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[1.12.2]Sci-Fi Visual Enchancements V-1.6 (high performance alt to SVE)


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Just wanted to say that because im now out of college, have a full time job, and family to take care of i wont be working actively on KSP mods for teh forseable future.  Liscense has been altered to allow free use of assets without asking, so anyone who wishes to use parts of the mod or even continue unofficial development is free to do so.  Now i may eventually get around to an update or so (i still play KSP ofc, just not as much as i used to back in teh day), but i cant make any promises, and i hope everyone enjoys what ive managed to put together thusfar. 


Until i return...

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  On 12/28/2017 at 6:23 PM, DeltaDizzy said:

I think this is a great mod for people who dont have great computers, so i hereby declare i am placing this in maintenance mode and under my care. hope you come back eventually, @panzer1b, and make sure to enjoy whatever you do!




In before DD-SFVE merger.

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This is one of those cool looking visual mods that my computer could handle, sad to see original owner gone, but hey, new owner UNOFFICIAL MOD DEVELOPER AND CONTINUER, mostly.

Link to unofficial Discord:


Edited by Grand Ship Builder
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  On 12/28/2017 at 6:29 PM, Grand Ship Builder said:

This is one of those cool looking visual mods that my computer could handle, sad to see original owner gone, but hey, new owner UNOFFICIAL MOD DEVELOPER AND CONTINUER, mostly.

Link to unofficial Discord:



Not entirely gone, just moving on to other things in life, cant stay a college student my entire life now can i :).  Anyways, good luck with whatever future improvements you wanna make to this, maybee when i go on vacation in a few months (have some plans to go visit my family in europe over the summer and i will have access to computer) ill make a quickie update, but no promises ofc...

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  On 12/28/2017 at 6:49 PM, panzer1b said:

Not entirely gone, just moving on to other things in life, cant stay a college student my entire life now can i :).  Anyways, good luck with whatever future improvements you wanna make to this, maybee when i go on vacation in a few months (have some plans to go visit my family in europe over the summer and i will have access to computer) ill make a quickie update, but no promises ofc...


Yes, thanks.

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  On 12/28/2017 at 6:49 PM, panzer1b said:

Not entirely gone, just moving on to other things in life, cant stay a college student my entire life now can i :).  Anyways, good luck with whatever future improvements you wanna make to this, maybee when i go on vacation in a few months (have some plans to go visit my family in europe over the summer and i will have access to computer) ill make a quickie update, but no promises ofc...


Congratulations and good luck to you with your life moving forward. Thanks for what you made.

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  On 12/28/2017 at 10:48 PM, Galileo said:

@panzer1b I’d happily take this off your hands if you’d let me :) 


Go for it, especially since you defenetely know what ur doing visually as your work with SVE is amazing (really wish i had a comp that could run that and not slow to 2FPS when i load some of my more ambitious starships).  If anyone id defenetely trust that youll keep my mod working, keep the original spirit of the mod (sci-fi style and performance), and make it even better in the future too.

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  On 12/21/2017 at 3:13 PM, Rocket In My Pocket said:

I don't even know what kOS is if that tells you how "must have" it is...

*Looks it up* Oh, the MechJeb you have to code? Cheating is cheating, no matter how you dress it up. In my opinion anyways. (No offense to those that use it.)

This is all getting pretty off-topic as well, let's stick to talking about the Sci-Fi visual enhancements mod in this thread eh?


"Cheating" is like love, 'tis in the eye of the beholder...

No worries rocket! Still on topic! ScifiVE is the coolest visual MOD IMO

kOS >= MechJeb #depending what you're interested in

if == 1

else != 0

The thing I love about KSP overall, is that you can learn so much from the game.

The thing I love about KSP + the modding community is that you can learn even more!


SciFiVE just makes it look cool :cool: 


Thank you for this one panzer1b


  On 12/29/2017 at 12:08 AM, panzer1b said:

comp that could run that and not slow to 2FPS when i load some of my more ambitious starships




Have you tried using linux as an OS to run KSP?

#not promoting now but, I have been a linux user for about 12 >= years, never considered it for games. Then I tried with KSP about 2 months ago. It runs so much better.


I have always dual booted Windows + Fedora, I always use Fedora for what I need a computer for, and always used Windows for its office suite and Games. Really never even thought I would go through the trouble of putting KSP on it... and when I had some free time I tried it... I will never go back. (for KSP that is)

How this might help?

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  On 12/28/2017 at 5:27 PM, panzer1b said:

i hope everyone enjoys what ive managed to put together thusfar.

Until i return...


Wow, how'd I miss that post?

Sorry to hear that man, but at the same time; good for you! Focus on your life and family, enjoy it! I'm sure we all wish you the best.

Thanks again for supporting this mod for so long. I'm not sure I'd still be playing KSP without it, I know; that sounds like exaggeration, it's just a visual mod after all, but seriously. I got to this point where I'd get on and play for a bit and I really wanted to play but something about the game just...depressed me y'know? So I'd turn it off...I couldn't ever put my finger on what it was till I finally stumbled onto this mod, the brighter color palette and sci fi feel just made the game welcoming to me. I've played literally thousands of hours with your mod installed since then. When I see KSP without Sci-Fi Visual enhancements, it's like seeing a strangers house. It's nice...but it'll never be home. Kudos man, and best of luck in all your future endeavors.

Edited by Rocket In My Pocket
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  On 1/7/2018 at 3:11 PM, Jack the Green Ghost said:

How can i get better FPS with that mod im running 5fps whit the mod and 10fps stock in atmosphere can simeone help me please


Sounds like your computer might be really struggling? What are the specs?

What do you have your graphics options set to? What resolution are you playing at?

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  On 1/7/2018 at 3:24 PM, Rocket In My Pocket said:

Sounds like your computer might be really struggling? What are the specs?

What do you have your graphics options set to? What resolution are you playing at?


Laptop: Asus x540sa

Processor: Intel Pentium n3700 2.4GHz

GPU: 1GB (i have no information exept that)

KSP resolution: 1920x1080

Mods: Sci-Fi visual encantments,Better Time Warp,DMP.

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  On 1/8/2018 at 4:41 PM, Jack the Green Ghost said:

Laptop: Asus x540sa

Processor: Intel Pentium n3700 2.4GHz

GPU: 1GB (i have no information exept that)

KSP resolution: 1920x1080

Mods: Sci-Fi visual encantments,Better Time Warp,DMP.


Hmm, well if the card has a Gb of VRAM it can't be that bad, and KSP doesn't need much.

Any idea how much normal RAM you have? You can go to Control panel>System to check.

I'm thinking it's your CPU though, you can try turning max physics delta time up in the game options, should help some.

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  On 1/8/2018 at 4:43 PM, Rocket In My Pocket said:

Hmm, well if the card has a Gb of VRAM it can't be that bad, and KSP doesn't need much.

Any idea how much normal RAM you have? You can go to Control panel>System to check.

I'm thinking it's your CPU though, you can try turning max physics delta time up in the game options, should help some.



Ok ill try TNX

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