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[1.2.2] Through The Eyes Of A Kerbal (1st person EVA) continued [1.1.1] (Apr 1, 2017)


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Mod Edit: There is a new maintainer for this project. The new thread is here:


This is a continuation of the abandoned Through the eyes of a kerbal - 1st person EVA (a.k.a. Force IVA) mod by @Chronothan


Supported KSP version: 1.2

License: GPLv3

Source code: on GitHub

Download from SpaceDock

By default, the in-game "Camera Mode" (i.e. "C") key is used to switch to first person view while on EVA.

Besides that, the mod enables you to restrict view to IVA and disable Map view when restricted to IVA. For those options see the configuration file in the PluginData folder of the mod.
If using those features the Part Wizard Continued mod is recommended to have access to righ-click menu actions from within IVA or first person EVA.

Edited by Supernovy
New thread, new maintainer again.
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  On 10/24/2016 at 12:48 PM, Ser said:

As far as I know @linuxgurugamer is going to maintain Hullcam VDS. If he needs any help I'll cooperate, of course.



I only asked because he mentioned Hullcam was giving him some trouble. And with his numerous other mods. I can totally understand him not jumping at the chance to deal with a stubborn one. :)


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Happy to see this mod revived. Thanks!

Something you might want to look at and consider a change/fix for when you have time is that with default "jet rotate" keys (Q,E) the kerbal will rotate but the first person view doesn't move with it (i.e. if the body turns right, the head ends up facing left). IMO an ideal fix would be an option to "lock" the first person view so that it follows the kerbals body when you rotate.

Either way I'm still glad to have the mod and I can live with and get used to it being the way it is currently.


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  On 10/24/2016 at 4:46 PM, Gianni1122 said:

Something you might want to look at and consider a change/fix for when you have time is that with default "jet rotate" keys (Q,E) the kerbal will rotate but the first person view doesn't move with it (i.e. if the body turns right, the head ends up facing left). IMO an ideal fix would be an option to "lock" the first person view so that it follows the kerbals body when you rotate.



The more weird thing is when your kerbal is falling he rotates around the steady camera. Yes, that is caused by the way how the flight camera is treated by the game and, of course, I've tried to do something about that but... KSP cameras just get me out of self control. The most logical solution was to force the LOCKED mode but when a kerbal walks on EVA he tries to follow the view and that causes even more crappiness. So it seems that proper camera handling requires a total rewrite of the stock flight camera behavior including moving the view with mouse.

I guess Hullcam VDS has some different approach and I hope when it gets updated its author would share some secrets.


  On 10/25/2016 at 1:38 AM, arcean_craft said:

I'm having trouble getting this mod to work, I drop it into the game data file... nothing. then the plugin data file...nothing.

Am I doing something wrong?


would be nice to see your logs (as a dropbox download, for example) and a screenshot of your directory structure.

EDIT: the logs are in the file "KSP.log" in the root folder of your game installation.

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so, just wondering,: is it possible to play a career 1st person only (and still use map-view).

And for probes, use the control-room-mod, right?


That would be great and would enforce using hullcams. Sounds neat.

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  On 10/25/2016 at 9:25 AM, Speadge said:

so, just wondering,: is it possible to play a career 1st person only (and still use map-view).

And for probes, use the control-room-mod, right?



As for this mod, there are options "ForceIVA"and "ForceEVA" for that. Also you'll need a good functional IVA replacements for your cockpits and Part Commander.

I saw a video on youtube where a guy has got to the Mun using only IVA and maths, and no Map view. But that's a true hardcore.

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  On 10/25/2016 at 9:32 AM, Ser said:

As for this mod, there are options "ForceIVA"and "ForceEVA" for that. Also you'll need a good functional IVA replacements for your cockpits and Part Commander.

I saw a video on youtube where a guy has got to the Mun using only IVA and maths, and no Map view. But that's a true hardcore.


is there an option to keep the mapview-option enabled while forcing IVA/EVA view?

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  On 10/25/2016 at 10:13 AM, Speadge said:

so did u try if if works with the control-room mod for probe- vessels? Or how does it behave on remote-controlled vessels?


I haven't tried that so have no idea. Let me know if you run into any issues with that.

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  On 10/25/2016 at 9:32 AM, Ser said:

As for this mod, there are options "ForceIVA"and "ForceEVA" for that. Also you'll need a good functional IVA replacements for your cockpits and Part Commander.

I saw a video on youtube where a guy has got to the Mun using only IVA and maths, and no Map view. But that's a true hardcore.


Actually, using displays from RPM you don't even need that much math :) 

Part Commander... Hm, I used to use VesselView for that kind of stuff, but that one seems to fit the bill. Thanks!
(oh, and thanks for reviving this mod, obviously!)

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Just noticed one more weirdness caused by those KSP flight cameras: when you go on EVA in space, the 1st person view orientation is wrong with a high probability as it faces the direction which regular  EVA camera would (aligned by navball disregarding the kerbal's own rotation). I'll try to find a way to get it right along with similar orientation issues but for now you can do the following:

While on EVA, switch camera to the CHASE mode, engage the jet pack and press "space" to orient your kerbal to view. Then switch to 1st person. This should do what it says: orient your kerbal about right according the view.

EDIT: fixed with version 1.1.0

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Is there a way that on 1st person EVA the kebal turns with its head movement?

its kinda annoying to turn with keys AND turn view with mouse. Makes me hate EVA.

Edit: and is there a way to use ASAS on IVA (RPM installed)?

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  On 11/3/2016 at 1:42 PM, Speadge said:

Is there a way that on 1st person EVA the kebal turns with its head movement?



What's the problem turning your kerbal with turn keys? The view stays fixed relative to his body

  On 11/3/2016 at 1:42 PM, Speadge said:

its kinda annoying to turn with keys AND turn view with mouse. Makes me hate EVA.



Are you sure you're using the latest 1.1.0 version of the mod? In that version the view should follow kerbal's body while turning.

  On 11/3/2016 at 1:42 PM, Speadge said:

Edit: and is there a way to use ASAS on IVA (RPM installed)?


What do you mean? Ability to select ASAS modes?

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  On 11/3/2016 at 2:08 PM, Ser said:

What's the problem turning your kerbal with turn keys? The view stays fixed relative to his body


well, thats no answer :D
i am using the mouse on IVA all the time to turn the head to the controls or to zoom in. Also i have to use it to look slightly up / down.

so it would be neat if the kerbal turns right, when i turn right with my view, like in every 1st person game.

  On 11/3/2016 at 2:08 PM, Ser said:

Are you sure you're using the latest 1.1.0 version of the mod? In that version the view should follow kerbal's body while turning.


nope, not sure. might have tested it with my old install, since i paused to wait for 1.2.1 and havent got an update-notice on launch :wink:
Anyway turing by mouse would make it perfect.

  On 11/3/2016 at 2:08 PM, Ser said:

What do you mean? Ability to select ASAS modes?


Yep, thats what i was looking for.

since its very hard to fly by navball in IVA anyway, it would be great to be able to lock orientation pro- / retrograde somehow... and use the other "hold"-modes.
Currently, i have to use mapview to change the modes.

Thanks for your help

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  On 11/3/2016 at 2:21 PM, Speadge said:

i am using the mous on IVA all the time to turn the head to the controls or to zoom in. Also i have to use it to look slightly up / down.

so it would be neat if the kerbal turns right, when i turn right with my view, like in every 1st person game.


Not every :) In such an advanced game as Arma there are separate keys to move just your view to look around. But yes, when you're aiming with mouse the whole body moves.

I'd say having separate controls for moving the view and the body is far more realistic than arcade shooter way. 1: IRL astronauts have to explicitly use space suit's controls to turn and move while floating in space 2: It lets you to save your EVA fuel when you want just look around 3: If we speak of walking EVA, that should not bother you too much as a kerbal turns the way he looks once he starts walking.

If that's not enough, I could look If I can implement a mode when a kerbal turns with mouse movement but I still think that it is redundant.

  On 11/3/2016 at 2:21 PM, Speadge said:

Currently, i have to use mapview to change the modes.


Yeah, that's bad. But i don't know what to recommend to you at the moment. Maybe some IVA replacements would implement that.

  On 11/3/2016 at 2:21 PM, Speadge said:

since its very hard to fly by navball in IVA anyway, it would be great to be able to lock orientation pro- / retrograde somehow... and use the other "hold"-modes.


What so hard in flying by navball? All you need to know is your orientation relative to prograde/retrograde/normal/radial - exactly the thing navball provides to you. Using the natural view on a celestial body is the least precise way.

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  On 11/3/2016 at 3:22 PM, Ser said:

What so hard in flying by navball? All you need to know is your orientation relative to prograde/retrograde/normal/radial - exactly the thing navball provides to you. Using the natural view on a celestial body is the least precise way.


its hard to "hold" the EXACT orientation

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok, me again.

I checked some old manley videos where he had the altimeter overlay and the navball overlay INSIDE the cockpit IVA displayed.
Would this be possible? would make the gameplay so much less frustrating.

Thanks in advance

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  On 11/14/2016 at 1:20 PM, Speadge said:

ok, me again.

I checked some old manley videos where he had the altimeter overlay and the navball overlay INSIDE the cockpit IVA displayed.
Would this be possible? would make the gameplay so much less frustrating.

Thanks in advance


Could you give a link to the video because Manley has lots of 'em

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