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[1.9.x] VOID UnVoided - Vessel Orbital Informational Display


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@linuxgurugamer Thanx again for another update. (Especially for targeting and eliminating any kind of log spam. I especially like those kinds of fixes. :P )

Just an FYI tho, the link in your OP for ToadicusTools is to Toadicus' original SD listing, which is *quite* outdated... :P

Here's link to *your* continuation on SD, if you just wanna copy/pasta to the OP... ;)

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  On 1/4/2020 at 2:12 PM, Stone Blue said:

@linuxgurugamer Thanx again for another update. (Especially for targeting and eliminating any kind of log spam. I especially like those kinds of fixes. :P )

Just an FYI tho, the link in your OP for ToadicusTools is to Toadicus' original SD listing, which is *quite* outdated... :P

Here's link to *your* continuation on SD, if you just wanna copy/pasta to the OP... ;)


Thank you, updating now

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Hey Linux, i am getting serious Log spam from VOID. These flow many times a Second.


While The Debug menu is up, and while i hover over a VOID window OR the RCS Build Aid window, Inside the VAB/SPH, i am getting low FPS. (unrelated?)


The FPS is Fine just working in the VAB, and after i uninstalled VOID and ToadicusToolsContinued, there are no issues.


All my mods are downloaded via CKAN and updated.



I threw the log files on my google Drive. If you anything else say so.



Thanks for the great mods! -

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  On 1/8/2020 at 10:34 PM, Beardlongo said:

Hey Linux, i am getting serious Log spam from VOID. These flow many times a Second.


While The Debug menu is up, and while i hover over a VOID window OR the RCS Build Aid window, Inside the VAB/SPH, i am getting low FPS. (unrelated?)


The FPS is Fine just working in the VAB, and after i uninstalled VOID and ToadicusToolsContinued, there are no issues.


All my mods are downloaded via CKAN and updated.



I threw the log files on my google Drive. If you anything else say so.



Thanks for the great mods! -


Are you running the latest version?   That was fixed in

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  On 1/10/2020 at 2:18 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

Are you running the latest version?   That was fixed in


According to Ckan yes, and double checking the .version file, yes.

 TTUZ4pZ.png  "VERSION": {    "MAJOR": 1,    "MINOR": 1,    "PATCH": 10,    "BUILD": 1


Also while comparing my files with the github release, i have some additional files. I do not think, they are the cause tho.


I might try the github files when i have time tommorow.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 3/5/2020 at 1:39 PM, Drew Kerman said:

@linuxgurugamer using the latest SpaceDock release on KSP v1.8.1 I'm able to display the Vessel Info window but it doesn't load any info and spams the log



Please install the ZeroMiniAVC mod, you have at least three MiniAVC.dll installed.  MiniAVC is seriously broken in 1.8 and later, you have to remove it before submitting reports.

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  On 3/5/2020 at 4:07 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Please install the ZeroMiniAVC mod, you have at least three MiniAVC.dll installed.  MiniAVC is seriously broken in 1.8 and later, you have to remove it before submitting reports.


oh, I forgot to put it back in when I stripped down to stock. But it was installed when I first noticed the issue.

Well it's not much effort to redo the stock strip and check again. Issue persists. All I'm doing is creating a new game, launching the Mk1 pod out to the pad and attempting to switch on the Vessel window


I also thought the CSV logger wasn't working but after some digging I finally found it was being written out to a folder in the ToadicusTools folder rather than the actual save folder. Didn't see anything in the change logs for TT or VOID so wondering if this was an intentional change or something leftover from development?

Edited by Drew Kerman
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  • 3 months later...

Going to have to argue against the 1.9.1 tag for this mod @linuxgurugamer

Running in 1.9.1 I still can't access the Vessel Info window (errors in log), the VAB and in-game HUD displays aren't transparent and something is dragging performance way down - without VOID I can load a rocket (stock Beta Centaurus) to the pad and get 130FPS avg but with VOID the avg is more like 80FPS. Still great, but this is also stock-stripped so once I add in alllll my other mods it's more like 20FPS

Also what's up with the new logging file location? It was really hard to find.

TBH tho I can get most of the displayed data from KER and use kOS for the logging, so this isn't a huge deal for me. But I do still like the redundant displays and the logging

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  On 6/11/2020 at 5:39 AM, Drew Kerman said:

Going to have to argue against the 1.9.1 tag for this mod @linuxgurugamer

Running in 1.9.1 I still can't access the Vessel Info window (errors in log), the VAB and in-game HUD displays aren't transparent and something is dragging performance way down - without VOID I can load a rocket (stock Beta Centaurus) to the pad and get 130FPS avg but with VOID the avg is more like 80FPS. Still great, but this is also stock-stripped so once I add in alllll my other mods it's more like 20FPS

Also what's up with the new logging file location? It was really hard to find.

TBH tho I can get most of the displayed data from KER and use kOS for the logging, so this isn't a huge deal for me. But I do still like the redundant displays and the logging


I'll take a look, but please supply the Player.log, it has different and more important info than the KSP.log

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  On 6/11/2020 at 5:39 AM, Drew Kerman said:

Running in 1.9.1 I still can't access the Vessel Info window (errors in log)


Just tested in a 1.9.1 install, works for me, I need the other log

  On 6/11/2020 at 11:13 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

the VAB and in-game HUD displays aren't transparent


You can change the skin by going into Configuration and cycling through the skins, in the middle of the VOID Configuration window, there are two buttons, one pointing left and one pointing right

  On 6/11/2020 at 5:39 AM, Drew Kerman said:

something is dragging performance way down


Obviously those errors are dragging the performance down.


  On 6/11/2020 at 5:39 AM, Drew Kerman said:

Also what's up with the new logging file location? It was really hard to find.


You mean the Player.log?  That's KSP, nothing to do with VOID.

Might help to read the following:

Read this BEFORE asking for supporthttp://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/

  On 3/5/2020 at 6:43 PM, Drew Kerman said:

I also thought the CSV logger wasn't working but after some digging I finally found it was being written out to a folder in the ToadicusTools folder rather than the actual save folder. Didn't see anything in the change logs for TT or VOID so wondering if this was an intentional change or something leftover from development?


Now that's a legit issue.  Turns out it's a bug which never showed up in the previous version of Unity.  I'll fix it, but will wait for your log file,  in case there is something else to fix

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  On 6/11/2020 at 11:36 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

Just tested in a 1.9.1 install, works for me, I need the other log


Here you go. Again, stock-stripped and taking the stock Beta Centaurus out to the pad to toggle the Vessel Info window.

  On 6/11/2020 at 11:36 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

You can change the skin by going into Configuration and cycling through the skins, in the middle of the VOID Configuration window, there are two buttons, one pointing left and one pointing right


Nope that's not it. I included screenshots with the logs (that also shows the error I get trying to view the Vessel Info). The KSP Skin is not supposed to show a window around the text at all - historically at least

  On 6/11/2020 at 11:36 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

You mean the Player.log?  That's KSP, nothing to do with VOID.


No, sorry I was talking about the CSV log but you figured it out later in the post

Edited by Drew Kerman
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  On 6/11/2020 at 7:43 PM, Drew Kerman said:

Nope that's not it. I included screenshots with the logs (that also shows the error I get trying to view the Vessel Info). The KSP Skin is not supposed to show a window around the text at all - historically at least


There are 5 or 6 different skins available, please try cycling through them.

Also, I suspect that something in the csv logging may be very bad, it's been crashing my game

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  On 6/11/2020 at 10:18 PM, Drew Kerman said:

say what? I only had the two options shown in the screenshots.

Something is very screwy here :/ I downloaded from the Github repo


In the thrid screenshot, the one which sows the Void Configuration.  Look at the middle of the window, where it says

Skin  <   GameSkin   >

Try clicking those arrows, they will cycle you through the different skins available

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  On 6/11/2020 at 10:49 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

In the thrid screenshot, the one which sows the Void Configuration.  Look at the middle of the window, where it says

Skin  <   GameSkin   >

Try clicking those arrows, they will cycle you through the different skins available


in the VAB I only have two options, KSPSkin and GameSkin. In flight I only have three options, KSPSkin, KSPSkin(Clone) and GameSkin. None of them are successful at showing Vessel data although the (Clone) skin does remove the windows - but as I recall only the HUD data was transparent in past builds. If that's a change it's no big deal. I don't use the HUDs anyways just thought I'd mention it as an issue since I recalled them being transparent in the past

I also tried downloading from SpaceDock too just in case the GitHub repo didn't actually have the latest release. And I also took out both expansions

Edited by Drew Kerman
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  • 9 months later...

So I started using VOID again, and in-game, I'm getting a constant stream of nullrefs that never stops, when I activate the Vessel Information display..From the messages, seems to be related to `KSP.Localization.Localizer.GetStringByTag`....
Also, immediately upon launch, and before even getting to try to open the Vessel Information by clicking the VOID toolbar button, I get a stream of messages, something about the KER vessel simulation code... (I know VOID uses a lot of the KER code under the hood)

Anyone else seeing this?

I am on 1.11.2 & VOID v1.1.10.2 & ToadicusTools Contiinued v022.4.3... latest ClicThrou Blocker & Toolbar Controller...

Heres muh logs, hope it helps vOv :

on GoogleDrive


Also, as a feature request, @linuxgurugamer, would it be possible/a lot of wor to be able to toggle off the GPS info?
I sometimes use KerbalGPS, and having the info automatically displayed in VOID, kind of defeats the "realism" effect of having KGPS installed? vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 3/21/2021 at 12:10 PM, Stone Blue said:

So I started using VOID again, and in-game, I'm getting a constant stream of nullrefs that never stops, when I activate the Vessel Information display..From the messages, seems to be related to `KSP.Localization.Localizer.GetStringByTag`....
Also, immediately upon launch, and before even getting to try to open the Vessel Information by clicking the VOID toolbar button, I get a stream of messages, something about the KER vessel simulation code... (I know VOID uses a lot of the KER code under the hood)

Anyone else seeing this?

I am on 1.11.2 & VOID v1.1.10.2 & ToadicusTools Contiinued v022.4.3... latest ClicThrou Blocker & Toolbar Controller...

Heres muh logs, hope it helps vOv :

on GoogleDrive


Also, as a feature request, @linuxgurugamer, would it be possible/a lot of wor to be able to toggle off the GPS info?
I sometimes use KerbalGPS, and having the info automatically displayed in VOID, kind of defeats the "realism" effect of having KGPS installed? vOv


I'll take a look, but no promises.  This looks like VOID is using a localization key which doesn't exist any more.  Once I figure out which one, would be an easy fix.

Regarding GPS, no idea.  I don't  use this mod, will have to see what it takes to disable  the gps.  Probably not a lot of work, but I need to find it first

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@linuxgurugamer - any chance of getting VOID to report in hours / days instead of (or in addition to) years? I'm playing a resized Kerbin (2.667x scale) and 1Y is less useful as a reporting measure when I don't actually know how many days are in a year at my scale. (I was actually hoping to get that data from VOID) Maybe I'm just not using it correctly, or the info is available somewhere else and I just missed it?

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  • 7 months later...

Somehow, I've lost the icon for VOID, or the mod isn't running.  I tried running with only the mods automatically installed by CKAN when selecting VOID, but it still isn't showing.

The logs are here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vqrA8CiBbAGKT-CerIOXISyHH48mVC-N?usp=sharing , I think that link should work for anyone.

Using the Steam Linux game, both DLCs installed.

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