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[Minimum KSP: 1.12.2] Heisenberg - Airships Part Pack

Angelo Kerman

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48 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

A KAS option would be to have an engineer get out and link up KAS ports on the deck and aircraft

That is how my biplanes are fixed on the flight deck. I used telescopic joints from KAS-1.0. I've had some issues on landing gear exploding during undocking, but KJR would probably fix this.

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17 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

Ok, you can take off... but can you land on that thing?

Like I've said, it is possible :)

Airship is moving at half speed. Relative velocity is about 10 m/s, so aiming is not very hard.


Arresting gear and hook are from mod Aircraft Carrier Accessories

It is very useful that arresting gear not only stops the plane, but also holds it on the flight deck while airship is braking.


Airship is now air-parked (for kerbals can only can walk on the flight deck when vessel is "landed").

Setting the Sun manually (c) :)


When plane is finally pushed to it's place, it can be fixed with KAS telescopic joint.


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1 hour ago, Shnyrik said:

Like I've said, it is possible :)

Airship is moving at half speed. Relative velocity is about 10 m/s, so aiming it is not very hard.

Arresting gear and hook are from mod Aircraft Carrier Accessories

It is very useful that arresting gear not only stops the plane, but also holds it on the flight deck while airship is braking.

Airship is now air-parked (for kerbals can only can walk on the flight deck when vessel is "landed").

Setting the Sun manually (c) :)

When plane is finally pushed to it's place, it can be fixed with KAS telescopic joint.

Holy cats, that is AWESOME! You definitely have the concept of the flying aircraft carrier down. Thank you for those pics, that keeps me inspired. As I mentioned earlier, I was getting discouraged by all the complaints. Seeing stuff like this definitely renews my interest.

I'll have to put a link to Aircraft Carrier Accessories on the original post, along with AirPark (though it sounds like its future is in question, so I might have to build in a version into the Airships plugin). Do you mind if I link some of your pictures on the original post?

I'm definitely planning on a service bay- think 10m airship hull with a dome-shaped service area that you can put stuff in. That would also cut down on the number of parts I need to make- you could stuff MOLE habitation parts into the service bay, with room to spare, for instance. The inline hangar and elevator are definitely going to happen as well. Ideally you'll have flight deck parts that you can fit between two airship hulls, but we'll see.

Anyway, I need to get DSEV parts done before I can do more with the Heisenberg.

Thanks again for posting your pictures! :)

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@Angel-125 have you looked into SM's or even Fengist's Maritime packs, or the Large Boat Parts for ideas on implementing hangar decks/elevators, or even large seperate "airship" parts?... I assume you have, but ust HAD to mention it in case not... :wink:

5 hours ago, Shnyrik said:

And something like optical landing system would be very useful for static (parked with AirPark mod) airship. But it is not impossible for airship in movement: low relative speed would make landing as easy as mid-air docking :)

Something like this?

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13 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

@Angel-125 have you looked into SM's or even Fengist's Maritime packs, or the Large Boat Parts for ideas on implementing hangar decks/elevators, or even large seperate "airship" parts?... I assume you have, but ust HAD to mention it in case not... :wink:

I looked briefly at them, yes. I know that you can make aircraft elevators by animating the elevator, and the aircraft will be raised and lowered. That's no problem. :) For the inline hangar and elevator, that's just a variant on the standard hull that I have. For the hangar parts that would be slung between airship hulls, that's more of a challenge, but I think I can work it.

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And then there's this:


:) I ran into some problems with getting the airlock hatches to work. bottom line is I have to slice off the rings on the end and create a separate part from them. Either that or add hatches to the airship hull parts, not sure which, but making an access ring with a 1-crew capacity would solve the problem. The other option is to put the hatch on one of the corners of the deck. I'll have t play around with it...

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The more I think about it, After lopping off the end rings, the service bay will be a half-cylinder- perfect to serve as the basis for the hangar system. A box-like part could then fit on top of the service bay and form the flight deck. You would avoid closing the service bay doors. Another box-like part would have an aircraft elevator. Then you'd need a part that closes the gaps, and another square plate that you could fit on the current airship hulls. Just brainstorming here...

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9 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

Do you mind if I link some of your pictures on the original post?

Of course, you can.

9 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

I'll have to put a link to Aircraft Carrier Accessories on the original post, along with AirPark

Probaply, I should also mention, that I borrowed flight deck parts from Maritime pack.

8 hours ago, Stone Blue said:


Thank you. I'll try it.

UPD. Just noticed, that the latest version of Aircraft Carrier Accessories actually allready has an OLS.

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5 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

The more I think about it, After lopping off the end rings, the service bay will be a half-cylinder- perfect to serve as the basis for the hangar system. .

That's exactly what I was coming here to suggest, after seeing the picture you posted to the "What did I do in KSP today" thread.  :)

Leaving off the end caps makes the part much more versatile, even if it didn't solve any of the problems you're running into.

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I redesigned the Service Bay, now called the Hangar Deck, to get rid of the rings on the end, and figured out how to get the crew hatches to work.


Here's a picture with the hangar open:


And a quick build to show how it looks with other airship hulls:



The hangar deck serves as the basis for the Heisenber's flight deck system. Simply add a flight deck component atop the hangar, and you've got a runway. Add an elevator component to lift your aircraft up to the flight deck or down to the hangar deck for storage. A special dome-shaped part will make the hangar seamless against the other airship hulls. While I could make the hangar/flight deck one part, I've found that you wouldn't be able to use the hatches built into the floor, and you'd need a special part at either end of the hangar that has crew hatches.

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18 hours ago, Shnyrik said:


Of course, you can.

Probaply, I should also mention, that I borrowed flight deck parts from Maritime pack.

Thank you. I'll try it.

UPD. Just noticed, that the latest version of Aircraft Carrier Accessories actually allready has an OLS.

Awesome, thank you much! :) Here is a WIP of the IVA for the above Hangar Deck. It's a pilot's ready room:


Now I just need some squadron patches to put up on the walls, and maybe some plane shots from @adsii1970's Kerny Kerman journals...

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Start of the Flight Deck System. Here is the first part. Here you can see that you attach it to the Hangar Deck. There is a name tag on the flight deck that works just like the name tags on the hull pieces.




NOTE: This is a Work in Progress (WIP), so the end caps aren't done yet, and I need to make glow maps that outline the deck at night. The nice thing is that with the Flight Deck, I can make a flight deck extension piece (just the flat top), and the aircraft elevator. :)

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Just browsing in - looks awesome.  One question: Have you thought of having Hanger support integrated?  I could see the elevator being a Hanger dock, and the hanger decks being Hanger extensions.  (And maybe have an endcap that's another Hanger dock, if people don't want to use the elevator.)

My only other question is how much work I'll need to do to get the parts working in 1.1.3...  :wink:

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46 minutes ago, DStaal said:

Just browsing in - looks awesome.  One question: Have you thought of having Hanger support integrated?  I could see the elevator being a Hanger dock, and the hanger decks being Hanger extensions.  (And maybe have an endcap that's another Hanger dock, if people don't want to use the elevator.)

My only other question is how much work I'll need to do to get the parts working in 1.1.3...  :wink:

I've thought about it briefly, but don't know anything about Hangar, so I don't know how hard it would be to integrate it. Besides, I like seeing aircraft in the hangar bay. :)

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I figure you can always leave them out if you want.  :wink:  I just like Hanger to counter my constant framerate issues on things, and it seems like a good fit.  From the docs, it looks like basically what you'd do is add a couple of special colliders and then tell Hanger about them in the cfg.

Anyway, it just looked like a natural fit, if you were interested.  Either way, this looks like a good way to explore Kerbin or possibly a couple of other planets.

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Last image of the night:


Got the Storage Gondola done. :) It holds as much as the Buffalo Wagon. For the next release, I plan to have the command gondola, storage gondola, passenger gondola, and gondola fairing. That and the initial flight deck parts are the bare minimum for the mod.

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Is it possible to make larger diameter parts? Like in the 15-20m range, or even larger? I just looked up the stats on the Hindenburg, which wasn't even the largest airship ever built, and it was 40 meters in diameter. I think including some different form factors would add a lot of variety to this part pack :)

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1 hour ago, Red Dwarf said:

Is it possible to make larger diameter parts? Like in the 15-20m range, or even larger? I just looked up the stats on the Hindenburg, which wasn't even the largest airship ever built, and it was 40 meters in diameter. I think including some different form factors would add a lot of variety to this part pack :)

Why? What did you have in mind? I wasn't planning on making larger diameter parts. I originally considered making 7.5m diameter hulls and then 15m hulls, but I settled upon 10m diameter because that is what seems to fit in the KSP hangar. My reference design is 75m long, which is a challenge to make in the stock hangar. A larger diameter hull would mean I'd have to make whole new parts, including hulls, hangar deck, flight deck/elevator, and accessories. That's just too much work. But nothing's stopping you from taking the existing parts and re-scaling them to suit your needs. You could simply go into the config files and edit the "rescaleFactor" to, say, 2, and that would give you parts that are twice their current size. I'd suggest multiplying the lift-factor by 8 and the mass by 4 if you do that though.

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2 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

Why? What did you have in mind? I wasn't planning on making larger diameter parts. I originally considered making 7.5m diameter hulls and then 15m hulls, but I settled upon 10m diameter because that is what seems to fit in the KSP hangar. My reference design is 75m long, which is a challenge to make in the stock hangar. A larger diameter hull would mean I'd have to make whole new parts, including hulls, hangar deck, flight deck/elevator, and accessories. That's just too much work. But nothing's stopping you from taking the existing parts and re-scaling them to suit your needs. You could simply go into the config files and edit the "rescaleFactor" to, say, 2, and that would give you parts that are twice their current size. I'd suggest multiplying the lift-factor by 8 and the mass by 4 if you do that though.

I didn't know the rescaling thing was an option. I'll keep that in mind! I guess my dream for a zeppelin mod is complete modularity, kind of like how we have with airplane wings, but with airship frames. My ideas for airship designs are a bit broader than the classic cigar profile, but I understand if that's outside your design scope for this mod. If I want to do what I want to do, I'd probably have better luck making a mod myself :P

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