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Suspiciously Affirm Your Status As A Human


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Yes,indeed 8/10 how did you not know?                                               

       Greetings,fellow carbon life forms,let us have a productive day of the currency earnings! My name is Hugh Man and we should start our endervour of regular human life by arising from a form of suspended animation known as sleep,sleep consists of mainly entering a state of unconscienceness by will of mind,we then consume our caffinated beverages before urinating and defecating,this has no known use in kerb HUMAN society,before finaly utilising apperal and working the auto-ma-ve-heckle which transports us towards our destination of the highly important cat factory,where industrial machinery is used to create cats from a mold and molten iron,before being imageographed and sent to a local resident, the imageograph is then beamed by scotty onto the battle star galactica, filled with heavy servers,then beamed to global computord screens,this has been Hugh man,good night

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8/10: makes up an arbitrary test, then proves they pass it. Very human. Although 2 points off for repeating it 10 times (insanity=doing the same thing and expecting different results)

My kids are 100% humans (though small ones), They got dna tested to give us a heads up on a hereditary disease on my wifes side.

As kids are 100%, and I'm responsible for half of their genes, I must be at least 50% human.

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1/10 You have the spirit, at least, but I have a Precursor starship.

I contain circulatory and nervous systems, which transport the agents of control, sustenance, and defense throughout my being. My primary mode of locomotion is tool use. My primary mode of strife resolution is tool use. My primary mode of communication is tool use. My primary mode of sensory perception is electromagnetic. My primary mode of assimilation is chemical.

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Was convinced, sort of... until you got wrong.

Hello, yes. I am human. I am very hu- wait, you doubt me? DALEKS ARE NOT DOUBTED! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE! Oh, uh... I mean, I'm very human, I just have episodes sometimes

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6/10 You didn't provide any explanation of why it is funny, so you could be lying.

Why would you accuse me of being nonhuman? Like you, I am merely a Human who lives in Human-built lodging in a Human community on Earth, where we all live. I vote for Human leaders, eat food invented by Humans, and have Human features such as being bipedal, having two of each sensory organ on my head except for my mouth, not re-growing lost body parts, and being radially symmetrical- I mean not being radially symmetrical. Haha.

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4/10 aliens would probably want to know about humans before impersonating.

Anyways, let us continue with our forum-posting and merrily *** SYNTAX ERROR: DIVIDE BY ZERO. PLEASE RESTART YOUR DEVICE. HAVE A NICE DAY AND THANK YOU FOR BUYING SAMSUNG ***

Edited by spacebrick3
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