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[1.7] KVV - Kronal Vessel Viewer = Exploded ship view


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  On 11/15/2017 at 6:59 PM, ROCKETGOOSE said:

Hello! I'm a long time player, but new to the forums. I've used KVV in the past and it's great!
However currently when I open the KVV window all I get is a black screen. I have quite a lot of mods so if anyone knows of any mods which cause this it would be really helpful. 


Some information would be helpful, starting with the log file

What OS?

If windows, are you using OpenGL?

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  On 11/15/2017 at 9:08 PM, ROCKETGOOSE said:

I'm running on windows and yea I'm using OpenGL. Where would I find the log file?  


It's in my sig:

Read this BEFORE asking for supporthttp://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/

Please try it without OpenGL

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  On 11/16/2017 at 4:19 AM, Skywalket said:

Sorry if I was too vague. I meant to confirm if there was supposed to be anything appearing in the FXAA tab of KVV. I just used that cockpit as an example. And if anyone wants to know, the mod is https://spacedock.info/mod/443/Prakasa Aeroworks 


still not sure where you're going with this but AFAIK yes, the parts are supposed to appear in the FXAA tab

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  • 1 month later...

When i download via  CKAN:

Failed to download "https://spacedock.info/mod/1092/Kronal Vessel Viewer Continued/download/0.0.8" - error: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.

What should I do with this?:confused:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I seem to be getting poor performance in the VAB lately and checked the debug console.  I figured out that if I disable the auto preview its fine, and then I can just turn preview back on for taking a pic.  Performance problem persists even if the KVV window is closed.  


KSP log https://drive.google.com/open?id=1d3cuEq6DT-Y3eRtoowYuy69pTTCaaHbf

Output Log https://drive.google.com/open?id=13odozQ60Jy9CXUX-rl-aQr4kd1l9vdBq

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  On 1/31/2018 at 11:42 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Looks like I need to disable the log messages


This only seems to happen when I'm using one of the fairings I added.  The parts seems to function fine otherwise. 

//create a 1.875m fairing
    %name = fairingSize1_5

		%scale = 1.5,1,1.5

	%title = AE-FF1B Airstream Protective Shell (1.875m)
	%description = While the Kerbals at Mission Control were still figuring out how to get their rockets back down to Kerbin safely, the research engineers at FLOOYD were quickly realising that protecting parts on ascent was just as important. Heavy research into two-dimensional-input driven procedural construction was then funded with the hopes of making protective shells for important payloads and interstage areas of the crafts. The protective shells also have the benefit of making the craft more aerodynamic, hopefully saving on precious rocket fuel! 
	%mass = 0.1
	%bulkheadProfiles = size2


        %baseRadius = 0.9375
        %maxRadius = 2.125
        %xSectionHeightMax = 4



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  • 1 month later...

Kronal Vessel Viewer appears to be broken in KSP 1.4+. The icon does not even appear in the VAB. (I suspect it has something to do with the Unity update)

Edited by Osmium
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  • 1 month later...

I hate to be the class idiot, but I'm having trouble getting KVV to work.  I installed the current versions of KVV, ClickThroughBlocker, and ToolBarController (all from Spacedock) and selected "Stock" toolbar in the Toolbar Controller window for KVV to show up on, but the button still doesn't appear in the VAB/SPH.  This was in an otherwise unmodded install of 1.4.1 as well as 1.4.2, both 64-bit Windows.

I simply unzipped the respective zip files I got from Spacedock for all three plugins, and put them in the Gamedata folder.  I read through (several times) the OP's of KVV, ClickThroughBlocker, and ToolBarController, as well as the readme files along with it.  I'm pretty sure I haven't missed anything specific regarding install.  Anybody have any suggestions before I attempt to post a logfile?  I'm still hoping there's a bonehead step I'm overlooking.

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  On 4/23/2018 at 3:49 AM, Raptor9 said:

I hate to be the class idiot, but I'm having trouble getting KVV to work.  I installed the current versions of KVV, ClickThroughBlocker, and ToolBarController (all from Spacedock) and selected "Stock" toolbar in the Toolbar Controller window for KVV to show up on, but the button still doesn't appear in the VAB/SPH.  This was in an otherwise unmodded install of 1.4.1 as well as 1.4.2, both 64-bit Windows.

I simply unzipped the respective zip files I got from Spacedock for all three plugins, and put them in the Gamedata folder.  I read through (several times) the OP's of KVV, ClickThroughBlocker, and ToolBarController, as well as the readme files along with it.  I'm pretty sure I haven't missed anything specific regarding install.  Anybody have any suggestions before I attempt to post a logfile?  I'm still hoping there's a bonehead step I'm overlooking.


Log file, please

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Logfile attached. KSP v1.4.1, 64-bit for Windows.  Only KVV, Toolbar Controller, and ClickThrough Blocker installed.

  Reveal hidden contents

I started the game, went to my Sandbox save. Turned on the Toolbar Controller, selected "None", and then "Stock" for the KVV line within the Toolbar window.  Let me know if there's any other actions you would like me to try for the logfile. :)

Edited by Raptor9
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The issue is that, while the files have been moved to a new folder (KronalVesselViewer), the plugin is still looking for the shaders and button textures in the KronalUtils folder -- those paths have to be updated internally.

Edited by Kerbas_ad_astra
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