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[1.9-1.10] Configurable Containers


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The HL parts have a slight volume increase when switched from the standard HL shape to round but CC isn't picking up on that with the cost and mass patches enabled. The difference is negligible but I wanted to know if that's expected behavior.

Edit: Also the B9 patch is done.

Edited by ShadyAct
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1 hour ago, ShadyAct said:

The HL parts have a slight volume increase when switched from the standard HL shape to round but CC isn't picking up on that with the cost and mass patches enabled. The difference is negligible but I wanted to know if that's expected behavior.

Edit: Also the B9 patch is done.

What are HL parts? 

Anyway, Cost/MassPatch options work only once: when a part is created in editor from prefab. Their only propose is to leave parts patched by MM with their original mass and cost. Any further changes made by various actions do not affect the way CC calculate calculate its share of mass/cost modifiers.


Perfect! Do you want me to include it in CC distro? If so, send it)

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21 minutes ago, allista said:


HL is a form factor in B9 that resembles MK3, the parts have an option to change shapes slightly which changes the volume and the default fuel-switching module accounts for that.

That's good to know, I'll pm you a link.

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On 6/15/2017 at 1:23 AM, ShadyAct said:

HL is a form factor in B9 that resembles MK3, the parts have an option to change shapes slightly which changes the volume and the default fuel-switching module accounts for that.

That's good to know, I'll pm you a link.

I'm sorry, but due to the argument above (about patches that modify other mods), I decided to exclude your patch from the default installation of CC and to add it instead as an option in a separate directory with the following disclaimer.

I have also made a separate CKAN package for it, but until it is tested well enough I'm inclined to withhold it from CKAN for now.

Also, @Bit Fiddler, you can join in the fun and add your intrusive patches for IFS/FSS and others here.

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Version 2.4.1 for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.0

Released on 2017-06-21

  • All tanks except high-pressure now use TankManager. Wings use IncludeTankType to restrict contents to liquid chemicals.
  • Updated patches:
    • Stock
    • FuleTanks+
    • ModularRockeSystems
    • NearFuture
    • KWRocketry
    • Mk3 Expansion
  • Added patches:
    • Mk2.5 spaceplane parts
    • Fuel Tank Expansion
    • B9 Procedural Wings
  • Added patch for B9 mods made by @ShadyAct to IntrusivePatches optional folder. See the archive structure and the included readme file for details.
  • Part info now respects Include/ExcludeTankTypes options.
  • CC modules are now properly initialized when they're added to existing parts (in flight) by MM. This should fix most of incompatibility with other fuel switches.


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On 2/26/2017 at 11:14 PM, TheKurgan said:

I think I found an error in one of your cfg files, in TankTypes.cfg, Karbplus should be KarbonitePlus.

Testing now to see if the problem is gone.

Yup, that fixed it, the Metal type container can now hold Karborundum.


On 2/27/2017 at 4:03 AM, allista said:


Fixed TankTypes.cfg may be obtained from github until the next release:



Hi Allista, I mentioned this back in Feb, I think you fixed it, but then something along the way reverted back to the old error "Karbplus" instead of KarbonitePlus.

I've edited the cfg file on my install and it works perfectly.

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5 hours ago, TheKurgan said:



Hi Allista, I mentioned this back in Feb, I think you fixed it, but then something along the way reverted back to the old error "Karbplus" instead of KarbonitePlus.

I've edited my the cfg file on my install and it works perfectly.

Oh... I wonder how :0.0:

Thanks again!

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Hi, Procedural Parts are not working with CC installed. I don't know where is the problem and i wrote at PP forum and here :). Is it possible to fix it? The problem is that no matter how small or big PP containers are, they have the same mass of 1000Kg.

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6 minutes ago, Acvila said:

Hi, Procedural Parts are not working with CC installed. I don't know where is the problem and i wrote at PP forum and here :). Is it possible to fix it? The problem is that no matter how small or big PP containers are, they have the same mass of 1000Kg.

I'm very sorry, but: https://github.com/allista/ConfigurableContainers/issues/10

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4 minutes ago, Acvila said:

Ok, thx for reply! ah, i almost forgot, can you add liquid hydrogen to your tanks?

It's there: https://github.com/allista/ConfigurableContainers/blob/master/GameData/ConfigurableContainers/TankTypes.cfg#L52

But currently you need one of the USINearFuturePropulsionCryoEnginesCryoTanks or FFT installed to see it.

Do some other mods use it? If so, name them and I'll include them. 

Meanwhile you can include the missing mod into your TankTypes.cfg to get LqdHydrogen without having to wait for an update. And don't forget to add it also to CryoCooling tank type.

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6 minutes ago, allista said:

It's there: https://github.com/allista/ConfigurableContainers/blob/master/GameData/ConfigurableContainers/TankTypes.cfg#L52

But currently you need one of the USINearFuturePropulsionCryoEnginesCryoTanks or FFT installed to see it.

Do some other mods use it? If so, name them and I'll include them. 

Meanwhile you can include the missing mod into your TankTypes.cfg to get LqdHydrogen without having to wait for an update. And don't forget to add it also to CryoCooling tank type.

i use IFS and SSTU, let me get in the game, maybe i forgot which resource i didn't find in CC.

Edited by Acvila
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13 minutes ago, Acvila said:

i use IFS, let me get in the game, maybe i forgot which resource i didn't find in CC.

It seems I've found the reason for you problem in TankTypes. Replace Cryogenic and CryoCooling tank types with this:


	name = Cryogenic
	UsefulVolumeRatio = 0.99
	TankCostPerSurface = 20 //no active cooling
	AddMassPerVolume = 0.01 //only insulation
	Boiloff = true
	PossibleResources = 
{ @PossibleResources ^= :$: LqdHydrogen 2;: } //USI uses ~4, CryoTanks ~2, KSPIE and IFS use ~1.2; but the density in CommonResources.cfg is for 1u/L
{ @PossibleResources ^= :$: LqdMethane 1; LqdCO 1; LqdCO2 1; LqdDeuterium 1; LqdHe3 1; LqdHelium 1; LqdNitrogen 1; LqdOxygen 1; LqdTritium 1;: } //cfd

	name = CryoCooling
	UsefulVolumeRatio = 0.95
	TankCostPerSurface = 200 //active cooling
	AddMassPerVolume = 0.1
	Cooling = true
	PossibleResources = 
{ @PossibleResources ^= :$: LqdHydrogen 2;: } //USI uses ~4, CryoTanks ~2, KSPIE and IFS use ~1.2; but the density in CommonResources.cfg is for 1u/L
{ @PossibleResources ^= :$: LqdMethane 1; LqdCO 1; LqdCO2 1; LqdDeuterium 1; LqdHe3 1; LqdHelium 0.7; LqdNitrogen 1; LqdOxygen 1; LqdTritium 1;: } //cfd



Also, everyone, how would you like it if CC would check the TankTypes.cfg and other core config files on game start and update them directly from GitHub?

Just simple download-compare-(ask?)-replace routine.

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29 minutes ago, allista said:

It seems I've found the reason for you problem in TankTypes. Replace Cryogenic and CryoCooling tank types with this:

  Hide contents

	name = Cryogenic
	UsefulVolumeRatio = 0.99
	TankCostPerSurface = 20 //no active cooling
	AddMassPerVolume = 0.01 //only insulation
	Boiloff = true
	PossibleResources = 
{ @PossibleResources ^= :$: LqdHydrogen 2;: } //USI uses ~4, CryoTanks ~2, KSPIE and IFS use ~1.2; but the density in CommonResources.cfg is for 1u/L
{ @PossibleResources ^= :$: LqdMethane 1; LqdCO 1; LqdCO2 1; LqdDeuterium 1; LqdHe3 1; LqdHelium 1; LqdNitrogen 1; LqdOxygen 1; LqdTritium 1;: } //cfd

	name = CryoCooling
	UsefulVolumeRatio = 0.95
	TankCostPerSurface = 200 //active cooling
	AddMassPerVolume = 0.1
	Cooling = true
	PossibleResources = 
{ @PossibleResources ^= :$: LqdHydrogen 2;: } //USI uses ~4, CryoTanks ~2, KSPIE and IFS use ~1.2; but the density in CommonResources.cfg is for 1u/L
{ @PossibleResources ^= :$: LqdMethane 1; LqdCO 1; LqdCO2 1; LqdDeuterium 1; LqdHe3 1; LqdHelium 0.7; LqdNitrogen 1; LqdOxygen 1; LqdTritium 1;: } //cfd



thx, testing will take a while cause i did something wrong and i damaged ksp... and i have over 90 mods  loading it's taking aprox 8 min... however, was a LQd hydrogen from SSTU cause i remember trying to put sstu engines to a stock fuel tank and it wasn't there!

Edited by Acvila
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1 hour ago, allista said:

It seems I've found the reason for you problem in TankTypes. Replace Cryogenic and CryoCooling tank types with this:

  Hide contents

	name = Cryogenic
	UsefulVolumeRatio = 0.99
	TankCostPerSurface = 20 //no active cooling
	AddMassPerVolume = 0.01 //only insulation
	Boiloff = true
	PossibleResources = 
{ @PossibleResources ^= :$: LqdHydrogen 2;: } //USI uses ~4, CryoTanks ~2, KSPIE and IFS use ~1.2; but the density in CommonResources.cfg is for 1u/L
{ @PossibleResources ^= :$: LqdMethane 1; LqdCO 1; LqdCO2 1; LqdDeuterium 1; LqdHe3 1; LqdHelium 1; LqdNitrogen 1; LqdOxygen 1; LqdTritium 1;: } //cfd

	name = CryoCooling
	UsefulVolumeRatio = 0.95
	TankCostPerSurface = 200 //active cooling
	AddMassPerVolume = 0.1
	Cooling = true
	PossibleResources = 
{ @PossibleResources ^= :$: LqdHydrogen 2;: } //USI uses ~4, CryoTanks ~2, KSPIE and IFS use ~1.2; but the density in CommonResources.cfg is for 1u/L
{ @PossibleResources ^= :$: LqdMethane 1; LqdCO 1; LqdCO2 1; LqdDeuterium 1; LqdHe3 1; LqdHelium 0.7; LqdNitrogen 1; LqdOxygen 1; LqdTritium 1;: } //cfd



Also, everyone, how would you like it if CC would check the TankTypes.cfg and other core config files on game start and update them directly from GitHub?

Just simple download-compare-(ask?)-replace routine.

The patch added Lqd Hydrogen, but the mass it's 17 times bigger than IFS fuel tank's an only x2 compression at the same volume.

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14 minutes ago, Acvila said:

The patch added Lqd Hydrogen, but the mass it's 17 times bigger than IFS fuel tank's an only x2 compression at the same volume.

Use Cryogenic instead of CryoCooling, it will be only slightly heavier than original. But the liquid hydrogen will slowly boil off.

Also, you cannot compress liquids, so it's not a compression, it's a compromise between different mods :confused:

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1 minute ago, allista said:

Use Cryogenic instead of CryoCooling, it will be only slightly heavier than original. But the liquid hydrogen will slowly boil off.

Also, you cannot compress liquids, so it's not a compression, it's a compromise between different mods :confused:

yeah, but at the same volume, stock tank take x2 LH2 than IFS tank and it's 17 times heavier that result in 8,5x less LH2 for the same weight... also SSTU tanks with zero boil-off are less heavy for the same volume like 5-6 times than CryoCooling stock tanks. you can't use them for a space craft, only for the storage, but it's good even so for mining purposes.

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1 hour ago, Gordon Dry said:

Inside 2.4.1 on Spacedock is no 000_AT_Utils - and when I download that from https://github.com/allista/AT_Utils I find an additional file inside the GameData structure I don't already have: ResourceHack.cfg

I'm confused...

Sorry about that and thanks for the report!

I'll reupload corrected 2.4.1 to Spacedock. 

But I don't see ResourceHack.cfg inside AT_Utils:


Were you, perhaps, downloading the whole repo as zip file?

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22 minutes ago, allista said:

Were you, perhaps, downloading the whole repo as zip file


btw the Parts folder in Configurable Containers, is it only for dev purposes or does it belong to the release?
(Are they all removed because of the PP issue?)


And the changes you mentioned above to the TankTypes.cfg, are they for testing or should they be in the release as well?

Edited by Gordon Dry
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1 hour ago, Acvila said:

yeah, but at the same volume, stock tank take x2 LH2 than IFS tank and it's 17 times heavier that result in 8,5x less LH2 for the same weight... also SSTU tanks with zero boil-off are less heavy for the same volume like 5-6 times than CryoCooling stock tanks. you can't use them for a space craft, only for the storage, but it's good even so for mining purposes.

I'm sorry, but do you actually use IFS alongside CC? Or are you just comparing the two? Because the former is highly unrecommended and may cause unexpected results, as both mods patch same parts and are in conflict over part's mass/cost/resources.

As for SSTU and other mods that provide tanks for various resources, understand this: in KSP there's no such thing as resource density. The only "density" we have is tons-per-unit, but units are dimensionless. There's also no notion of volume. Parts are just parts, regardless of actual 3D model used. So a mod that makes tanks is free to put as much of any resource into a part as it likes, and to make that part as light or as heavy as its left leg wants. I cannot tell you why SSTU decided to make its tanks so light and not to consider boil-off; but I cannot agree with that decision as highly unrealistic one.

My Cryogenic tanks add 0.01t per m3 of additional insulation to a tank to prevent rapid boil-off. I calculate boil-off rate from thermodynamics, and that insulation is actually included into equations. They're perfectly usable for space-flight where external temperature is low enough.

CryoCooling tanks, on the other hand, are indeed not intended for ships because the cryo-cooling machinery is heavy.

52 minutes ago, Acvila said:

Is it possible in CC to add different materials to the containers? Ex: Aluminum tank will have less weight and less physical resistance, but will be good for small aircraft ... even wood for small planes or drones.

You mean to pretend that a container is built from different materials depending on the content? No, that's not possible: CC does not modify parts (their hulls, dry weight, models); it only adds tanks inside part's volume, including any additional insulation, structure or machinery.

24 minutes ago, Gordon Dry said:


btw the Parts folder in Configurable Containers, is it only for dev purposes or does it belong to the release?
(Are they all removed because of the PP issue?)


And the changes you mentioned above to the TankTypes.cfg, are they for testing or should they be in the release as well?

That's indeed a little confusing. Configurable Containers mod is split into two parts: the .dll and core configs that are in AT_Utils; and patches for parts that are in ConfigurableContainers folder.

Yes, those changes will go into release.

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