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Career mode contracts

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You shouldn't need a contract up front. You'll get a "World First" when you do it, which will reward you with some money, science and rep :)  World Firsts happen for entering SoIs (flybys), orbiting, landing, collecting science, and exiting SoIs. Basically they're hidden contracts that are hidden and 

The only contracts I see these days are the full "explore" jobs for orbital and landed science.

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23 minutes ago, Alpha 360 said:

I just can't get the contracts I really want. I have enough tech to land on Minmus but I don't have an contract for a fly-by of the Mun! How do I get the fly-by of Mun contract?


Its random but based on your achievements and the parts you have. Don't think you get an flyby contract if you have been inside Mun SOI already. You will also not get an Eeloo flyby without visiting other planets first. 
Mun flyby tend to pop up pretty often. Note that you always get the world first bonus, the flyby contract is an extra bonus. 
You can deny contracts, this however cost some reputation so you don't want to deny 20 just to get an good one. 

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If you don't see the contract you like, you can just warp forward by 3-6 days, which should refresh most of the contracts.

I assume you've made it to LKO successfully?

I noticed that if you successfully complete a type of mission several times, the game assumes you like that type of mission and offers you many more.

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Btw, when I said "shouldn't need contracts up front" I do mean "you won't get a flyby contract ever" :)  You will get explore contracts, and you'll get rewarded for incremental steps such as flybys and orbits and landings via the World First mechanism.

As yet though, I've never seen an explore contract go away and be replaced by something else. If the game is pointing you to Minmus, then that's going to be your explore target until you go there. That doesn't stop you getting all the world's first rewards for Mun, however - although you may be better off doing a Minmus flyby!

Disclaimer: unless one of the numerous mods I've installed has changed the way contracts work in my game. But I have never seen a single flyby contract since 1.1.

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3 hours ago, eddiew said:

Btw, when I said "shouldn't need contracts up front" I do mean "you won't get a flyby contract ever" :)  You will get explore contracts, and you'll get rewarded for incremental steps such as flybys and orbits and landings via the World First mechanism.

As yet though, I've never seen an explore contract go away and be replaced by something else. If the game is pointing you to Minmus, then that's going to be your explore target until you go there. That doesn't stop you getting all the world's first rewards for Mun, however - although you may be better off doing a Minmus flyby!

Disclaimer: unless one of the numerous mods I've installed has changed the way contracts work in my game. But I have never seen a single flyby contract since 1.1.

I've had "fly by Minmus" and "Fly by the Sun" contracts, on a save that began under 1.1.1, but I'm sure the contracts came up after upgrading to 1.1.2 at least.

However, what I don't think you will ever see is that sort of contract after visiting the SOI. The best way to game the system, therefore, is never to do any world firsts before you get a contract for it. So if you get a "fly by" contract, immediately it completes go back to Mission Control and look for an "explore" contract.

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30 minutes ago, Plusck said:

I've had "fly by Minmus" and "Fly by the Sun" contracts, on a save that began under 1.1.1, but I'm sure the contracts came up after upgrading to 1.1.2 at least.

Fair enough, maybe it is some of the mods. I do use Contract Configurator, so not sure whether that fiddles with the underlying offers.

I agree that you never get an explore contract *after* doing world firsts that involve those actions, but I was under the impression that the point of world firsts is to counter the fact the game may not have given you the explore contract you wanted? Maybe I need to play pure stock for a bit before I try giving advice :) 

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getting the minmus fly by contract usually happens after you've been to the mun.   Ive only ever seen it pop up once before the mun, and that was a few versions ago.   it also tends to be after the rendezvous contract

if your already missing the first duna window so not worried about in game time waste, warping for 10 days tends to give you new contracts, so long as you dont have 2-3 already selected.  sometimes its still frustrating though when you dont see it.


also note, that when you go to minmus, when in orbit head back to the space center and check for contracts.  Ive seen several times that once i finished the fly by contract, several other minmus contracts will pop up, like science data, or planting a flag.

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