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Orbit Portal Showroom [Show me your OPT Spaceplanes!]


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  On 6/27/2020 at 3:04 AM, TranceaddicT said:

By the gods, you are a genius and a damn good artist.

This is magnificent.


Thanks. I love OPT and try to build / near-future-sci-fi / vehicles. And to my stories, too.

  On 6/27/2020 at 5:41 PM, Yakuzi said:

Agreed with @TranceaddicT, that's a work of art... great stuff!


Thanks and I’m happy if you like it, it’s not the final form yet, I’ll develop it even further. :)

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  On 6/29/2020 at 5:37 AM, TranceaddicT said:

I know it doesn't do this but, looking at it again, the front section seems like it could detach.


Theoretically, it would be easy to solve because it is an element. It just wouldn't have functionality. Now I’m there to install the rescue capsules on the hull. I had an idea to put the several small rescue units on top. I don't know yet, it will be somehow. The top plate is sure to stay that way.

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Hello guys

Here is my giant hydro aircraft carrier. The deck is 100m long, 18.4m large and 2 fighter can take off together


Taking off and landing when Aircraft Carrier is on the runway is quite easy, but it won't be "finger in the nose" when at sea, because there no means to see the deck far enough to align....It's looks very difficult....

Then I need to imagine how to secure the aircraft on the deck, maybe with KIS or KAS


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  On 7/8/2020 at 7:14 AM, gilflo said:

Hello guys

Here is my giant hydro aircraft carrier. The deck is 100m long, 18.4m large and 2 fighter can take off together


Taking off and landing when Aircraft Carrier is on the runway is quite easy, but it won't be "finger in the nose" when at sea, because there no means to see the deck far enough to align....It's looks very difficult....

Then I need to imagine how to secure the aircraft on the deck, maybe with HIs an KAS



Looks good! Very creative. Aircraft carrier aircraft. I also watched the video, I like the whole operation of the machine. :)

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Final version of my giant Hydro Carrier, 4700T, length 134M, awesome glider able of suborbital flight, great endurance, easy to land and take off on sea..I just have to add 2 fighter on the center wing to balance aircraft when loaded...and the challenge is to find how the fighters on the center wing can make a 180 turn to backtrack the deck for take off...KAS winches to to set the fighters on their docking port...



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I built a new flagship that I'm really considering using. The HMS Kongou, inspired by Space Battleship Yamato. Every few months I try to come up with a flagship with spaceplane and lander with the ambition to attempt a Jool 5 or visit the Outer Planets (as in Ozymandias series). The shuttle and lander designs are in unsatisfactory conditions. (The lander is short on TWR to take on Tylo and needs tiny, low efficiency engines to compensate, cutting its dV clean in half. The shuttle is just fine in performance but is rather large and complicated.)


OWJRWrA.jpg JIe70Xm.jpg cp6Nuhg.jpg2QdOL5h.jpgA4Y0s0U.jpg0cGx2se.jpg

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  • 1 month later...

An intentional TSTO arrangement based on the concept Saenger II hypersonic launcher and "Horus" orbiter.

The launcher has a cargo bay for loading things into (if that's ever needed) but also so that it does not hold too much fuel. The rear tanks and adapter that the J-60 engines clip into don't hold fuel (but the J tail and a short K tank after th cargo bay but before the engines do hold fuel). The front of it holds fuel too. It's meant to accelerate up to Mach 8 where the orbiter separates but this is currently difficult to do due to making the engines use low-density fuel instead of LiquidFuel, which causes them to use more units of said fuel to make up the mass flow, and by extension, to use more units of IntakeAir, which makes them starve for air easier in high altitudes.

The orbiter has 4.5km/s dV and has been tested as crew version and cargo version (long Mk2 bay instead of the 2 cabins). It's not meant to deliver probes but more likely, life support resources and KIS boxes.

4th image is only to show off the engines. The wings there were replaced as in the 3rd image. They performed poorly.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello guys


Here is my report of my mission I started in April: An Electric plane for Eve part 2.

It's about my OPT electric plane that enters Eve's atmosphere and landed. The pilots are now climbing to orbit to join their OPT SSTO Mothership


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  • 1 month later...


Let me introduce my Interstellar fleet

Interstellar SSTO are running SAGE and/or SURGE engines in atmosphere to climb in orbit. Then J81 Hybride will send them everywhere in Kerbol system and back

Interstellar fleet


There’s 3 versions 

On the left: Interstellar mothership to Eve with SSTO Evalander on the deck.

                           Evalander with its SAGE and SURGE engines is able to land on Eve, to make science, fly around, climb back to orbit and fly back to Kerbin, while the mother ship is equipped to Scan the planet on Polar orbit and fly back to Kerbin

In the center: Hydro STTO Interstellar Eagle,  Eagle because it looks like a bird of prey, high on its landing gear and its flottable tank. This SSTO is for Laythe

On the right: Interstellar Helicarrier for non atmospheric low gravity planet, the vertical engines Helicarrier being scaled according to local gravity. Vertical flight guided by ThrustControlAvionic.


Features of SSTO

- OPT « supercell » working on LFO and supplying 150 EC/s

-Lab and extendable platform for sciences

-ScanSat features to map planets and search for ressources

-Drill and converter in case we need it


View of Cargo hold with supercell and science - Ore tank, Drill and Converter in the front


Each Interstellar range is around 13500 DV VAC  in 100 kms orbit around Kerbin, except the one carrying Evalander to Eve (du too higher weight)

Evalander gets 4000 DV VAC in Eve orbit

View of ScanSat Cargo Hold


Interstellar mothership with Evalander


Evalander SSTO


Flight show with CAM mod  - HD 1080 with text



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  • 1 month later...

Hello Guys

What about a challenge to climb to orbit and come back to land with an OPT plane departing from Houston on KSP RSS 1.9? 

I know that the challenge is quite interesting, I made it on KSP 1.6 or 1.7 and OPT engines are great to try it, ! we have to reach Mach 24 and it's a great challenge, OPT is made for it!

We can also imagine stratolaunch ! here is one on a Mars mission: 


If you need to install KSP RSS on 1.9 I can help

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  • 5 months later...

The DSESSRCP (The Dissesorcap :P), Deep Space Exploring Single Stage Rover Carrying Plane. Very clumsy name.

My do-it-all SSTO Spaceplane.


Cargo bay has refuelling capabilities (Convertor-tron, Ore collection and storage), power generation (OPT 250 Tidal Force) and Ground Hangar (for rover storage).


Tried faffing around with docking ports for securing the rover, but they seem very floppy so the Hangar mod is the best as it also helps with performance by unloading the docked vehicle from physics.



VTOL is courtesy of  4 OPT Irradiance engines with 4 Aerodynamic OMS for stability. In pure VTOL mode it is relatively stable with only slight forward velocity while on a VTOL climb.



Stable enough to attempt a landing on the VAB roof manually. The ship does have TCA for easier control and laziness.





Main engines are a pair of Fusion Ram Drive (the S3B1ZzR) which, because it's dual mode, means that no other engines are needed and they have great ISP (probably overpowered, but I'm not complaining).

Many things have been tweakscaled for aesthetic and performance reasons. The spaceplane uses a K-Body bulkhead profile so it is quite large. The spaceplane stands at 9.1m in height, 30m in width, and 35m in length. Weight is 234t fully laden, this includes 80t fuel, 15t ore and more than 15t cargo (the rover is only 3,28t).





The rover it carries is 3.7m wide and 5.5m long on a Mk2 bulkhead profile.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Random J+Humpback body plane. Doesn't need to be a working JNSQ SSTO. It is firstly a moment of design fun and curiosity.


The main wings are LGG's fork of B9 PWings because I suddenly sorely needed a size between the two XL wings I added to OPT Legacy. I could post the wings as a subassembly on KerbalX, or make them into a fixed wingset for an OPT update, or both.

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.....And an airliner. The CoM is rather far back, making for some challenge and some annoyance. The main gear are at the static CoL. The CoM isn't far at all ahead of it. It survived a test flight with top speed of Mach 9 except for a moment where the Rockomax tanks were briefly exposed to more than their heat limit. (The heat limit cheat was on, fully expecting that and the cockpit to want to melt.)


The vertical stabilizer is also a PWing.


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  On 9/6/2021 at 12:24 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

.....And an airliner. The CoM is rather far back, making for some challenge and some annoyance. The main gear are at the static CoL. The CoM isn't far at all ahead of it. It survived a test flight with top speed of Mach 9 except for a moment where the Rockomax tanks were briefly exposed to more than their heat limit. (The heat limit cheat was on, fully expecting that and the cockpit to want to melt.)


The vertical stabilizer is also a PWing.



Whoa, that's georgeous :o

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