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Kerbal Space Program 1.2: Loud & Clear release date and more!


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About that proposed DLC...

I hope it will include more realistic ISRU resource model (not just "ore", but usable gases and liquids too) and new stock modules:

  • stock ModuleManager built into game engine
  • stable off-screen resource generation/consumption (as a part of working life support system)
  • off-screen low-thrust "autopilot" for executing lo-o-o-ong bo-o-o-o-o-oring ion/nuclear burns for previously set maneur node while you do other things
  • module for animation-driven part parameters change (for making folding wings, deployable habitats and another useful stuff)
  • module for changing part parameters in VAB/SPH (like InterstellarFuelSwitch - de-clutter part list by having one part position for typical size and multiple option of it's model, texture and function).
  • propeler module - just like Firespitter's one but stock

and maybe also means to change kerbals animation (different sit pose for example, or simulating working activity) or even models (there is already mod for "space ponies" but model format used there is not compatible to any sane 3d-editor, so no "Kitty Space Programm" mod is possible now).

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  On 10/11/2016 at 6:49 PM, Alshain said:

Interesting.  So they decided to hold an event, told everyone to wait for the details, held the event, but never told anyone about it.

It's a good thing Squad isn't a marketing company.


Best events are the one nobody knows about. That's exclusive.

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  On 10/11/2016 at 6:49 PM, Alshain said:

Interesting.  So they decided to hold an event, told everyone to wait for the details, held the event, but never told anyone about it.

It's a good thing Squad isn't a marketing company.


Only members with more than 7199 posts get the info about the event.

Actually i don't care too much about that stream or event or whatever its called anyway. I want the game, thats all.

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  On 10/11/2016 at 6:49 PM, Alshain said:

Interesting.  So they decided to hold an event, told everyone to wait for the details, held the event, but never told anyone about it.

It's a good thing Squad isn't a marketing company.


Nothing like having an event during business hours, I'm sure a lot of people will not be watching from work!

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  On 10/11/2016 at 6:58 PM, mostlydave said:

Nothing like having an event during business hours, I'm sure a lot of people will not be watching from work!


All of Europe is already done with dinner.

[edit] Except Spain, but that has nothing to do with time zones, and everything with weird eating schedules :wink:.

Edited by Magzimum
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  On 10/9/2016 at 10:23 PM, Kilhmar said:

It's a shame that more and more people think they are entitled to, well... anything really. Inside info on a company? Free updates? Free additional content? We're not entitled to anything. And from the behavior I've seen on this forum lately I'm not at all surprised that SQUAD doesn't like to tell us much. I would have banned half the people in this forum, but I guess that's bad for business too.


Uhm, yes we are. We have PAID MONEY for the game before it was unfinished. Updates ore bugfixes is EXACTLY what we are entitled to as PAYING CUSTOMERS. What reality do you think you live in?

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  On 10/11/2016 at 7:17 PM, FlyingKiwibird said:

Uhm, yes we are. We have PAID MONEY for the game before it was unfinished. Updates ore bugfixes is EXACTLY what we are entitled to as PAYING CUSTOMERS. What reality do you think you live in?


The reality where bills need to be paid for ongoing software development, probably. Adobe, before they went to a subscription model, would push out a bug fix every 18 months and charge $150 for it (because of added functionality). Compared to that, waiting one more day for the 1.2 update doesn't seem like the end of the world.

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  On 10/11/2016 at 7:20 PM, Kerbart said:

The reality where bills need to be paid for ongoing software development, probably. Adobe, before they went to a subscription model, would push out a bug fix every 18 months and charge $150 for it (because of added functionality). Compared to that, waiting one more day for the 1.2 update doesn't seem like the end of the world.


Yeah, if i buy a product that is not complete, i have entered in a transaction that is covered by legal obligation to fulfill the agreement. I never said anythign about waiting for updates, don't know why you stuck that in there. I will gladly pay for some expansions that is another thing. Bugfixes or updates are not expansions, and squad has no right to charge for that. So i am entitled to the product which i paid 40 dollars for, by LAW. Simple as that. 

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  On 10/11/2016 at 7:25 PM, FlyingKiwibird said:

Yeah, if i buy a product that is not complete, i have entered in a transaction that is covered by legal obligation to fulfill the agreement.


When I bought the unfinished KSP at 0.16, it was fully understood that Squad was under no obligation to ever release 1.2, or 1.0, or even 0.17.

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  On 10/11/2016 at 7:28 PM, razark said:

When I bought the unfinished KSP at 0.16, it was fully understood that Squad was under no obligation to ever release 1.2, or 1.0, or even 0.17.


when i bought it on Steam, it was fully understood that they operated under European law since they sold it in Europe, and that means that if you sell a product, you are obliged to make sure it works accordingly. Bugs, game chrashes, spacekrakens, brokens saves etc IS NOT part of the game and they are obliged to fix that. As i said, i gladly pay for expansions, i will not pay for updates that fix issues that where there from the start

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  On 10/11/2016 at 7:33 PM, FlyingKiwibird said:

if you sell a product, you are obliged to make sure it works accordingly.


If Squad were to close their doors and cease operations, how would that law be enforced?


  On 10/11/2016 at 7:33 PM, FlyingKiwibird said:

Bugs [are] NOT part of the game and they are obliged to fix that.


How do you square that with the fact that all (significant) software contains bugs?

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  On 10/11/2016 at 7:36 PM, FlyingKiwibird said:

well since i happen to have STUDIED it, i dont need to pretend. Good day



  On 10/11/2016 at 7:33 PM, FlyingKiwibird said:

. Bugs, game chrashes, spacekrakens, brokens saves etc IS NOT part of the game and they are obliged to fix that.


Um, I have my doubts, because that's not how it works. Not in a black and white manner you seem to think it does.

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  On 10/11/2016 at 7:25 PM, FlyingKiwibird said:

Yeah, if i buy a product that is not complete, i have entered in a transaction that is covered by legal obligation to fulfill the agreement. I never said anythign about waiting for updates, don't know why you stuck that in there. I will gladly pay for some expansions that is another thing. Bugfixes or updates are not expansions, and squad has no right to charge for that. So i am entitled to the product which i paid 40 dollars for, by LAW. Simple as that. 


Squad delivered the 1.0 version. As far as they're concerned that's the "full version," everything after that is extra candy. But the game has been out of early access for over a year. In that sense we are entitled to nothing. If they decide to close up shop tomorrow and you angrily demand your money back (after hundreds of hours of playtime, no less) because the product is "unfinished," every court in the world will laugh at you.

What makes you think the game was unfinished when you paid $40 for it? That amount makes it sound you bought it after the 1.0 release, at which point, from an early access point of view, the game was "finished." Surely, new features are still being added and bugs are still being fixed, but what product is ever complete in that respect. 

What law are you quoting, by the way? There's some vague promises made in interviews, but I'd love to see in the EULA where exactly we are ENTITLED to bug fixes 25 years from now. Or tomorrow, for that fact. LAW requires that there is some kind of LEGAL AGREEMENT on the status of those updates. Your first step in filing a suit will be to show that Squad broke that agreement. But there has to be one in the first place...


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Consumer rights and contract penalty clauses change according to where you live and, last I checked, this is an international community. No solution would be universally valid here. Squad's obliged to the extent of the user agreement they offered to their consumers. You need to read it and interpret it according to the legal system of the country you live in, and that may or may not result in you having right to demand the solution for a bug or your money back in some cases. That being said, I again state my faith in Squad's corporate ethics and culture.

All y'all need to be patient. Go play Agar.io or something while ya wait for 1.2 instead of picking useless arguments on the forums...

Edited by BadLeo
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When people have strong opinions, it's easy for temperatures to rise. One of the things I love about this community is the level of maturity I often see when people disagree and yet stay respectful towards each other. This thread is heading a little bit off that course, so let's try to calm it down just a little. Please prove me right that we're all mature enough to have a calm conversation without losing our tempers.

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