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Kerbal Cockpit Simulator


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Well after playing around with krpc a little further, I think I will be able to finish without the action groups..It will take alot longer to program and be significantly harder but still possible. I figured out how to get a list of parts, activate parts, read stats from parts from the terminal. i also spent a day learning real fuels, and I think I am going to stick with the whole realism overhaul suite from now on. It takes quite a bit of reading and experimenting to figure out real fuels, at least for me, but man does it add a crazy amount of specialization for each task. Have a limited number of ignitions, ullage requirement, and it even failures like vapor in the lines. I am impressed and glad I took the time to figure it out. Every new task I complete for this makes me more and more excited to finally finish it and play(something I havent really done since I started building this)

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Im making a list of potential buttons, meters, numbers/letters, and switches. I welcome suggestions. I need as many as possible so no task is to menial to include, or at least try to include. Below is what I have so far...

? Means it could go in multiple categories


Launch, Return Temp, Decouple Current Stage, Transmit Coms, Kill Rotation, Control From Docking Port, Switch Camera Feed, Open/Close Cargo Bay, Activate Next Stage, Activate Ullage Motors


Stage Fuel/Oxidizer, Total Fuel/Oxidizer, Electricity, Input Charge, Pressure, MonoProppellant, ?G-Force, ?Throttle


Temp, Altitude, Speed, Time, TWR, SLI, DV, ?G-Force, Apoapsis, Pariapsis, Time to Apoapsius, Time to Pariapsis, ?Throttle, Biome


Rcs, Sas, Engine Ignition On/Off, Temp On/Off, Deploy Com, Lights On/Off, Gimbal On/Off, 

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Ive been working on a Lunar Lander w/ Launcher. The first pic is what I based it off of. The rest are pics from KSP. The lander has 4200dv and runs off of UDMH/NTO. The RCS is also UDMH/NTO so I dont need a second fuel for RCS systems.







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Its been awhile but here are a few updated pics








Every piece I put in makes it feel more like a spaceship. I am moving the joystick again. There isnt enough room in between the legs. Its going to on the center console

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First video:


Some pics of the first test run. My wife had the idea to mount it like this. I was stumped. We walked all over home depot looking for anything to try to mount this and make it easily detachable. I cant add any width if I want to be able to get it out of the room. So mad props to her for that idea. It feels pretty awesome taking off. Im going to try to fix some of the resolution issues I'm having. If you can tell, the side screens arent actually using the entire screens. Let me know what you think!







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  On 12/27/2016 at 4:05 AM, Kotagi said:

Some pics of the first test run. My wife had the idea to mount it like this. 


Tell me you got her some awesome Christmas gifts. My wife would divorce me if I'd even think about buying a 43" screen solely for KSP, let alone think about how to mount it onto my homemade simulator!

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  On 12/27/2016 at 6:11 PM, Kerbart said:

Tell me you got her some awesome Christmas gifts. My wife would divorce me if I'd even think about buying a 43" screen solely for KSP, let alone think about how to mount it onto my homemade simulator!


47....Lmao :D. Agreed she is pretty awesome for letting/helping me do this.

As for the resolution problems...Here is what I am running into(info on multimonitor if anyone if interested). What I did to get it to 3 screens is set it to windowed and edit the cfg file to change the resolution to add the 3 screens together. But...I went Portait, Landscape, Portrait. Nvidia surround doesnt like that. So I found a program called SoftTH. It is made for multimonitor setups with varying resolutions and it supports PLP. I havent used it yet but this is my plan to try to line up the pictures between screens

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  On 12/28/2016 at 5:02 AM, Kotagi said:

I havent, but it looks pretty cool. I will have to give it a try . Thanks


Check it out just made this with a falcon 9 just messing around. I bet that would make a cool mission control type rollplay pilot! :sticktongue:


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I remember seeing someone do something like this for a subsim game once :D

Anyway, it looks fantastic; something we can all be jealous of once you're done. I've had the pleasure of operating a space shuttle flight simulator before, and what I wouldn't give to have something like that for the home.


As for not using all of the monitors, I think that is standard fare if the height of the screens doesn't match. In this case, the monitors in portrait mode are probably higher in pixels than the TV is. That is, the game window is one giant rectangle being laid down across the 3 screens, so if the screen resolutions don't combine to make one larger rectangle themselves, there will be unused portions. It might not look quite as pretty, but you might need to change the resolution of the side screens (and it might have to be custom, not a standard size).

For example, if the TV is running 1920x1080, then the size screens should be running at 610x1080 or something. Also, double check that the TV is showing overscan and actually running at 1920x1080 (1080p), rather than your computer running it at a slightly lower resolution. TV's don't show the edges of a full HD picture by default, so computers sometimes default to a slightly lower resolution that avoids having all the edges chopped off, and that will prevent the side screens being used properly if they're already set to work with 1920x1080.

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  On 12/28/2016 at 5:46 AM, Redneck said:

Check it out just made this with a falcon 9 just messing around. I bet that would make a cool mission control type rollplay pilot! :sticktongue:


Man if you read back to the beginning I was looking for a mod that does exactly this. I even contacted telemachus's mod author and he said he didnt plan on adding video cameras to telemachus, as just adding the screen shots was pretty hard he said. Thank you so much. I have big plans for when this is done and GoAtThrottleUp is going to be a big part of that now. Thank you! :D

I honestly think that this is the way to play multiplayer in this game. Dont get me wrong, both being equals would be fun to, especially competing against each other, But...I think the real fun is working together. Every player of this game has different knowledge and plays the game differently. Some are good at building, some at orbital mechanics/physics, some at flying, and this puts them all together in 1 mission. Again thank you sir, you are awesome

@Redneck I had even used telemachus's screen shots and a plugin that refreshed the screen every x seconds to try to get it to look like video. It worked alright but this looks way better. I Iove the separation angle from inside the fairing

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  On 12/28/2016 at 7:48 PM, Kotagi said:

Man if you read back to the beginning I was looking for a mod that does exactly this. I even contacted telemachus's mod author and he said he didnt plan on adding video cameras to telemachus, as just adding the screen shots was pretty hard he said. Thank you so much. I have big plans for when this is done and GoAtThrottleUp is going to be a big part of that now. Thank you! :D

I honestly think that this is the way to play multiplayer in this game. Dont get me wrong, both being equals would be fun to, especially competing against each other, But...I think the real fun is working together. Every player of this game has different knowledge and plays the game differently. Some are good at building, some at orbital mechanics/physics, some at flying, and this puts them all together in 1 mission. Again thank you sir, you are awesome

@Redneck I had even used telemachus's screen shots and a plugin that refreshed the screen every x seconds to try to get it to look like video. It worked alright but this looks way better. I Iove the separation angle from inside the fairing


You're welcome. I am just glad I was able to resurrect it from the dead enough for it to still work in v1.2.2. Hopefully TacoScott will come back or someone else can add more features to it one day. I am working on a way to "undock" the windows then you could just drag em to your screens individually if you wanted. Hopefully I'll succeed 

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