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Etiquette of moving to a game new version

Martian Emigrant

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I will be moving onto 1.2 soon. Well playing with a new career already.

Anyway I want to quiz the hive mind about what is the proper way to "Move up".

-Delete1.1.3 and move on.

-Import all career and keep going.

-Start a new career and import only your favourite ships for later.

-Start a new career and import all your saved Kerbals with you (Through editing of the file).

I personally lean toward the last one. Before I do I think I will build an ark and get the "Loose" ones back to Kerbin first.

"No Kerbal left behind" policy.


What do you think?



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I'd just zip up the old KSP directory with the solemn (never actually kept) promise to come back to it some day, and start anew.

Once you hit the 50+ mod mark, you pretty much just assume moving to a new version will break your old saves into tiny little twigs. 'Tis why I will be on 1.1.3 for a while yet; I have 0 confidence that I'd manage to successfully port this to 1.2.

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I generally always start a new career with a new version.  No real reason, I just like to start fresh.

That doesn't mean I abandon old games mid-career, though.  New game versions generally arrive at infrequent intervals and their arrival is telegraphed well in advance.  Plenty of warning.  So I just make it a point of getting my old game to a "finished" state-- i.e. the point at which I'd probably be retiring it anyway, it's "done"-- before the new game version arrives.

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  On 10/15/2016 at 1:15 AM, Martian Emigrant said:

Anyway I want to quiz the hive mind about what is the proper way to "Move up".


Whatever works for you.






No, seriously, managing your game and its files is pretty much your own business, as is how you play.

I usually start a new bone stock career game when a new version comes out. By the time I'm bored of it RO has updated so I switch to that. I mess around in sandbox, build some fun things, and then RP-0 comes out, which I play until I'm hacked off at the transition between early game and mid game time slump, at which point I give up on KSP and play something else until the next version. The happiest time in KSP for me is playing sandbox RO, I have no idea why I keep loading up RP-0...

I always keep may last RO/RP-0 install around just in case, though.

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I'd say the only etiquette when moving to a new version is to wait until all the Mods you want to play with have been declared stable on the new version instead of badgering the Mod authors for updates (not saying you do that but enough people do).


As for actually managing the transition and what you copy over is completely up to you - no etiquette involved since its a single player game :)  

Personally I usually start afresh, even if my old save still works.

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I pretty much delete everything i know will be incompatible or is just outdated.  As for game saves, it depends on which one.  I have 2 saves that ive had since 0.90 because well, they had alot of stuff (bases, stations, ect) that took too much time and effort to just delete.  As for the rest, mostly delete and start over.  Most of what i do in KSP is build stockish ships/tanks and put them in combat with each other, developing armor/weapons as i learn something works and or doesnt work.  Most of those saves arent worth keeping around since the technology changes so drastically every month or so that the old vessels might as well go.  As for ships, i tend to keep backups of everything i make that is half complex (as in not some 5 minute refueler), but since i tend to make combat vessels, old versions become outdated rather quickly (as physics changes which renders stuff like particular weaponry or SSTOs, yeah......how many SSTOs have bought the farm because of non-stop aero alterations)

Pretty much the higher the constructive to destructive ratio of a save the longer i keep it around (provided a version change doesnt utterly break it as happened with my really old 0.21 save where i had this amazingly done 10000 part ground habitat i had to end up spreading across a 10km crater because of lag with too much stuff in 1 spot)...

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By the time a new version comes out, I usually have a big interplanetary flagship going on a mission of exploration that I don't want to abandon... so I keep playing the old version until one of two things happens:

1) I do all the exploring I wanted to do, bring the flagship back to Kerbin orbit, return the heroic crew triumphantly home, declare the ship to be an orbital museum, download the new version, and start a new career from scratch

2) flagship undergoes some sort of catastrophic failure, I stare at the screen in horror for a bit, then quit, pretend the whole thing never happened, download the new version, and start a new career from scratch

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  On 10/15/2016 at 5:09 AM, LordFerret said:

No Kerbal left behind... bring'em all home. Then, pick from there.


Yep, this is my preferred way to keep your experienced Kerbals.  Bring everyone home, then upgrade.  I generally roleplay it as "there's early warning of a cataclysm approaching the system, and the only safe place is underground on Kerbin itself" as justification to bring everyone home.  Some craft and stations may survive, some may not.  When the Kerbals emerge from their underground bunkers, they can take stock of what infrastructure remains, then start rebuilding their program.

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The 'proper' way to progress from one version to the next is simple. Don't give a crap about whatever anybody else thinks you should be doing. Do what you want. Not what I want or the next thirty people. Do what YOU want!

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Thanks for all the input.

I looked at bringing all the Kerbals back to Kerbin but it proved to be a PITA.

They are all over the place.

So I dismissed the ones who had never been anywhere. Made all the ones I want to keep assigned (In a big compartment on the runway) so they’d be easy to find in the quicksave.

Copied them and pasted them in my new career and made them available.

It's not happy about it..

I didn't import the "Original Four" from the mirror universe has they are already there...That would be -Murder-.
They are blissfully unaware that their counterparts used to have a full logbook with lots of stars in it.
Now to get that first orbit going.
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A new version is the only time I ever stat career games. :P  There's nothing like a fresh install with nothing but Mechjeb to distract you. After that, it's Sandbox all the way.

I have to say, though, that 'm enjoying my 1.2 career so far. Just put my first station into orbit, next stop is to strip mine Minmus for all the science I can.

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I'm thinking about starting a completely new career save... but copying my one favorite interplanetary flagship (empty, of course) from the old persistent file and pasting into the brand-new one, in orbit around (for instance) Minmus or Gilly or something. That way my new space program can have the thrill of discovering a high-tech ancient alien derelict, attempting to get to it with just the low technology they have so far, refuelling it, and taking it out for a test drive...

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I always just scrap the old and do a fresh install and cycle new games a few times until all the main mods are updated to a stable enough state.


  On 10/15/2016 at 3:11 AM, micha said:

I'd say the only etiquette when moving to a new version is to wait until all the Mods you want to play with have been declared stable on the new version instead of badgering the Mod authors for updates (not saying you do that but enough people do).


As for actually managing the transition and what you copy over is completely up to you - no etiquette involved since its a single player game :)  

Personally I usually start afresh, even if my old save still works.


I usually check the last few pages before making any sort of inquiry like that and only to check IF it will likely be updated at all or if I should just go ahead and start a full career instead of waiting for a mod that is abandoned for this version. But every single time I am met with someone who goes "Don't be harassing the dev.  Check back a few pages before asking" which I have done and haven't gone back 12 pages instead of 10 so I didn't see the ONE person asking on that thread. I'm not sure who's worse sometimes the people who actually make demands of mod makers to update causing them to pull or delay their mods or the "knights" like that who are super aggressive to anyone who mentions the latest update. I don't even ask "WHEN" I ask "IF". Those guys are kamazing persons and need to learn the difference between harassing and inquiring in the perceived absence of information. Also KSP modders are super squishy about people wanting to enjoy their mods on the latest update and need to grow some skin. I don't publicly mod for ksp but for the games I do mod for I revel in being "harassed" about updates it tells me I'm doing a good job. Those who get nasty just get ignored or I set the mods on them.

Edit : Very clever post bot I definitely didn't call them kamazing persons but that had me scratching my head after I posted it thinking "I wouldn't have ever said that, what must I have been trying to say?" I like it.

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If I could import my old save to 1.2 I would... but I'm running quite a lot of mods and I don't think they will all update in a reasonable time frame. So I've set some "finish" goals which I expect to take 2-3 more weeks (tldr, land boots on everywhere and return) after which a clean start feels legit.

...I could transfer my crew over... that's quite a nice idea. But I edit the names anyway, so it's only the ranks I'd be cheesing :) 

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