souposphere hasn't been around since before 1.0 :wink:

However, they did decrease drag for pointy things, and increase it for blunt things. I think they talked about it during the live stream right before the pre-release came out. 

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A fun little feature for Cinematic KSP video creators; there is an 'Aim Camera' option.


To enable it, go to Settings and enable "Advanced Tweakables" (for those wondering, this option gives you control over fuel flow). Now, when you are flying a plane or rocket you can right-click a part, select 'Aim Camera' and the selected part becomes the center point for the camera (a lot like how the Center Of Mass is the camera's center point).


So if you go on EVA, then select 'Aim Camera' on a craft...




You can walk and Jetpack around without the camera aimed at you, allowing you to create some interesting pictures or video footage!

(Just make sure you don't fly out of the camera's range, and lose your Kerbal forever)

Edited by Fred Cop
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After finding some hours to play with 1.2-pre (1473) my Hypometer is pegged at 11.

Not actively been looking for bugs or glitches just played a standard career game from scratch and so far not a single issue.

Will try to find some more hours tonight (severe hype isn't an acceptable reason to call in sick :( ).


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I have discovered the aim camera, but I think I came across a bug. I used the aim camera while testing the new autostrut function at the launch pad, then recovered the vessel. Returning to the KSC view, I was stuck in a perspective of the sky, with no way to return to the standard perspective of the KSC buildings.

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43 minutes ago, DunaRocketeer said:

Anyone know how the landing legs are holding up? Some say they are fixed, others say they may be a little iffy?

The landing leg modules are working exceptionally well.  I haven't tested the stock ones yet, but some mod legs of mine that always used to make the launch pad explode, now work perfectly.

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Just now, TiktaalikDreaming said:

The landing leg modules are working exceptionally well.  I haven't tested the stock ones yet, but some mod legs of mine that always used to make the launch pad explode, now work perfectly.

No more micro vibrations causing the craft to move slowly across the ground?

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Just now, DunaRocketeer said:

Ooh nasty :( Well that rules out this version for me then - again. Can't play until the fundamentals get fixed.

It's only the LT-1 that does that, so there is hope that it's just something that got overlooked. (QA, cough cough.)

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41 minutes ago, steve_v said:

Seeing a little bit of "iffy" TBH.


28 minutes ago, DunaRocketeer said:

Ooh nasty :( Well that rules out this version for me then - again. Can't play until the fundamentals get fixed.

Being able to land confidently (an essential part of space exploration) is what kept me away from playing 1.1.  Please let this be a minor fix.  I want those U5 performance increases!  I'm ready to leave my 1.0 install!

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2 hours ago, AzraelDR said:

I have discovered the aim camera, but I think I came across a bug. I used the aim camera while testing the new autostrut function at the launch pad, then recovered the vessel. Returning to the KSC view, I was stuck in a perspective of the sky, with no way to return to the standard perspective of the KSC buildings.


1 hour ago, steve_v said:

Seeing a little bit of "iffy" TBH.

You have created bug reports for these issues, right? Right?

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10 minutes ago, taniwha said:

You have created bug reports for these issues, right? Right?

Of course. Furiously submitting more as I type this.

It would appear the 'aim camera' bug is on the tracker too, surprise surprise. :P

27 minutes ago, DunaRocketeer said:

Hehe, I thought I was the only player left still on 1.0 :sticktongue:

I was until recently, now I'm only playing for testing purposes. 1.0.5 is too slow, and 1.1.3 is too crashy.

1.2 is looking like a better prospect, time for more testing.
Lets see if SQUAD actually fix the bugs we raise in the prerelease... this time.

Edited by steve_v
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The Beta feels surprisingly stable, I rarely find any bugs, despite being a beta. Only got some very rare crashes, and scene transitions that - just as rarely - take a bit longer than they should. Only bug that comes to mind is a case where a single small parachute would open slower under timewarp than under realtime, but I can't really recreate that one (simple mk1 pod crashes into ground despite 500m opening height)...

The early tail wheel is still kinda useless tho, if not as terrible.

EDIT: Right, some fairing bugs where they vanish, also seen it on stream. Might be visual only, since they return when you click edit fairing.

Edited by Temeter
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Not sure about other's experience, but sofar i havent come across any gamebreaking bugs (that havent been around since like before the porkjet mk2 parts, NAN vessel deletion bug is as usual there but ive just about given up on it ever being fixed).

Landing gear and wheels seem solid, albeit handing sucks (thats my own fault for building sci-fi vehicles and not conventional ones)...

Fairings have a few visual bugs (guaranteed to vanish the 3d model when you move the aerodynamic effects slider, not that it matters for most people which dont do that in flight) but i have yet to crash the game using em in the conventional way (as in covering payloads with it).

As for the comms system, ive had a few cases of vessels that cannot get a connection to kerbin (cant even explain it because they have the top antenna and are at dres distance (should be working but no signal).  DIsabled it for now as its very annoying when you try to go to dres or jool and the signal doesnt connect despite nothing occluding in map view (that im aware of) and using the best antennas...


Edited by panzer1b
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4 hours ago, taniwha said:


You have created bug reports for these issues, right? Right?

I have, and submitted some screenshots demonstrating the bugged perspective. It seems to persist even when reloading and restarting the game. The aim camera may seem like a small feature, but I love making screenshots and videos of my progress. Aim camera means another mod that I don't have to install. :)

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