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24 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

Next on my list of todos: make a hunting reserve. 

My Minecraft to do list (not in order): 

  • Make Zentro a present 
  • Build my base 
  • Get more food 
  • Dig holes 
  • Find llamas 
  • Do stuff n things 
  • Sugarcane Pillar Sugarcane Brickwall 
  • Make stuff for Sparky 
  • Get useful stuff done 
  • Eat snacks 
  • Build a castle 
  • Get more glass 
  • Try out Zoo's fun stuff 
  • Add more stuff to this list 
  • Ask people if they are still reading this 
  • Watch YouTube 
  • [insert more things] 


Edit: Oh yeah. One more thing (probably)

Edited by max_creative
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5 hours ago, ZooNamedGames said:

IronDome has two attractions now, an archery range AND a slime bouncy room.

Umm the arrows keep the droppers stuck with the redstone power so the prize wont dispense as well as it should. The iron also gets stuck on the side. Try making pistons for the arrow cleaning.

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24 minutes ago, AlmostNASA said:

Umm the arrows keep the droppers stuck with the redstone power so the prize wont dispense as well as it should. The iron also gets stuck on the side. Try making pistons for the arrow cleaning.

Noted. Just enjoy the bouncy room until I can adjust it. (Likely with help from @SparkyFox).

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49 minutes ago, AlmostNASA said:

Oh my, good luck. Please don't put any rabbits in there, they're special.

I know. I like rabbits! 

4 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

Noted. Just enjoy the bouncy room until I can adjust it. (Likely with help from @SparkyFox).

I didn't have time because of lag. :( 

@transitbiker? Do you want me to make you a house? Not a big house. Just a house with lots of storage and a few redstone things.

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7 hours ago, MK3424 said:

You could have used an inverter on the intersection...

Actually, I noticed that I did a very VERY stupid mistake... mind you, the junction works fine, it has to do with the mine cart track inversion. I could've simply inverted the junction systems for a left side track :sealed:

If you guys want, I can re-make the junction and remove my track inverter. Though that would take another afternoon and a lot of anger since there's a lake where the redstone goes...

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I went mining and got 3 stacks of iron, 35 gold and 31 diamonds. I'm going to use these resources for something good and build a public supersmelter at Paradise City once I finish my house. That should greatly improve our building efficiency, allowing Paradise City construction to be faster than ever!

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12 hours ago, ZentroCatson said:

Actually, I noticed that I did a very VERY stupid mistake... mind you, the junction works fine, it has to do with the mine cart track inversion. I could've simply inverted the junction systems for a left side track :sealed:

If you guys want, I can re-make the junction and remove my track inverter. Though that would take another afternoon and a lot of anger since there's a lake where the redstone goes...

It's fine. Probably. 

3 hours ago, transitbiker said:

NOTICE:  Tree farm remote site is closed until ravine in the middle of it is covered over.  Since creepers are an issue in this area, it may take a while, i don't want anyone falling to their doom this far away from spawning location.

Ok. I'll get some glass. 

2 hours ago, transitbiker said:

If anyone wants to create a water elevator for the ravine to be explored, be my guest.

What about a slimeblock elevator? Water elevators are actually SLOWER than ladders! 

43 minutes ago, ZentroCatson said:

I went mining and got 3 stacks of iron, 35 gold and 31 diamonds. I'm going to use these resources for something good and build a public supersmelter at Paradise City once I finish my house. That should greatly improve our building efficiency, allowing Paradise City construction to be faster than ever!

I have my own super smelter. Thanks though!

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5 hours ago, max_creative said:

Just a question to everyone: If you could build a base and live in it what would your base be? 

I really like big towers and cave bases, but I actually would live in an underground one block tall base. Using the elytra crawling bug. I don't know why but I really want to be one block tall... 

I'm really happy with my current piston house. Not only does it look nice, but I also filled it with redstone contraptions, especially the basement.

But my house isn't enough for big projects like building a slime vehicle or supersmelter. That's why I would like something like a Bat-Cave, with a giant piston hangar door that opens towards Sanctuary. I would use it for mass resource storage and processing aswell as building flying machines that I would then launch out of the massive hangar door like a Bad$ mad scientist :D

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Should we run a small spur to the foundry outside paradise station?  I keep getting lost trying to get my way back into the cart departure area.  I would like to stay inside the walls at night when im working there, that's why i ask.  Tired of getting blowed up and shot at! D:


- Andy

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10 hours ago, ZentroCatson said:

I'm really happy with my current piston house. Not only does it look nice, but I also filled it with redstone contraptions, especially the basement.

But my house isn't enough for big projects like building a slime vehicle or supersmelter. That's why I would like something like a Bat-Cave, with a giant piston hangar door that opens towards Sanctuary. I would use it for mass resource storage and processing aswell as building flying machines that I would then launch out of the massive hangar door like a Bad$ mad scientist :D

Yeah. That's pretty much what happens to me. I think I'm making a Max Cave under my skyscrapers. 

1 hour ago, transitbiker said:

Should we run a small spur to the foundry outside paradise station?  I keep getting lost trying to get my way back into the cart departure area.  I would like to stay inside the walls at night when im working there, that's why i ask.  Tired of getting blowed up and shot at! D:

If you want you can have 8 stacks of cobblestone from my chest. Please don't take any more than that. 

1 hour ago, SparkyFox said:

Firemetal has been added to the list

Yay! Welcome back @Firemetal

39 minutes ago, Firemetal said:

Hey thanks! I might be on later today. :) 

When today?

I've been thinking of making little redstone presents for everyone! @SparkyFox will probably get a llamas shop. @transitbiker will get a house. @ZentroCatson will get a storage shed. @KAL 9000 will get a house with pod bay doors. @MK3424 will get a fire breathing dragon! 

Hey SparkyFox? Mk3424? Can you please consider this? The idea is that on servers with lots of people it's hard for everyone to get an elytra so you can obtain one by killing the ender dragon. It would mean that there is a better reason to go to the end and kill the dragon. (Sorry Mk. At least you can respawn it now.)

Edited by max_creative
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1 minute ago, max_creative said:

Yeah. That's pretty much what happens to me. I think I'm making a Max Cave under my skyscrapers. 

If you want you can have 8 stacks of cobblestone from my chest. Please don't take any more than that. 

Yay! Welcome back @Firemetal

When today?

I've been thinking of making little redstone presents for everyone! @SparkyFox will probably get a llamas shop. @transitbiker will get a house. @ZentroCatson will get a storage shed. @KAL 9000 will get a house with pod bay doors. @MK3424 will get a fire breathing dragon! 

Hey SparkyFox? Mk3424? Can you please consider this? The idea is that on servers with lots of people it's hard for everyone to get an elytra so you can obtain one by killing the ender dragon. 

Hmmm. I don't know. 5-6 PM Eastern?


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2 minutes ago, max_creative said:

Yeah. That's pretty much what happens to me. I think I'm making a Max Cave under my skyscrapers. 

If you want you can have 8 stacks of cobblestone from my chest. Please don't take any more than that. 

Yay! Welcome back @Firemetal

When today?

I've been thinking of making little redstone presents for everyone! @SparkyFox will probably get a llamas shop. @transitbiker will get a house. @ZentroCatson will get a storage shed. @KAL 9000 will get a house with pod bay doors. @MK3424 will get a fire breathing dragon! 

Hey SparkyFox? Mk3424? Can you please consider this? The idea is that on servers with lots of people it's hard for everyone to get an elytra so you can obtain one by killing the ender dragon. 

Max if you need an elytra I have an extra

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3 minutes ago, max_creative said:

Yeah. That's pretty much what happens to me. I think I'm making a Max Cave under my skyscrapers. 

If you want you can have 8 stacks of cobblestone from my chest. Please don't take any more than that. 

Yay! Welcome back @Firemetal

When today?

I've been thinking of making little redstone presents for everyone! @SparkyFox will probably get a llamas shop. @transitbiker will get a house. @ZentroCatson will get a storage shed. @KAL 9000 will get a house with pod bay doors. @MK3424 will get a fire breathing dragon! 

Hey SparkyFox? Mk3424? Can you please consider this? The idea is that on servers with lots of people it's hard for everyone to get an elytra so you can obtain one by killing the ender dragon. 

I could give people the elytra, plus theres tons


1 minute ago, Kepler68 said:

Max if you need an elytra I have an extra

I have a ton of elytras too or I could see if I can somehow make them craftable

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1 minute ago, Firemetal said:

Elytra?? Wait a second. Don't you get those from the End? Did you guys fight the Ender Dragon while I was on Hiatus from this server???? :o What have I missed???


I keeled the dragon cause it annoyed me XD there's a post office, there's a fire brigade thing, it works like a fire brigade, but its for creeper explosions, my house is done, there is fences to keep sanctuary safe, I run a shop that sells mending and frost walker II and more


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