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[1.12.x] Konstruction! Weldable ports, servos, cranes, and magnets!


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I would like to throw out a suggestion to Rover dude about the docking ports.. as I like them for the welding of space station parts..


Now some modders out there have station parts that are in the 3.75m mode and I noticed that there is no 3.75 meter weldable constuction  part for a dockign port.. I was hoping that in the future that part would become avaiable .. also a 5 meter  port might be an option as well


Also why is it that the Konstruction ports are not even adjustable with Tweakscale I mean it would be perfect to make a ability to have the chance to use a couple of 23.75 parts together to get the desired effect..


Just a thought.



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1 hour ago, Space_Coyote said:

I would like to throw out a suggestion to Rover dude about the docking ports.. as I like them for the welding of space station parts..Just a thought.



You can dock 3.75 and 5m parts using senior docking ports.  I suppose it isn't the nicest looking setup, but it is fully functional.  The larger ports do not change the structural integrity after welding.

Tweakscale does not provide support for port size matching.  If you increased a sr docking port to 3.75m it would still be able to dock to 2.5m ports due to the way the port matching is coded in the game.  Ports are matched by file name, part name or something along those lines, not by the node size.  I'm not even sure if Tweakscale modifies node sizes when you change the size of the parts.  At any rate, this functionality would need to be provided by Tweakscale, not Konstruction!

Edited by overkill13
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On 10/27/2018 at 9:07 AM, Space_Coyote said:

Now some modders out there have station parts that are in the 3.75m mode and I noticed that there is no 3.75 meter weldable constuction  part for a dockign port.. I was hoping that in the future that part would become avaiable .. also a 5 meter  port might be an option as well

As the nodes disappear after welding, you shouldn't need anything else.   Yes, using a Jr on a 5m part might look weird, but they will be gone when you're done.   Design for the end look you want, don't worry about how the ports look.  

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Hello Community and Rover Dude,

I'm trying to break up a plane with very long wings to fly on Thatmo so they fit both inside a rocket fairing and a warp space bubble (using USI Warp engine). Since wing panels don't seem to have nodes, the welding ports don't attach. So I'm trying to use the physicsless Cubic Octagonal Strut part as an attachment point.

When I try to compress parts, that breaks the game: the two parts that are supposed to fuse (the plane body with wing stub and the rest of the wing) aren't affected by physics anymore. On the runway, they start drifting apart into the air and even at full thrust, the engines have no effect. In orbit, on rails warp is disabled because of some phantom acceleration and the orbit changes even with zero gee force (I guess they're going in a straight line and do not follow an orbital path anymore since they aren't affected by gravity anymore).

If I use the  modular girder segment as attachment part, then it works fine. But they're heavy and cause a lot of drag.

Should I patch a .cfg to make a "konstruction" Cubic Octagonal Stut with physics enabled?

Is there a way to configure the ports to attach anywhere like the Strut? That would be even better than using an intermediate part.

PS I'm running KSP 1.3.1. An old save with a lot of mods that would break if I try to upgrade. It's one of the last things I want to do in that save before starting afresh on a Galileo planets pack in 1.5.1.

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I changed the attach rules of the ports from attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0 to attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0. It works in the editor.

I still have to quick save and quick load, to have the wings parts of the physics world, but once the game reloaded, the wings are attached to the root node and not the wing stubs. They're all wobbly and after playing with physics warp, I can see that they wobble around the root part.

The root of the plane is the nose, and I have construction ports near the nose. If I compress the wings first, and then compress the nose, then the wings become offset. If I compress the nose first, then the wings, they're not offset, but very wobbly.

All I'm left with is having the wings attach to the stubs (their parent) instead of the root part.

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So I found how to correct my persistent.sfs save file to have my wings properly connected to their respective stubs.

The root part of each wing get's their parents set to 0 (parent = 0) and surface-attached to -1 (srfN = srfAttach, -1). After correcting the 0 and -1 to the proper parent, then everything seems to be normal.

Rover Dude, if you're listening, do you think you could fix that please? Thanks.

If not, it's not so bad, I just rename my plane to a unique name, look for it in the save file, edit it (looking for and fixing parts with parent=0), then reload it.

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On 3/1/2017 at 5:13 AM, Kobymaru said:

Hi. quick question: How does the Magno-Pad targeting work?

I was under the impression that I only have to stick such a pad on the target vessel, click "Enable Targeting" on my magnet and that's that.

However, when enabling targeting and the magnet, the target wouldn't budge: no reaction to the magnet. Only when I turned targeting off did the target instantly snap back to the magnet.

Did I do something wrong, or might that be a bug?

I'm seeing the same behavior here. Fresh 1.4.5 install w/MH, only mods installed are Konstruction, AGM Cont'd, Alcubierrie Standalone, kOS, Editor Ex Redux (linuxgurugamer), Janitor's Closet, UbioZur Welding, all via CKAN and current.

When I stick a magno-pad on an object and put out a crane or arm with a magnet, and set magnet ON w/force up to max and targeting ON, I get nothing. As soon as I shut off targeting it usually catapults the object, and often destroys the crane... Fun, :-) so the magnetism is working, but seems like targeting/pads aren't working.

Do I need to do/install something else for the pads to work? Bug?

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I seem to have that same issue in my stock game with the grapple unit.  For some things but not for others, targeting center mass or targeting with the magnet doesn't make it a real target...the game acts like I have no target.  Then, suddenly, it does usually randomly.  

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1 hour ago, Stevie_D said:

If it was, i'd imagine RoverDude would have "[1.5]" in the title of the thread. That's usually a dead giveaway.

If it was high enough on @RoverDude's priority list, the title of the thread would already say 1.4.X as the mod has been 1.4 compatible for a very long time.   Given that it is at 1.3 I don't think I'd use thread titles  as my guide.

That being said, the mods are not finished in terms of official 1.5 compatibility but a constellation release was made for 1.5 for testing



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On 11/2/2018 at 8:37 PM, RoverDude said:

1.5.1 versions are in the constellation, also in the raw github versions if you are feeling punchy :)  

doing a general 1.5.1 release for the individual repos this weekend

any news on this? Is the conselation release considered 'finished'?

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4 minutes ago, toric5 said:

any news on this? Is the conselation release considered 'finished'?

Other  than MKS which i need to merge - was out for the weekend, so anticipate everything rolling out either Monday or Tuesday.  I may even get punchy and adjust forum thread titles :D


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On 11/8/2018 at 6:28 PM, PolecatEZ said:

I seem to have that same issue in my stock game with the grapple unit.  For some things but not for others, targeting center mass or targeting with the magnet doesn't make it a real target...the game acts like I have no target.  Then, suddenly, it does usually randomly.  

Interesting, I'll have to fiddle with the grapple a bit. I'm not sure how the magnet on it is supposed to work.


I've been working with the crane and magnet arm to exercise it, and I've gotten the general magnet functionality to work on them. As my testing has shown so far, the magnet when ON but target is OFF, it sucks in ANYTHING within range and roughly in front of the the magnet on the arm. Vessel targeting doesn't make a difference, in fact, I've even ripped of parts on the parent vessel with the magnet!  As I understand it, for the crane and arm magnets, targeting is supposed to limit the magnet pull to Magno-Pads within range, but I have yet to get it to work. That's an interesting idea though, do you have to have the object with the magno-pad set as the target vessel as well?

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