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[1.12.x] SXT Continued


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  On 12/15/2016 at 5:46 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Can you post an image and/or a craft file showing the problem?



Desired result:


Actual result:


These little buggers:


have their orientation parallel to the truck surface, instead of intuitive "perpendicular to the surface" as most common nodes in stock do. Additionally, with the wheel blocks being symmetrical, you never know whether the orientation is "front" or "back" so even if you know the nodes are oriented "sideways" you must hover your part and hope for the best because you don't know if the node you attach it by needs to face forwards or backwards.

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The Mk2 angle parts (the 10 degree and 22.5 degree Mk2 fuselage pieces) currently only attach on one end and on the sides, making them rather useless. I imagine it's a node issue in the cfg file, but I don't know how those things work yet so I can't propose a fix.

Also, are you making parts for this or just keeping it working? 

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I'm having an issue with my 1.2.x and with my 1.1.x games (old thread was closed, so I'm asking here for the 1.1.x version). for some reason when SXT is installed, the engines it modifies or adds (or most of them at least) have no resources (i.e no stats showing consumption, isp, etc.), making them purely aesthetic. I've tried making an MM patch that converts the module: ModuleEnginesFX to ModuleEngines (as the engines I've found in the squad folder have this module listed as such on most of their engines) and have the patch loaded last but it hasn't fixed anything. I've searched everywhere for someone with the same issue but came up empty so hoping someone here might know of a fix.

Edited by shoe7ess
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  On 12/21/2016 at 11:51 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

How did you install it?

Log file, please

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  On 12/21/2016 at 11:39 PM, shoe7ess said:

I'm having an issue with my 1.2.x and with my 1.1.x games (old thread was closed, so I'm asking here for the 1.1.x version). for some reason when SXT is installed, the engines it modifies or adds (or most of them at least) have no resources (i.e no stats showing consumption, isp, etc.), making them purely aesthetic. I've tried making an MM patch that converts the module: ModuleEnginesFX to ModuleEngines (as the engines I've found in the squad folder have this module listed as such on most of their engines) and have the patch loaded last but it hasn't fixed anything. I've searched everywhere for someone with the same issue but came up empty so hoping someone here might know of a fix.


You mentioned here that you are asking about the 1.1.x, but you pasted (yuck!) the entire log into this thread for 1.2.2

I'm not supporting the 1.1 version.

Is the issue with your 1.1 or your 1.2 game?


upload it to a file sharing site, put it in Dropbox, Google drive, etc.


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among other things:

You have a large number of exceptions in the log.  Also, not all mods are updated

ContractConfigurator is not current

There is a gap of an hour in the log file, I don't know why, unless you started it and came back in an hour

and you have so much in there, it's hard to figure out what's going on.

You are going to have to make a clean install, add SXT and then the other mods, one or a few at a time until you find the problems.  There is probably a conflict with another mod which is causing your problems

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  On 12/22/2016 at 12:47 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

among other things:

You have a large number of exceptions in the log.  Also, not all mods are updated

ContractConfigurator is not current

There is a gap of an hour in the log file, I don't know why, unless you started it and came back in an hour

and you have so much in there, it's hard to figure out what's going on.

You are going to have to make a clean install, add SXT and then the other mods, one or a few at a time until you find the problems.  There is probably a conflict with another mod which is causing your problems


It was the latest version I have. I know I have errors with other mods, and probably more on the non-1.2.x build, however the 1.1.x version worked fine until I started playing again (about 6 months went by, added in a couple of mods here and there, but no overhauls). I'll create a new install with just SXT and see how that goes. For reference, this is what I'm seeing:
Screenshot - http://imgur.com/a/Q2yB1

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  On 12/22/2016 at 12:36 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

You mentioned here that you are asking about the 1.1.x, but you pasted (yuck!) the entire log into this thread for 1.2.2

I'm not supporting the 1.1 version.

Is the issue with your 1.1 or your 1.2 game?


upload it to a file sharing site, put it in Dropbox, Google drive, etc.



I apologize, I don't know the protocol for posting logs, I'll use pastebin next time. I usually figure these issues out on my own, but this one is a little strange. Yes, this is for my 1.2 game as my 1.1 game has a billion mods in it and I wouldn't know what part of the log that you needed for that. Like I said, the 1.1 version has so many mods that you'll likely point to a compatibility issue, but I know it's not from another mod as it worked last time I played (no part mods have been added since). I fixed up the MM so I will see if it fixes the issue, if not I will just start with SXT as the only mod in my 1.2 and add in the other engine mods I use 3-5 at a time until it breaks and I find out what what could be causing the issue. For future reference, which part of the log file do you need?

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The log file has been placed inside a spoiler to make viewing the thread more bearable.

As indicated, a third party file sharing site is the appropriate way to share that large a volume of information on the forum.

Long posts such as the one in question seriously mess up users on mobile devices and create huge lag for almost everybody.

Thanks for your understanding.

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  On 12/22/2016 at 1:44 AM, Starhawk said:

The log file has been placed inside a spoiler to make viewing the thread more bearable.

As indicated, a third party file sharing site is the appropriate way to share that large a volume of information on the forum.

Long posts such as the one in question seriously mess up users on mobile devices and create huge lag for almost everybody.

Thanks for your understanding.


For sure man, I'm working on getting the double-post removed, because it's causing my PC to lag like crazy and I have a beast, I apologize for that :/

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I would make a suggestion of including a description of what this mod is.  I followed all the links, and they essentially just say it's a revival of the mod, but not exactly what the mod is or how it extends the stock parts.  Don't mean to sound entitled, obviously you've put a lot of work into this and you aren't obligated to writeup a description. Just a suggestion. Maybe one of your users could post a brief description that would make it easy for you to copy/paste.  Cheers.

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  On 12/23/2016 at 1:37 AM, shoe7ess said:

As an update to the issue, it seems when I remove the staging icon (which as far as I can tell isn't used anymore, looking through the squad engines), it tends to correct the issue.


Not sure what you mean.  Do you mean the line like: 

stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_HOR


Squad still uses it, but its possible something changed.  Whinh ones did you remove it from?

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Bug found. 

Folding wings (SXTWingSmallFolding part) don't allow you to change Pitch, Yaw and Roll settings (particularly ignorePitchignoreYaw and ignoreRoll, which are always set to TRUE, making wing totally uncontrollable).

The only way to counter it is to manually edit .craft file with wings unfolded. But when you fold/unfold the wings control settings are gone again.

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  On 12/24/2016 at 9:41 AM, Dr. Jet said:

Bug found. 

Folding wings (SXTWingSmallFolding part) don't allow you to change Pitch, Yaw and Roll settings (particularly ignorePitchignoreYaw and ignoreRoll, which are always set to TRUE, making wing totally uncontrollable).

The only way to counter it is to manually edit .craft file with wings unfolded. But when you fold/unfold the wings control settings are gone again.


I assume this is with the new version I released yesterday.  I see the problem, thanks.

Next time you report a bug, please include the log file

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  On 12/24/2016 at 6:17 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

I assume this is with the new version I released yesterday.  I see the problem, thanks.

Next time you report a bug, please include the log file


This was fixed with the new release of Retractable Lifting Surface Module today: 0.1.1

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The "Lark" is awesome... loving this unique part. I did however go into the .cfg file and remove the module ModuleLiftingSurface, because every time I hit a big jump the Rover flipped over backwards LOL

Thanks for your work on continuing this mod.

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  On 12/23/2016 at 8:35 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Not sure what you mean.  Do you mean the line like: 

stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_HOR


Squad still uses it, but its possible something changed.  Whinh ones did you remove it from?


I'm re-downloading it now. Adding RealFuels and RealFuelsStock to the game made all the engines work. One thing that for whatever reason allowed a few engines to work from various mods was changing the engine module name from EngineModuleFX to EngineModule, which fixed a handful (not sure this was the cause, but some engines worked afterwards so maybe it was a realplume MM config that somehow got copied from my 1.1.x install or something strange like that), however they then all looked like they were firing at full thrust before, during, and after launch (not very pleasing to listen to or watch). So I removed SXT and everything worked but a few engines (including an early squad engine), however I believe another mod was interacting with that part in some way, just don't know which.
One line of the KW Rocketry engines was suffering from the issue as well even without SXT, and when I went in and removed the staging icons it actually allowed a few of the "dead" engines to work, but still had one I couldn't get propellant read-outs for.
Now that RF is released however, it has fixed whatever mod(s) were causing the issue. I want to let it be known that I do not believe your mod was the cause of the issue in any way, instead it was just the most noticeable/affected from whatever bug(s) I was experiencing. I'm playing with mods built for 1.2.1, 1.2.2, and 1.2.3, so at this point I'm not worried about trying to find the exact cause, especially since no one else seems to be experiencing it. When all of the mods I'm using are updated for 1.2.3 (probably right before 1.3 comes out :P) I will create a new install through Steam and add a few mods at a time according to my download history to narrow it down. If it's not user error I'll start an issue tracker through github, depending on the mod. 

Thanks for your help through this, and I apologize if it inconvenienced you or anyone else in any way.

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  On 1/1/2017 at 7:42 AM, shoe7ess said:

I'm re-downloading it now. Adding RealFuels and RealFuelsStock to the game made all the engines work. One thing that for whatever reason allowed a few engines to work from various mods was changing the engine module name from EngineModuleFX to EngineModule, which fixed a handful (not sure this was the cause, but some engines worked afterwards so maybe it was a realplume MM config that somehow got copied from my 1.1.x install or something strange like that), however they then all looked like they were firing at full thrust before, during, and after launch (not very pleasing to listen to or watch). So I removed SXT and everything worked but a few engines (including an early squad engine), however I believe another mod was interacting with that part in some way, just don't know which.
One line of the KW Rocketry engines was suffering from the issue as well even without SXT, and when I went in and removed the staging icons it actually allowed a few of the "dead" engines to work, but still had one I couldn't get propellant read-outs for.
Now that RF is released however, it has fixed whatever mod(s) were causing the issue. I want to let it be known that I do not believe your mod was the cause of the issue in any way, instead it was just the most noticeable/affected from whatever bug(s) I was experiencing. I'm playing with mods built for 1.2.1, 1.2.2, and 1.2.3, so at this point I'm not worried about trying to find the exact cause, especially since no one else seems to be experiencing it. When all of the mods I'm using are updated for 1.2.3 (probably right before 1.3 comes out :P) I will create a new install through Steam and add a few mods at a time according to my download history to narrow it down. If it's not user error I'll start an issue tracker through github, depending on the mod. 

Thanks for your help through this, and I apologize if it inconvenienced you or anyone else in any way.


No problem, thanks for letting us know, and I'm glad you got it figured out.

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